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As If There Wasn't Enough Academics Being Taught At A Young Age....

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  • As If There Wasn't Enough Academics Being Taught At A Young Age....

    My response was:
    "Great, so now are parents are going to expect me to teach their preschoolers Algebra? Time to look for a new career... As if kids now aren't getting enough academics shoved down their throats at a young age."

    I'm not much of a math person.... I've always been better at language arts/English.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Starburst View Post

    My response was:
    "Great, so now are parents are going to expect me to teach their preschoolers Algebra? Time to look for a new career... As if kids now aren't getting enough academics shoved down their throats at a young age."

    I'm not much of a math person.... I've always been better at language arts/English.
    The education system through common core here has been overwhelming, frustrating, etc. here, BUT legislation just put it on hold for 2-4 years because they now feel it moved wayyyy tooooo fast for the students. happyfacehappyfacehappyface

    I just hope it stays gone!!!!!


    • #3
      California schools are starting common core this year (after NCLB expires).


      • #4
        States highlighted in green have adopted the Common Core State Standards.

        States highlighted in blue only adopted the Common Core State Standards for English language arts.

        The only states to not adopt CCS are Virginia, Texas, Nebraska, Alaska and Minnesota (although MN did adopt the CCS for English/Language Arts only)


        • #5
          I don't think this means anything of the sort. Even the math curriculum I'm using for my six year old (curriculum aimed at first graders mostly) touches on basic algebraic principles. I really think you're over-thinking this. Any word problems uses algebraic principles and they start those very early. At it's heart Algebra is about solving for an unknown....which is what you're doing when you give a first grader a problem of the form 4 + ? = 5, or a word problem that is "Sally has ten oranges and gives some to her friends. Now she has four. How many oranges did she give away?

          The curriculum I use isn't CCaligned and actually it's several years old, suggesting that this is a strategy that's been around for a long time.

          The article is simply reporting on a study done that proves what many people already knew, which is that even young children have good number sense.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            I don't understand the issue. Whoever placed the tag "curriculum - age appropriate"... it IS age appropriate considering the study determined that preschool age children were able to correctly answer very basic algebra without first being "taught". I just don't see the big deal.

            And from what I read this article has absolutely nothing to do with Common Core. It's simply an article about a study that determined that young children can solve simple algebra problems. No big deal. It's quite interesting, actually.

            ETA: I also don't understand how this article insinuates that preschool teachers are going to be expected to teach advanced algebra. Preschool teachers ALREADY teach basic algebra like the examples Silver gave above.


            • #7
              IDK, when I see anything about math it freaks me out, because I am not a math person. When I think of the term 'algebra', I tend to think of slopes and long complex formulas, but I guess that's just me. But my point was that there are always parents out there who want to push their kids to be "advanced" (even when the parents themselves are considered average- if that). And as I have my own interpritation of what is considered "algebra", they may also have their own interpritations. Just like on a thread from a while ago (about weird requests) I remember when VM said that one lady interviewing for a spot tried to argue with her stating that since she was on food program, VM was responsible for providing breast milk for daycare children under one (when the rules are that the provider could still claim it to food program if the mom provided breast milk and provider feeds it to the infants).

              ETA: I am the one who listed 'Curriculum- age appropriate' because as you stated, it is "age appropriate"; so I don't understand your misunderstanding of that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Starburst View Post

                My response was:
                "Great, so now are parents are going to expect me to teach their preschoolers Algebra? Time to look for a new career... As if kids now aren't getting enough academics shoved down their throats at a young age."

                I'm not much of a math person.... I've always been better at language arts/English.
                And yet the algebra my 6th grade daughter is learning (and semi-understanding) *I* am NOT getting OR understanding and I am in my 30s! How the HELz is a preschooler gonna understand it?


                • #9
                  Miquon has been using this approach for over 40 years. Kids are taught from kindergarten. Circle plus circle equals square. Square is four, and the circles are the same number. What are the circles?

                  I hate common core, but kids ARE capable of understanding some early algebraic ideas pretty early on.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scribbles View Post
                    States highlighted in green have adopted the Common Core State Standards.

                    States highlighted in blue only adopted the Common Core State Standards for English language arts.

                    The only states to not adopt CCS are Virginia, Texas, Nebraska, Alaska and Minnesota (although MN did adopt the CCS for English/Language Arts only)
                    just wanted to point out that the map will soon be outdated as Indiana has decided to dump Common Core standards and is in the process of creating their own state standards. in my opinion, there will always be something new every couple of years...

                    If Gov. Mike Pence signs off, Indiana is poised to officially junk Common Core academic standards despite last minute drama when the bill's author removed his name and voted no. The Indiana Senate today voted 35-13 to concur with the House version of a bill that voids Common Core standards by July 1. Senate Bill 91


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by daycare_jen View Post
                      just wanted to point out that the map will soon be outdated as Indiana has decided to dump Common Core standards and is in the process of creating their own state standards. in my opinion, there will always be something new every couple of years...

                      If I heard the news right here, Tennessee has put the common core standards on hold for 2-4 years as well.

                      Last edited by Annalee; 03-18-2014, 10:01 AM. Reason: add link


                      • #12

                        in the interest of full disclosure...I was just opening up my daughter's math e-book to get her new math work for the week and noticed on the copywright page "aligned to common core standards" sooooooo yeah. newest edition is 2012 which is the one I have. I guess that the stupid CC is *that* pervasive....

                        eh I was wanting to change curriculum anyway....
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

