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Husband/Wife Team

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  • #16
    Originally posted by NoMoreJuice! View Post

    Does anyone else who has 10 or more kids stagger mealtimes? I am concerned that 10 or 12 is too many to have eating at one time. And do you split 1/2 and 1/2, by ages, or how do you split?

    Thanks guys!!
    I have 10-12 kids daily.

    I do ONE lunch time. All kids eat together.

    I have never had an issue with it.

    My DH also works with me but only from 10-2. He comes in and cooks lunch, helps get all the kids sitting down and eating, helps with clean up and getting everyone down for rest time and then we eat our lunch together.

    Then he heads back to his regular work.

    None of my parent shave ever had an issue with it and some of my single mom families have actually signed on BECAUSE my DH is here and they want their child to have daily interaction with a male role model as much as a female one.

    My DH is also present for field trips and special activities too.

    As far as getting sick of each other....that would depend on how good of friends you are in the first place....kwim?


    • #17
      My husband is my assistant. But he also works a part-time job that he's about to retire from. He expressed a long time ago that he wanted to do the business with him. The kids are crazy about him, and the parents know and love him as well.

      Sometimes he acts like the children, but that's because he is very good with them. When he get out of hand, I do reel him right back in. ::

      But my husband loves children as much as I do. Our own children are older. My daughter is 18 years old and will be graduating in May, and he is asking about fostering children

      But so far, he's a good help and really does not complain about doing anything.


      • #18
        I think it’s awesome all of the wife/husband teams doing childcare.

        If I ever open up a facility. I’d like him to have an administrative roll. He’s great when it comes to paperwork. He is great with playing and reading with children.

        All the other stuff he says, “I do NOT know how you do it. I am impressed"


        • #19
          mine often helps me after his job. He also does meals and meal planning with me. I do one lunch but have done a split lunch- I prefer one lunch.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tdhmom View Post
            Personally my husband and I could never work together that closely. When I need him to help me so I can run upstairs to get something, he's never there. When I don't need him, he's always under my feet!

            So if you can do more power to ya!!! I wish I could. If he would keep his mouth shut all day and just do my cleaning I would be ok with it lmao
            Same here! The kids love my dh, but sometimes it's more hectic when he is here, plus he doesn't like the crying from kids that aren't his.. Like pp said, taking care of kids isn't for everyone! I'm glad my dh has his man cave in the basement...


            • #21
              Originally posted by melilley View Post
              Same here! The kids love my dh, but sometimes it's more hectic when he is here, plus he doesn't like the crying from kids that aren't his.. Like pp said, taking care of kids isn't for everyone! I'm glad my dh has his man cave in the basement...
              He's is on the back porch. He turned it into his office. If I can't find him that's where he is usually. And the dck's love him but he only loves it in small doses he gets his jokes in and runs away!! ::


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tdhmom View Post
                And the dck's love him but he only loves it in small doses he gets his jokes in and runs away!! ::
                Same here. ::


                • #23
                  My wife and I are 50/50 partners in our center. We operate on a professional level. To keep peace in the family we have distinct roles and responsibilities. She is the provider as she has the teaching credentials. I am her assistant teacher. On the daycare side she designs the edu programs and has primary responsibility over the kids. I have responsibility over the facilities, equipment, food, etc... what she says goes regarding her areas and I have final word in my areas. On the business overall, we work together. From a marketing point, we stress the strengthes of this type of management. Family owned and operated, low turn over of staffing, etc... no one else to blame but us... that kind of stuff.

                  On the family side, it is important to have some ground rules so each person feels secure in their role. If you can be successful as a family in the business, then your potential clients should be able to pickup on it and see the benefits as well. Our daughter is also available as a part time art teacher.

                  Our goals
                  Be better than everyone else
                  Keep the kids safe and happy
                  Always look to do it better
                  keep the monies earned in the family

                  Big Lou


                  • #24

                    Thanks everyone for the input.

                    And thank BigLou for a husband's perspective! I like how you have the responsibilities separated and each have your own area of expertise.

                    I'm feeling much more confident about this working out. It helps that he had the day off today and my house is so much cleaner and the kids are happier!

                    Bring on the summer!


                    • #25
                      It would be tough in my house. DH wouldn't be over the kids and learning for sure. And I would have to give him "jobs". Because he doesn't "work" at home well. He works his tail off AT WORK, but at home he has a very special bond with his recliner.


                      • #26
                        DIDNT NOTICE THIS WAS OLD SORRY! My husband and I opened our home daycare March 2015. I am able to have all 6 of my kids under the age of 2 if I please because he is here 24/7.

                        We don't get tired of each other because before this job, we worked together as well. That is how we met. I love working together, but I am also a newlywed. He can annoy me at times, but we profit a lot by doing this.

                        Kids also love him and listen to him so well.
                        Last edited by lovemydaycare0912; 05-12-2016, 07:16 PM. Reason: Old post

