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Maybe I Made a Mistake

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  • Maybe I Made a Mistake

    Well...I am exhausted and my house is a mess and I just feel like maybe I made a horrible decision to do daycare. I wanted to be with my daughter and be able to teach her things and to be able to afford to have more children. Well, this is so hard. I havent been able to teach her anything, I've been too busy trying to make sure nobody gets hurt and everyones diaper is clean and I still havent been able to eat yet today either.
    How do you know if it is just not right for you or if you should stick it out? and will this get easier?

  • #2
    how old is your daughter?


    • #3
      It will get easier! You will find a rhythm that works for you and the kids, it just takes some time. Don't be afraid to change your plans for the day, do the things that work, skip the things that don't & maybe try them again another day. I find myself very tired in the early afternoon as well. Not eating doesn't help causes LBSCBD...Low Blood Sugar Cranky Butt Disorder. I hope your day gets better


      • #4
        Hang in there, it will get eaiser, once you get a routine down. I'm not saying there won't be bad days. I'm having one today! Can't wait for 5:30 today !

        The first month I did this daycare, (I have 4, 2 1/2 y/o, 11 mo, 7 mo and 3 mo). I was completely worn out when they all left. Thankfully, my kids are grown and I could collaspe after they left. Best thing I did was get a nap schedule down. I don't get a total break with all four down, but two breaks with 2 up and 2 down.

        Hang in there!


        • #5
          Hang in there! It took me awhile to get used to staying home for work and adjusting to long days. It'll come together.


          • #6
            Like pp said it will come together. I'm approaching just 10 months doing this and it has improved immensely since I started.

            When I first started days seemed to drag on for FOREVER and now they just fly by. You'll get in a routine and it'll get easier.

            My only tips would be to not have too many toys available at once and have the kids help you clean as much as they can during the day. I try and pick up and clean throughout the day and do what I can at nap so when they are gone you are done for the day.

            It'll get better. I promise.


            • #7
              i would stick it out a little longer. it may turn out that it's not for you and that's OK - it's not for everyone. i love working with kids and had a ton of experience in centers and schools - so i thought i would naturally enjoy doing childcare from home. i didn't! it was okay for awhile, but i'd rather work away from home. some people love staying at home. only you can make the decision, but i'd give it a fair shot before throwing in the towel.


              • #8
                You have good days and bad days, and you just hope sometimes the good outweigh the bad.

                Even though you are not teaching your dd as much as you hoped, you are THERE... with HER... and sometimes that's all that counts! Depending on what you are wanting to teach your dd, you can make almost any chore into a lesson of shapes, numbers, counting, etc...

                How many kids do you have in your daycare? Maybe think about sizing down in the future?

                I would say give it some time and see if you can get into your groove. This job is not for everyone, but definitely give it some time!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                  how old is your daughter?
                  My daughter is 2 and the other boy is 2 and then I have a 1 yr old and next week a 2 month old. I know you gals all have WAY more kids. I have no idea how you do it!!! I didnt want to teach her anything specific but just to be able to play with her and talk with her about numbers and colors but I cant because I am following the 1 yo around making sure he doesnt get hurt. I guess I am paranoid about it because the 2 yo boy keeps falling and getting bruises even though I am right there...he is pretty clumsy. I dont want to parents to think I am not watching them because I am like a hawk.
                  I just feel like i have no idea what I am mantra to get through the day has been..make sure nobody gets hurt and if I can make it till nap time everything will be okay.

                  Thanks for everyones encouragement.


                  • #10
                    If I remember correctly, these kids are new to your home. I notice when I have new kids here, for a while they are into EVERYTHING! I think it's because they don't know what's here, where it is, what it's for, what it does, etc. After they're here a while they are familiar with what's where...they don't feel the need to check into every drawer & corner & behind everything to see what's there. They aren't as curious and things get much easier for me. Also the routine, and consistency lets them know what to expect, and how far they can push you. I think you'll get more comfortable as they settle in.


                    • #11
                      just think all jobs have good days and bad days hang in there its hard at first but in a bit you will settle down good luck


                      • #12
                        Sorry you feel this way. I have been doing this for a year and I still feel that way. I have the date of my final day in my head (about another year away) and that helps me keep going. I love my dckids and I have worked with kids my whole life, but I would enjoy working outside the home a lot more.

                        I hope things get better for you. I'm not sure how long you have been doing it, but I know it can take a while to find a groove. Good luck!!


                        • #13
                          Word of advice: Let the kids get themselves hurt. Make sure they don't tumble down stairs and such but let them experiment with the toys and let them hurt themselves. Kids learn from their bumps and bruises and they learn much quicker if they aren't saved from doing it or cuddled everytime they get hurt. When each of my kids was new they tested everything and found that drawers grab their fingers here just as they do at home, that falling off the couch here hurts just as much as at home, that hitting another kid with a toy gets them in time out and the toy disappears for the day. The kids have to learn somethings for themselves. The more dareing the child the more likely they are to get hurt. Just keep the first aid kit at the ready, relax, and have fun. Play with the toys you have out so that they see the appropriate way to play with the toy and like a PP said keep the toys to a minimum. I myself have 8 balls, 10 cars, 3 noise makers, 3 mr. potato heads, a discover bottle, a puzzle, 10 stuffed toys, blocks, books, a chalk board, and some food items out for 5 kids to play with. There is enough for everyone to play but not too much for them to pick up again. I keep all my craft stuff put away (execpt the chalk board) and guide crafts one or two kids at a time about once every week or two.
                          Celebrate! ::


                          • #14
                            I started doing daycare when my oldest was a baby that was 12 years ago. I thought I would only do it for about a year and a half while my husband finished school. Things didn't work out that way so I have done it 10 out of the last 12 years. I wanted to be able to stay home with my children too. I have four and they have been raised in my daycare. I dislike this job very strongly some days, I feel unappreciated, tired, overworked, I never leave my house, and some times I don't care for some of the kids too much. However I love this job because I can stay home with my children, and sometimes I am amazed when I look back over the years and think of all of the different children I have cared for and the influence they have been in my life. This is my last year and I am going to really miss some of these children they are such a part of my life.
                            I don't think this job is for everyone, sometimes not even for me, but being home with my children was too important too me so I made it work for me. I took classes, I make sure that at least one night a week I can get out with adults only and I have learned a lot from other providers. For me it has worked but not without a lot of work and sacrifice. Good Luck with your decision.


                            • #15
                              I have only being doing this for a while but I knew from the get go that I only wanted to deal with one age group...that makes it way more easier. Aside from my 9month old the other dck are 3-4 including my 4yo dd. I have a preschool program that works around my son's eating and nap schedule. The biggest mistake I made was taking in a 2yo who was not potty trained. She was not able to participate in the preschool activities, crafts or play with the 4year olds not to mention the time to potty train. The best advice I could give is stick to one age group around your daughters age and plan age appropriate activities throughout the day. Also nap time is's MY BREAK.

