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I Admit It. On The Board...

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  • I Admit It. On The Board...

    Okay, I am an odd one. I admit it. On the board I love to add tags to people's posts at the bottom.

    Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?

  • #2
    I clicked on your entropycontrolspecialistwashere tag but it only got me ONE post!


    • #3
      LOL! I did it to be a smart aleck.


      • #4
        I do that sometimes, that's why some of them have a lot of tags because I try to make sure I can find it later somewhere. There was already 2 tags on the "0-7 in 3 Days" one and I added "Marketing Ideas".

        P.S. I added one on here too


        • #5
          I honestly forget about tagging my posts!


          • #6
            Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
            Okay, I am an odd one. I admit it. On the board I love to add tags to people's posts at the bottom.

            Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?
            Cat Herder is THE queen of tags.


            You two should start a group. ::

            Lately I have received a lot of PM's from forum users asking if I can help them search for a specific thread or topic. The search function of this forum allows users to search according to a tag word. ANYONE can add tags to a thread by using the "edit tags" section at the bottom of each thread. (on the right hand


            • #7
              We should. I LOVE it.


              • #8
                you guys know I am slow.....what does this mean?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daycare View Post
                  you guys know I am slow.....what does this mean?
                  Right above the reply area are "tags" (badically keywords) that you can use to identify what a post is about for future searching lurposes.

                  See right below your post in this image?
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    not too sure I get it, but I will figure it out. give me time...


                    • #11
                      My cell phone typos did not help. BASICALLY keywords ...for searching PURPOSES.


                      • #12
                        I love doing silly tags! I can't wait to do the same ones over and over so I can browse through all of the posts with my tags that nobody else puts!


                        • #13
                          I do it while nursing on my iphone. Pleeeeenty of time for fun tags.


                          • #14
                            I try to link topics to their known causes and workable solutions so they are easier to search.

                            It is fun to read old threads of a current topic. Sometimes they will have more constructive info because the question was asked during a day when people had more time to respond (winter) or just had a better day period (slight reference to the 28/forum day cycle ).

                            Sometimes it is the exact opposite. It is humbling, in hindsight, to see what set me off. Self reflection after the fact is also growth. lovethis

                            It is cool to see how much my thought patterns have changed since joining. You gals have given me much food for thought over the years and I have adapted in almost every area to stay current and relevant. By following the tags, you can see the history of the forum.
                            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                            • #15
                              haha! Sometimes I do tags, but most of the time I forget.

