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Allow Infant After Shots?

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  • Allow Infant After Shots?

    I have a dcf with two kids here, 6 mo and 2. Mom texted me at 11pm saying that she would be picking the baby up at 10am tomorrow for a dr appt then bringing her back to me. Her concern is that the 2 year old will have a hard time if he sees her leaving a total of 3 times that day (ummm yea!)

    My issues are
    1) this should have been discussed ahead of time not texted the night before, I do not like this plan

    2) I am not comfortable with the infant coming back after shots.

    3) dcb is going to have a very hard time with all this, seeing mom come and go more than once

    I texted back that she should have discussed this with me first.

    I do not have a policy about coming after shots but I will now. I've never had anyone do this before but I do not like it. Should I allow her to return since it is not a policy at the moment?

    How should I go about adding this policy? A handout signed by the parents and added to the file?

    I'm annoyed that this wasn't mentioned at all until tonight

    My own kids always get a fever afterward and of course the crankiness

  • #2
    For me coming after shots is not the issue (they have to wait at the clinic for 30 minutes), but i wouldn't allow more than 1 drop off & pick up, and I wouldn't allow a parent to come and take just 1 kid for any reason. Other people can phase it better than me though


    • #3
      In 'Arrival and Departure' section of policies:
      Multiple arrivals and departures are very confusing and misleading for the child. There is to be only 1 drop off and 1 departure each day. Once the child is signed out for an appointment or other reasons, the child is to remained checked out for the day. *The only exception being during daycare after hour events such as graduation, conferences, or parent's night out.*
      *...*= only if you provide such services.

      Exclusion Policy:
      Children are not to return to the child care home for at least 24 hours after vaccinations due to fevers and other reactions that may occur after vaccinations.

      Though I have heard of others requiring up to 72 hours or 3 days total after vaccinations before returning to daycare.


      • #4
        I would ask if she could just keep him home after because you really weren't planning this disruption during the day and perhaps an upset/irritable child who could potentially run a fever. It's Friday and by monday DCK should be feeling a little better. The first 72hrs are the worst. I haven't had anyone do this yet but I don't have a policy about it either.


        • #5
          I don't allow multiple pick ups/drop offs either, but the beginning of the year, I did update my handbook to exclude for 48 hrs after an immunization. I request parents to schedule those appts then on a Friday. They can stay here forhalf the day, then pickup early, if need be, but I'm not taking a freshly immunized kid back. Nope-too much liability in case they have a reaction. Not even the fussiness that bugs me; I can deal wth that. Plus, many parents use Tylenol to ease shots before hand. Nope.. not dealing w/ it.


          • #6
            I have a rule that kids have to stay home a minimum of 24 hours after a shot. This at least prevents me from being the caregiver if they have an immediate adverse reaction.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rachel View Post
              For me coming after shots is not the issue (they have to wait at the clinic for 30 minutes), but i wouldn't allow more than 1 drop off & pick up, and I wouldn't allow a parent to come and take just 1 kid for any reason. Other people can phase it better than me though
              Our clinic doesn't have us wait 30 minutes after shots. It's always the last thing they do and send you out the door.


              • #8
                One drop off and one pick up PER DAY PER FAMILY.

                If they come for one, they take them all.

                I exclude for 48 hours after imms. Had a BAD experience once.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MotherNature View Post
                  I don't allow multiple pick ups/drop offs either, but the beginning of the year, I did update my handbook to exclude for 48 hrs after an immunization. I request parents to schedule those appts then on a Friday. They can stay here forhalf the day, then pickup early, if need be, but I'm not taking a freshly immunized kid back. Nope-too much liability in case they have a reaction. Not even the fussiness that bugs me; I can deal wth that. Plus, many parents use Tylenol to ease shots before hand. Nope.. not dealing w/ it.
                  They've actually stopped recommending this because they're finding that the shots aren't a as effective when they body's natural immune response is lessened with a fever-reducer. My Ped said it's ok to use after if they're really uncomfortable or run a high fever, but otherwise let the shot do it's job and cause a fever.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mountainside13 View Post
                    Our clinic doesn't have us wait 30 minutes after shots. It's always the last thing they do and send you out the door.
                    Wow we have big signs everywhere that you have to wait 30 minutes. Usually the nurse is nice about it and does the shots first so the appointment is finished after and you only have to wait a few minutes, but it is a good idea in case something happens.


                    • #11
                      From personal experiences with my dd and ds I would exclude a minimum of 12 hrs after immunizations. Also per my policy only one drop off and pick up per family. My kids doctors do immunizations after they do vitals and then you can leave at the end of the appointment.


                      • #12
                        I know its a little off topic but a couple of weeks ago I had a DCK go in for shots and parents tried bringing him back right after and I had to say no. Directed them to the policies where it says 48 hour exclusion etc. They were annoyed but took Dck home. This was on a Friday. On the following Monday they show up and big brother lets out that little brother had a fever over the weekend. Dad looks like deer in headlights. I ask if he had a fever the day before (Sunday) and he did and since they came to daycare and I was sending home I told them to keep him home another 48 hours. DCD tries to argue that it's a shot fever and I reply that it doesn't matter. They go home. The next day DCB breaks out in rash and gets a super high fever. They keep him home another 2 days, turns out he had roseola.

                        So glad I kept to my guns. Just goes to show that it's a good idea to treat all fevers as illness fevers.

                        I wouldn't allow a child for 48 hours after shots anyway, fever or no fever. I personally don't want to take on the liability should the child have a reaction.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MV View Post
                          I know its a little off topic but a couple of weeks ago I had a DCK go in for shots and parents tried bringing him back right after and I had to say no. Directed them to the policies where it says 48 hour exclusion etc. They were annoyed but took Dck home. This was on a Friday. On the following Monday they show up and big brother lets out that little brother had a fever over the weekend. Dad looks like deer in headlights. I ask if he had a fever the day before (Sunday) and he did and since they came to daycare and I was sending home I told them to keep him home another 48 hours. DCD tries to argue that it's a shot fever and I reply that it doesn't matter. They go home. The next day DCB breaks out in rash and gets a super high fever. They keep him home another 2 days, turns out he had roseola.

                          So glad I kept to my guns. Just goes to show that it's a good idea to treat all fevers as illness fevers.

                          I wouldn't allow a child for 48 hours after shots anyway, fever or no fever. I personally don't want to take on the liability should the child have a reaction.

                          I have completely rewritten all of my paperwork since joining this forum. I have learned so much and it's experience like this that puts everything into perspective and reinforces why we need to enforce such policies. Thanks for sharing!

