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Vampires and 3 yr Olds

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  • Vampires and 3 yr Olds

    I have an almost 4 yr dcg. In the past 2-3 weeks she has wet herself while napping and her mom says she's been doing it during the night too. Plus, she doesnt' want to go to sleep at night. During the halloween season, she said her mom's bf was going to be a vampire. Okay fine. Just thought it was for trick/treating. Yesterday the girl said that they have been watching vampires on tv. What is WRONG with people? I think everything is connected. How do you tell parents that there are things not appropiate for 3 yrs old. Where is common sense?

  • #2
    Common sense has gone the way of common courtesy, the dodo bird, and passenger pigeons.

    That, and a lot of people don't realize how sponge-like little kids really are and that they are actually paying attention even when they don't seem to be.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      I would say "hey listen, your daughter told me that she has been watching scary movies with you and now she has taken to wetting her pant. i was just wondering if you think the two things are connected?". I had to tell a mom a couple of weeks ago that her daughter was scared by a Halloween decoration at their house...I figured I owed it to the lil girl. She told me a couple of times two days in a row that she was afraid of the scarecrow decoration....she is almost 4. Four year olds have such vivid imaginations. poor thing.


      • #4
        I had a three year old talking about watching Jaws a few years ago...Then, he started telling me about the movie Friday (VERY very inappropriate for small children, if you didn't know...). He told me about all the drugs, the guns, the people getting shot, all this stuff a three year old SHOULD NOT know. Then, I said "___, whose movies were you watching?!" He said, "I was good at the doctor so I got to pick them!" OMG. REALLY!? So yes, I understand what you mean...It's very frustrating. You can say something to the parent, but if they think it's okay, they aren't going to change it. Which is sad...very sad. This is the the same boy who ended up almost busting a window out with another kid's head....


        • #5
          i would just mention to the mom that the girl said she watched a movie about vampires and said she's afraid of them. she's 3 - so it could be that she wasn't allowed to "watch a vampire movie" but woke up while her parents were watching one and walked into the room. i've been watching a movie on Lifetime before and my daughter would come into the room when a psycho nanny was about to push the wife she wanted to get rid of down the steps so she could steal the husband - or something crazy like that which typically happens in those movies. I'd turn the channel quickly and send her back to her room only to have her pop her head up 10 minutes later, laughing hysterically, and telling me she was hiding and got to see! I remember being a kid and seeing things I wasn't meant to see and it wasn't because my parents "let me" or wanted me to, but because they were normal adults living normal lives and i was a curious kid.

          It could be that she was allowed to watch a vampire movie, but keep an open mind. I had a 5 year old who was quoting Family Guy all the time and he told me he watched it at night with his dad in the bed. He was quoting some pretty bad things, even cursing, so i did tell his mom, "bobby was saying some vulgar things he said he heard on family guy. he said he watches in bed with his dad so you might want to tell dad."


          • #6
            I had a dcm a few years back bring her 3 yr old to Stephen King's Dreamcatcher....her reasons......she didn't have anyone else to go with?!?!?!?!


            • #7
              I have 2 little boys who watch the Jason and Freddy Crougar(sp??) movies. Nothing creepier then a little boy singing, 1-2 Freddy's coming for you.....


              • #8
                Originally posted by WyoDaycareMom View Post
                I have 2 little boys who watch the Jason and Freddy Crougar(sp??) movies. Nothing creepier then a little boy singing, 1-2 Freddy's coming for you.....
                OMG!! That made me laugh...I have a 3 yr old who goes around singing "Chicka Chicka Wow Wow" One of my other dc parents goes "Isn't that the music/song from those x-rated movies?" I was like,

                I also have one who is 4 and will NOT stop singing "Save big money at Menards!" jingles will get ya every time! ::
                Last edited by Blackcat31; 11-12-2010, 03:12 PM. Reason: wouldn't let me say the word for movies that start with "P"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  OMG!! That made me laugh...I have a 3 yr old who goes around singing "Chicka Chicka Wow Wow" One of my other dc parents goes "Isn't that the music/song from those x-rated movies?" I was like,
                  I had the same thing here! I got her to stop because I just couldn't stand it. She sings other songs that aren't appropriate either but she has teenager sibs so I think she gets a lot of it from them.
                  Celebrate! ::


                  • #10
                    Vampire films have been a staple since the silent days, so much so that the depiction of vampires in popular culture is strongly based upon their depiction in movies throughout the years.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by WyoDaycareMom View Post
                      I have 2 little boys who watch the Jason and Freddy Crougar(sp??) movies. Nothing creepier then a little boy singing, 1-2 Freddy's coming for you.....
                      My parents "allowed" me to watch Freddy when I was 4. I slept under my covers for almost 2 full years. Had nightmares that my parents would buy a cutout of him and set him beside my bed (never had nightmares that the actual character would show up, just the cutout). I had troubles sleeping by myself for a few years even after that. So yes, children's tv should be monitored. I'm not quite sure what my capable, responsible parents were thinking!

