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New New York Regulations- What Are You All Doing ?

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  • New New York Regulations- What Are You All Doing ?

    I have been a provider in upstate NY for 15 years. I am very split on becoming legally exempt or staying Registered as a Family Provider.
    After reading the other threads, reading the new regs, calling VOICE to voice my concerns, talking to my registrar, talking to NannyD, etc... I am STILL at a loss as to what I want to do!:confused:
    I am a rule follower- I don't want to follow "some" regs and not others- I don want to have to be sneaky in my own home!
    Obviously the biggest factor in my choice is $$. I currently can have 6 ft- that would go down to 2! CAN I do it financially- yes... Do I want to?? NO!
    My biggest issues:
    I can be inspected legally M-F 7am-5:30pm whether I am operating or not!!! If I close for a day and they show up I HAVE to let them in!!
    They can now inspect/search my ENTIRE home- not just the parts pertaining to dc!
    Four inspections per year- 2 unannounced. That's HUGE jump from 1 announced per year- they are stressful!
    Screen time limits for me during nap!!! Yep- I do play candy crush and go on fb! And seeing as it has nothing to do with the health and safety of my kiddos it shouldn't matter! They are NAPPING!!!
    There are others but these are the ones that make me want to close my regulated doors...
    My husband supports what ever I decide.lovethis

    What do you all think?? Also- I am either going to stay open and hirer a helper or close and go unregulated... Just FYI-

  • #2
    Originally posted by Familycare71 View Post
    I have been a provider in upstate NY for 15 years. I am very split on becoming legally exempt or staying Registered as a Family Provider.
    After reading the other threads, reading the new regs, calling VOICE to voice my concerns, talking to my registrar, talking to NannyD, etc... I am STILL at a loss as to what I want to do!:confused:
    I am a rule follower- I don't want to follow "some" regs and not others- I don want to have to be sneaky in my own home!
    Obviously the biggest factor in my choice is $$. I currently can have 6 ft- that would go down to 2! CAN I do it financially- yes... Do I want to?? NO!
    My biggest issues:
    I can be inspected legally M-F 7am-5:30pm whether I am operating or not!!! If I close for a day and they show up I HAVE to let them in!!
    They can now inspect/search my ENTIRE home- not just the parts pertaining to dc!

    Four inspections per year- 2 unannounced. That's HUGE jump from 1 announced per year- they are stressful!
    Screen time limits for me during nap!!! Yep- I do play candy crush and go on fb! And seeing as it has nothing to do with the health and safety of my kiddos it shouldn't matter! They are NAPPING!!!
    There are others but these are the ones that make me want to close my regulated doors...
    My husband supports what ever I decide.lovethis

    What do you all think?? Also- I am either going to stay open and hirer a helper or close and go unregulated... Just FYI-
    Where did you read this?


    • #3
      That sounds nuts! the 4 inspections per year of your WHOLE house is crazy! I hope that doesn't come my way in MA


      • #4
        417.15 10 i.
        Must admit inspectors and other reps of office onto grounds and premises at anytime during the hours of operation GIVEN TO OFFICE ON APPLICATION OF FAMILY DAYCARE. Given FREE ACCESS TO BUILDING, care givers, employers, volunteers, the children and any records.

        The key is it is now based on when you have told them you may operate NOT when you are operating. I have verified this with VOICE and my registrar. I asked my registrar if I email him to tell him I'm closed will they show up. His response was: well- they probably wouldn't because they want to see kids in care. But if they don't check the computer first they may. But- those are the fastest inspections because you don't have to manage kids just show them every thing. If you aren't home that's ok - they will just leave a sorry to miss you note.

        And before anyone says- just don't answer the door... On my days off I don't know if I'm willing to hide in my own house!!! And what if I'm outside!?! Clearly they can come around back, etc...


        • #5
          I also couldn't get a clear answer on if I have to be within regs when I am closed and clearly have no children here...


          • #6
            Free access to grounds/building I was told was to inspect furnace area, smoke detectors, a basic health and safety inspection. Your whole home was never inspected before?

            I have been several times and each time they were very respectful, went just to where I directed them smoke detectors and co, extinguishers were and left.

            I have a locked door in my basement, it's not a sleeping area and is private. They never even asked. :confused:


            • #7
              My issue is this: by being registered I have agreed to them inspecting my entire home if asked.
              HOPEFULLY- they would just do daycare pertinent areas... BUT they CAN do the entire house! I have had some great inspectors and nasty ones- I don't want to bank on the fact I will get a nice one...


              • #8
                Honestly if that is the case it's a HUGE violation of our rights.

                The locked room is for my husband/religious reasons. Nobody is allowed in there, but him.


                • #9
                  also, do these areas have to up to child care code/regs??? Mine are certainly not. no outlet covers in my kids rooms, that sort of thing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                    Honestly if that is the case it's a HUGE violation of our rights.

                    The locked room is for my husband/religious reasons. Nobody is allowed in there, but him.
                    Yes it is!!! Understand tho- at the beginning of the regulations it states that if you CHOOSE to be registered you AGREE to the regulations. So- it is essentially our choice

                    I feel like I'm the only NY provider who is FREAKING OUT!


                    • #11
                      Nope, you aren't alone. I did not see/hear this anywhere. I went to a meeting about it. I watched the entire video series they posted about it. This was not included.


                      I also haven't received a new regulation/handbook. Wonder WHY!?

                      If they ask to enter that room, I will have to say no. That's insane.

                      This means----they can open drawers/closets/cabinets. Do they really need to see my sex toys? ::


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by daycarediva View Post

                        This means----they can open drawers/closets/cabinets. Do they really need to see my sex toys? ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Familycare71 View Post
                          Yes it is!!! Understand tho- at the beginning of the regulations it states that if you CHOOSE to be registered you AGREE to the regulations. So- it is essentially our choice

                          I feel like I'm the only NY provider who is FREAKING OUT!
                          You aren't. I'm getting rich off of NYS consults. Spread the word


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            You aren't. I'm getting rich off of NYS consults. Spread the word


                            • #15
                              I. Just. Want. To. Do. My. Job.

                              Please can I do it without feeling the need to call the ACLU???? Apparently not.

                              I am at a loss about how to protest these changes in a professional manner. If you say anything against the regs you are portrayed as someone who doesn't care about the health and safety of children.

