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About That Corn Starch Playdough

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  • About That Corn Starch Playdough

    Someone posted con starrch and conditioner as play doh. It looked great...
    What a mess!

  • #2
    I was going to do that today... what was it like?


    • #3
      Haha.....I know! It looked so soft and fun but the reality - crumbly mess EVERY. WHERE.


      • #4
        It was not so soft here and was a huge mess. No thank you ever again!!!


        • #5
          Thanks for the info. We were going to do it today, maybe not.


          • #6
            A crumbly mess.


            • #7
              I made it and the kids had lots of fun. Now I did not have the directions when I made it so maybe I used more conditioner I would add a bit of water if it was too dry or more conditioner

              It did leave a mess on the table but was easily wiped up. all n all I would call it a success.but I do not plan on doing it again.
              It:: will wait


              • #8
                Glad to know it wasn't just me! I'd found this recipe on pinterest, and when I made it, it looked and felt great, but within minutes it was a crumbly mess. I don't mind a mess, but we wanted playdough!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nothingwithoutjoy View Post
                  Glad to know it wasn't just me! I'd found this recipe on pinterest, and when I made it, it looked and felt great, but within minutes it was a crumbly mess. I don't mind a mess, but we wanted playdough!
                  That's what ours did too. Worked awesome for a few minutes, then crumbs. I'm glad I just made a tiny bit to try it instead of wasting a bunch of conditioner. I like regular playdough, at least it is not a one time deal.


                  • #10
                    Yep, a mess for sure. I don't think I would do that one again!


                    • #11
                      I haven't tried that one, but I had the same problem with the cloud dough (flour and oil).


                      • #12
                        We made the recipe with flour, salt, and cream of tartar yesterday. It worked great!


                        • #13
                          Made it one night and when I opened the bag to use it with the kids I thought, "No way". It went in the garbage without the kids using it. I thought it was me! I guess everyone had trouble with it.


                          • #14
                            I'm sorry, ladies! I was the one who posted it. It worked out fine for us. Maybe it makes a big difference what conditioner you use? I don't know...

                            We ended up adding more conditioner than it called for, because it seemed dry at first. It was probably closer to equal parts of each.

                            We put it in ziploc bags for them to take home, and a couple days later, one mom said it had gotten crumbly. Another said their daughter added regular playdough to it and it was perfect.

                            So I guess there were very mixed results with this recipe. Sorry!!


                            • #15
                              I just thought of something.... did you guys sift your corn starch? That really made it easy to mix.

