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How much per week do you spend on food?

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  • How much per week do you spend on food?

    How much per week do you spend on food for your own family (how many are in your family), and for the daycare?

    I am trying to keep our food expenses to around 500 a month for my family of 5, AND the daycare (additional 3 kids everyday per week). I don't know if this is realistic or not- have not been able to keep within budget, and I cook all meals, etc.

    Was wondering what others spend.

  • #2
    I'm sure it varies by location, I'm in ny. We do mostly all organic, for my family of 6, plus 6 dcks and 1 Sa, I spend about 400-500/week.

    I do shop sale ads, farmers market and get meat direct from organic farmers. We don't do/have extras, either. Ugh.


    • #3
      We spend probably $200-300/wk on average. We have 6 of our own kids, plus 3 (soon to be 4 yay!) DCKs. I get about $550/mo in food program reimbursement. I must add that our area is a high COL area and food is expensive here. Apples are $1/lb when you buy the bagged, $3.50/gal for cheap milk, $5/gal for name brand milk, $6.50/gal for organic, $5/lb for cheese, $2.50-3/loaf of bread... We get 2 boxes of organic locally grown fruits & veggies for $88/mo.


      • #4
        Its just my husband and I. We spend $50 a week for just us. We buy very little packaged/canned food (usually just bread, tomato paste....that kind of stuff.)
        Its mostly meat, fresh fruits and veggies and almond milk.

        I have 6 DCK (5 that eat the meals). I spend around $150-200 a month on them so thats about $38-50 a week. The bulk of it is the meat, milk and fresh fruits and veggies. No packaged food (no crackers, cereals, etc).

        I do not shop sales. I do not coupon. To give you an idea of food costs here:
        Milk (half gallon) $1.93 for the store brand... up to $5+ for organic
        Apples $.98/ lb for the cheaper brand of ladies go for $2-3/lb
        Eggs $1.48/ dozen
        Bread $1/ loaf for the cheap stuff $3 for the better quality


        • #5
          Similar thread from last week

          Hope this is the right spot for this question, but how much do you spend in a year to feed the dck's? We keep our receipts and spent over 10 grand last year. :eek: I do a lot of fresh veggies and fruits, cook from scratch when possible, etc. does that amount seem high?


          • #6
            I spend $150/week. Includes my family of 4 and 11-12 daycare kids daily. We eat dairy and gluten free as a family and the daycare is dairy free except for required milk on the food program (most of daycare drinks soy milk due to allergies as well) I shop sale ads and menu plan BEFORE grocery shopping each week. We eat nearly all meals at home due to our dietary needs. This $150 also includes toiletery items for both our family and the daycare.

            ETA: I shop with a cash envelope and it helps me stay within my budget.


            • #7
              I spend about $250/week for my family of 3, and 6 daycare kids (only 3 of them eat food). I have tried many many times to lower this, but it keeps getting back to the $250. I don't use any processed foods, my H and I are sugar/flour free, so it's just meat and veggies and very few grains. I do clip coupons for paper towels, soup, etc, but it usually works out the the store brand is cheaper anyway.

              I live in a HOC area, and buy only organic dairy. A gal of milk is $7.99. I just enrolled in the FP, and looks like I'll be getting about $200 back a month, we can not claim our own child, and are on Tier II.


              • #8
                City-dweller here in Iowa. I do not purchase organic. I do buy healthy.

                For 3 FT and 1 PT dcks + our family of 4 I spend $130-150 a week, not including tolietries (toliet paper/paper towels/wipes/all our regular stuff) - that's about $20-30 more a week. Both my DH and my DS take their lunches everyday as well and is included in that quote.


                • #9
                  I spend around $300/week for my household of 5 and for my 6 daycare kids (I buy formula for one DCK and 4-5 cans/month for my foster kid for what WIC doesn't provide for him). Some weeks are more, some less.

