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Slightly Irritated...WWYD?

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  • Slightly Irritated...WWYD?

    I have a small situation that is annoying me somewhat, and wondered if others would do something now or give it more time.

    I have a new baby that started in early January. I really liked this
    DCF and thought they'd be a great fit. They said they only needed daycare 3 days, some weeks maybe only 2. I don't offer PT rates, especially for an infant. I offered them a slightly discounted rate (125) from my already way-under-bloated infant rate (135...most in-homes are 150, centers 200), based on the fact that they would only be here 3 days, and pointed out that it was then their spot and they could TRADE days if need be. DCG is supposed to be here just W,Th,F. Here's what they've done so far:

    First week of 1/6: T,W,Th,F (asked with approval to come T to help establish new routine)

    1/13: W,Th,F

    1/20: M,Th,F (asked with approval to trade W for M)

    1/27: out all week-baby is sick for first time (no one here is so daycare didn't get blamed)

    2/3: M,T,W,Th,F (all week! no notice! I think it was because they were torqued that I made them pay for the sick week. it's in your contract, folks! plus, tried to drop off 15 min before opening time w/o making arrangements. she just had to wait outside because I was not ready to take a baby. too bad. hope you learned your lesson.)

    2/10: W,Th,F

    2/17: M,W,Th,F (no notice for M)

    2/24: M,W,Th,F (no notice for M)

    And today, 3/3, again, with no notice. It would be nice to know since I launder all the pnp sheets and baby seat covers on the weekend, so I can have that stuff ready. I actually do have it ready, after the 2/3 week, but I can make a big deal about it to them. I have since learned that DCD is lazy, or at least not quite as committed to spending as much time as possible with DCG as before.

    I want to increase the rate to my regular $135, since with this week DCG has been here for 5 weeks with more than 3 days, and only 4 weeks with 3 or less, and I feel like I'm getting ripped off. Do you think I should increase it starting next week, in 2 weeks, or give a warning that it will increase if there is one more week with 4 or 5 days, or I've even thought of re-contracting with wording for 3 day weeks and an additional cost of $10/day for 4 or 5 days. What do you all think is best?

  • #2
    Originally posted by KIDZRMYBIZ View Post
    I have a small situation that is annoying me somewhat, and wondered if others would do something now or give it more time.

    I have a new baby that started in early January. I really liked this
    DCF and thought they'd be a great fit. They said they only needed daycare 3 days, some weeks maybe only 2. I don't offer PT rates, especially for an infant. I offered them a slightly discounted rate (125) from my already way-under-bloated infant rate (135...most in-homes are 150, centers 200), based on the fact that they would only be here 3 days, and pointed out that it was then their spot and they could TRADE days if need be. DCG is supposed to be here just W,Th,F. Here's what they've done so far:

    First week of 1/6: T,W,Th,F (asked with approval to come T to help establish new routine)

    1/13: W,Th,F

    1/20: M,Th,F (asked with approval to trade W for M)

    1/27: out all week-baby is sick for first time (no one here is so daycare didn't get blamed)

    2/3: M,T,W,Th,F (all week! no notice! I think it was because they were torqued that I made them pay for the sick week. it's in your contract, folks! plus, tried to drop off 15 min before opening time w/o making arrangements. she just had to wait outside because I was not ready to take a baby. too bad. hope you learned your lesson.)

    2/10: W,Th,F

    2/17: M,W,Th,F (no notice for M)

    2/24: M,W,Th,F (no notice for M)

    And today, 3/3, again, with no notice. It would be nice to know since I launder all the pnp sheets and baby seat covers on the weekend, so I can have that stuff ready. I actually do have it ready, after the 2/3 week, but I can make a big deal about it to them. I have since learned that DCD is lazy, or at least not quite as committed to spending as much time as possible with DCG as before.

    I want to increase the rate to my regular $135, since with this week DCG has been here for 5 weeks with more than 3 days, and only 4 weeks with 3 or less, and I feel like I'm getting ripped off. Do you think I should increase it starting next week, in 2 weeks, or give a warning that it will increase if there is one more week with 4 or 5 days, or I've even thought of re-contracting with wording for 3 day weeks and an additional cost of $10/day for 4 or 5 days. What do you all think is best?
    So they are not paying for the extra days? I would stop that right away & also let them know while you can sometimes accommodate extra days they need to give you advanced notice. First off I would let the parents know that any day in addition to the 3 they are contracted for is at an additional rate of _____/day & child can only come with approval from you. I would just let them know for any days above 3 days they will need to pay a daily rate for extra days.


    • #3
      If you decide to rewrite so they pay extra for 4 or 5 days I would charge more than an extra $10 per day. At least charge more for unexpected days. If they don't get prior approval they pay more.

      I would definitely charge more starting this week. Tell them right away that they will be charged for extra days.

      This is going to get worse if you don't get it worked out now.

      Homeschooling Mama to:
      ds 10
      dd 8


      • #4
        That is a super duper easy peasy fix:

        1.) The family needs to pay for ALL extra days beyond the 3 you agreed to.

        2.) The family needs to submit a written schedule the Friday BEFORE the upcoming week with ALL days they need written down or NO care.

        If you need help writting up a quick letter/note letting them know this, let me know, I'd be happy to help.


        • #5
          I would tell them they can pay full price for access to 5 days per week.


          • #6
            You're so nice

            You're so very nice to let them trade days! However, it's always the nice providers that get steamrolled by parents. I would have looked shocked and said "Oh, I wasn't expecting you today! This is not one of your normal days of care." But since you've been letting her get away with it for a few weeks now, it's going to be tough to assert yourself now.

            If I were you, I would just have a discussion with the parent when they pick up, and let them know that when you said they could swap days, you meant in exchange for their normal contracted days, not in addition to. The sooner you take a stand, the better it will be for you. Seriously, don't put this off another day, for your sake.

            At pickup, I would say "Hello, ____, I need to chat with you for a moment about a miscommunication we seem to be having. Your contract states that your normal days of care are T,R,F, and while you are allowed to swap out one of those days for a Monday or Wednesday, I do need prior notice. Which of your contracted days this week will your child be absent, since s/he was here today?"

            Good luck, I know it's a tough conversation when you don't know for sure how the parent will react. You can do it!! happyface


            • #7
              Originally posted by momofboys View Post
              So they are not paying for the extra days? I would stop that right away & also let them know while you can sometimes accommodate extra days they need to give you advanced notice. First off I would let the parents know that any day in addition to the 3 they are contracted for is at an additional rate of _____/day & child can only come with approval from you. I would just let them know for any days above 3 days they will need to pay a daily rate for extra days.
              Sounds good to me. That's what I'd do too. Point out their contract-it says 2 or 3 days, not 4. Definitely not 5!


              • #8
                Thank you, all of you! IDK why I need confirmation on what I already know is the right thing to do. I guess I think maybe I'm just being witchy. That is not usually the case.

                I am going to send a letter home tonight with a new contract that states the 3 days per week at $125, with ability to trade days with prior approval, and additional days available at $10/day.

                BlackCat, I got the contract part down, but could use your help with a notice letter if you don't mind. Your wording is always short, to-the-point, and professional. I really admire it. Thanks in advance!


                • #9
                  I'm confused on why you would only charge $10 a day?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KIDZRMYBIZ View Post

                    BlackCat, I got the contract part down, but could use your help with a notice letter if you don't mind. Your wording is always short, to-the-point, and professional. I really admire it. Thanks in advance!
                    I PM'ed you


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I'm confused on why you would only charge $10 a day?
                      To line up with her current full-time rate, I assume. She charges $27/day or $135/week. For them to attend 3 contracted days in a bizarre configuration (thus taking up a full-time spot) she charges $41.66/day or $125/week.


                      • #12
                        Do you have part time rates? I guess I'm confused about the $10 because most providers charge more for part time per day then full time. I would just charge your full time rate since the days vary every week and be done with that mess.I would still requre a weekly schedule with any changes requiring 24 hour notice.Just my opinio


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I'm confused on why you would only charge $10 a day?
                          I only need $125/wk income on each baby. I feel like only $10 more is fair for both of us, because I am already charging a portion of that day just cuz I'm not willing to enroll for any less than $125/wk no matter what, but like $135 if it's going to be more than 3 days. Then if they want to add on a 5th day, then I get an extra $10 over my regular rate to put up with them (the DCM and DCD, not the baby).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
                            To line up with her current full-time rate, I assume. She charges $27/day or $135/week. For them to attend 3 contracted days in a bizarre configuration (thus taking up a full-time spot) she charges $41.66/day or $125/week.
                            It wasn't supposed to be a wacky schedule. It was supposed to be M with DCD, T with Gma, W,Th,F with me. And maybe Grandma might want her some of my Ws if she stays overnight with her.

                            Well, so far DCD has not spent 5 of his 9 Ms with DCG, and Gma has not spent 2 of her Ts with DCG. DCM did trade a W for a M that one week cuz she was going to be off on W, so Yeah, DCM! that one time.

                            I feel like me and DCG are getting the short end of the stick, and I want just a little monetary compensation for it. But only a little!


                            • #15
                              Yeah I would tell them it's just getting confusing and without notice. You need to have them on your normal 5 day fee since they've utilized 4-5 days on more than one occasion. Regardless of how much you "need" to survive, the going rate is the going rate! Why short yourself the extra? These people are CLEARLY taking advantage of you! Regardless of if you "need" the money, if you're charging dramatically less than your neighbors you're only shooting yourself in the foot and probably making people mad in the process. I would personally never want to be known as "the cheapest provider in town" and would rather be right along with everyone else and be chosen based on my qualities not fees. If I've been looked past because my rates are $3 higher than someone else than so be it.
                              You have the advantage of being less than others nearby, but remember the problems that this causes, like this. People walk all over you! You get people who are only interested in the cheapest care and using the most hours. If someone showed up here on a day they weren't contracted for I would be very confused. Especially if I DISCOUNTED their rate based on a lower attendance!

