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Scheduled days off & Provider Plans

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  • Scheduled days off & Provider Plans

    If a parent gives you schedule, a month in advance, and marks days where DCK will not be coming would you make plans to do things if you have no other kids that day? What would you say if the parent then changed last minute and said they wanted to use the day?

    The main reason I ask is I'm taking 4 days off soon, Tues-Friday. The Monday of that week I was planning to work but because of other vacations I only had one DCK scheduled. I was just looking at the schedule for the DCK that is scheduled to be here and DCM marked that she would not be coming on that Monday so now DH wants to leave on Saturday (we're travelling out of town and we'd come back Friday rather than Sunday which works better for us) but I'm paranoid this DCM will text me on Sunday saying she needs to bring DCG, which she has done in the past (she works for the school system and I checked their online schedule and school offices are closed that day). She already threw a fit about me taking Thurs (DCG is Mon/Thurs, I'm not charging her for Thurs) so I just want to be prepared instead of caught off guard.

    Would it be inappropriate to leave town before Monday? What would you say if you did leave and she text last minute?

  • #2
    I only require parents to give ma schedule a week in advance. If they give me a month's worth of schedules, I don't count on anything until the week before each week.

    If a DCM scheduled her child off though and you made plans, I would stick to your plans. If mom changes her plans and wants to come, just say "I'm sorry but I made plans already based on the schedule you submitted."

    Is she the type of parent to just show up or will she tell you there is a schedule change? If she just tells you, tell her what I said above.

    She can't be mad that you made plans based on her schedule. If she is, then she will think twice about submitting one so far in advance.

    Plus if she does get's HER fault not yours. You are entitled to a life too.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      I only require parents to give ma schedule a week in advance. If they give me a month's worth of schedules, I don't count on anything until the week before each week.

      If a DCM scheduled her child off though and you made plans, I would stick to your plans. If mom changes her plans and wants to come, just say "I'm sorry but I made plans already based on the schedule you submitted."

      Is she the type of parent to just show up or will she tell you there is a schedule change? If she just tells you, tell her what I said above.

      She can't be mad that you made plans based on her schedule. If she is, then she will think twice about submitting one so far in advance.

      Plus if she does get's HER fault not yours. You are entitled to a life too.
      Thanks! That's how I'm feeling, I don't want to sit around in case she decides she needs me for 2-4 hours (which is the typical amount of time she drops DCG off on days she's told me she wouldn't be coming but text at the last minute).

      I did just have her bring in an updated schedule yesterday (which covers the week in question) and it's still the same so I'm not going to feel bad if she decides last minute. I think I just needed someone else to say I wasn't being 'unreasonable' which was what she was already telling me I was when I told her I would be closed on her usual day (thurs). I told her I'm not renewing her contact in June and they are done when school is out because I'm tired of her behavior (in somewhat nicer terms )


      • #4
        Totally agree with blackcat1. She submitted the schedule, if she changes it, then it's up to her to find back up care


        • #5
          I would absolutely go out of town on a day that no one was to be here.


          • #6
            Yeah, if she texts you last minute to change the plans then that's on her. Your schedule says she won't be there. You're out of town and won't be available.


            • #7
              You mentioned that the school she works at is closed on that day. So, she's not at work. If she changed her mind, then it's because she would need a babysitter so that she can run and do personal things.

              I would call it a wrap. Leave for your trip on Saturday like your DH wants.

              I have in my policy that I would need a 2 week notice for change in schedule. Sometime I would allow a week. Don't call day of. That's unacceptable.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Moppetland View Post
                You mentioned that the school she works at is closed on that day. So, she's not at work. If she changed her mind, then it's because she would need a babysitter so that she can run and do personal things.

                I would call it a wrap. Leave for your trip on Saturday like your DH wants.

                I have in my policy that I would need a 2 week notice for change in schedule. Sometime I would allow a week. Don't call day of. That's unacceptable.
                absolutely. I get schedules two weeks in advance and if something changes they have to notify me a week ahead. I don't tell them I have plans either.

                I don't allow last minute schedule changes. Period.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Moppetland View Post
                  You mentioned that the school she works at is closed on that day. So, she's not at work. If she changed her mind, then it's because she would need a babysitter so that she can run and do personal things.

                  I would call it a wrap. Leave for your trip on Saturday like your DH wants.

                  I have in my policy that I would need a 2 week notice for change in schedule. Sometime I would allow a week. Don't call day of. That's unacceptable.
                  Exactly. Enjoy!!


                  • #10
                    I agree. She has now submitted 2 different schedules that said she didn't need you. If she texts you last minute just remind her she wasn't scheduled that day so you are not available. No explanation needed.

