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CPS Tried Shutting Me Down - TEXAS

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  • CPS Tried Shutting Me Down - TEXAS

    To make a very long story short, my ex called CPS because my son's butt was bruised from a spanking. I was found innocent by the police "normal parental disapline", however CPS is on a witch hunt. Has been talking about how wonderful my ex's family is from the start (!!). Son was never taken. I would found for abuse, but they determined my son was in no danger "one time thing out of hand". I was not ever told to take classes or anything. Just have my name ruined.
    We have been fighting with with my attorney for over a year. He told me not to inform licencing, as we were and are still fighting their findings. We have been going thru all the appropriate channels, local, state and next will be court. I am only a listed home. However, renewal came and they found the findings, and have shut me down. Attorney filled a restraining order for the state of Texas that day, judge approved it and so I am still running until we have court in about a week or so. This will be a differant court - not the one to fight the findings. Just to stay open.
    Long shot, I know, unless anyone has a vindictive ex like me...has any one been thru this, and what was the outcome? I am terrified, and am not saying anything to parents at this time.
    And a side note, can I write the retraining order off on my taxes next year? We have paid $3,000 for the CPS case and I know that isn't a write off, but the extra $2,500 I just paid him to stay open?

  • #2
    I'm so sorry this is all happening. In my state, if I didn't tell licensing, that would be a reason to shut me down. It's really sad the control the state has in so many parts of our lives.


    • #3
      "Normal" parental discipline does not include bruising your child! If my ex husband spanked one of our kids so hard it left a bruise, I would do the same thing!

      Your anger and frustration should never be taken out on an innocent child. I'm sure this is just someone trying to start a spanking debate which I'm not going to get into,but bruises are not ok!


      • #4
        Yes on taxes

        Almost anything to do with keeping your business running can be claimed as an expense, so my gut feeling is yes.

        On the spanking issue...what on earth did your son do to deserve such a severe reaction from you? I'm trying super hard not to judge, but just because the court didn't mandate anger management counseling doesn't mean it's not a good idea.


        • #5
          I understand the reaction about the spanking, but my son is very fair skinned, borderline anemic like myself. If someone barely touches me, I bruise. My legs and arms are one giant brown mark and if someone didn't know me they would think I myself was abused. I sat thru a two hour police interegation, had my sons doctors and family members interviewed...all volunteerally.


          • #6
            The spanking was done thirty minutes after the incident, after I calmed down and we had our discussion. He threw a tantrum in church parking lot, ran straight into a car and almost got hit. I didn't haul off beat him.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              The spanking was done thirty minutes after the incident, after I calmed down and we had our discussion. He threw a tantrum in church parking lot, ran straight into a car and almost got hit. I didn't haul off beat him.
              I am suspicious of this post, and I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but.......

              Ok, so you go to CHURCH, then you go home and "spank" your CHILD so hard that police are called? Really?? See the irony here? And you're upset about the cost of your lawyer? Priorities need adjustment.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post
                I am suspicious of this post, and I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but.......

                Ok, so you go to CHURCH, then you go home and "spank" your CHILD so hard that police are called? Really?? See the irony here? And you're upset about the cost of your lawyer? Priorities need adjustment.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BrooklynM View Post
                  "Normal" parental discipline does not include bruising your child! If my ex husband spanked one of our kids so hard it left a bruise, I would do the same thing!

                  Your anger and frustration should never be taken out on an innocent child. I'm sure this is just someone trying to start a spanking debate which I'm not going to get into,but bruises are not ok!


                  • #10
                    I feel as though op would not have posted on this forum if she were guilty of purposely hurting her child. As with any forum opinions vary widely, and I'm sure she knew she would be judged, but felt as though she had nothing to hide. I also bruise easily and can see where this might happen. Just saying


                    • #11
                      *shrugs* It looks and feels like a troll post to me. If it's for real, then this lady needs a huge wake-up call. I don't care if your skin tone is Snow-White-fair, if you leave bruises(!!! Seriously? OMG) on your child's behind, there are going to be consequences and repercussions. And rightfully so.


                      • #12
                        Op I have no advice on cps or licensing.....

                        However, I will say this....

                        I live in her south... And was raised by very strict country parents (read redneck).

                        I was raised being spanked.... And I have occasionally spanked my own kids....

                        And regardless of anemia.... I was never bruised as a child... and my children have never been left with a bruise after spanking.

                        I will also say that here, spanking is perfectly legal and moral... And the law and cps says leaving marks with spanking is okay but said marks have to disappear within 24 hours. Basically which says they are aware that spanking may result in a red "mark" simply by popping the skin but that no other marks are okay.

                        I reserve spanking for VERY serious offenses such a a safety things. I can honestly say, if I had been in your position, I may have spanked as well. However, leaving bruises really isn't okay.

                        There have been cases here of children who were spanked, no marks left, then they fell and got a bruise in their hip, and an ex in a vicious custody battle knows mom spanks, assumes he marks were from her, cps gets involved, children gets taken etc... All because even though there was no proof the hip bruise was from a spanking, it was assumed because mom spanks, that it was. Families can be torn apart by cps and vindictive ex husbands or ex wives.... Leaving a family in SHAMBLES. It happens.

                        However, this case is a little different because you already knew your child bruised easy... And chose to spank anyway.... Maybe you spanked too hard... Maybe you didn't. But regardless, it's a chance you took.

                        I have no advice in how to get your life back... If you are being railroaded I'm sorry... And if you hit your child too hard... I guess only really YOU know the truth...


                        • #13
                          I am not sure which side to be on in this issue but want to share a story. My mom and dad told my siblings and I this story growing up. When my brother was 3 (he is 46 now so don't call the cops...) my mom saw him in the road on his ducky riding toy with a neighbor child. Mom said it scared her so bad she picked up a switch and spanked him. That night he had whelps on his legs and when they went to my grandparents that night she would not get out of the car because she was scared my grandpa would be angry with her. He went to the car, however, and told her he would rather see those whelps than to be at the funeral home viewing his grandson.

                          This was many years ago, and needles to say, my brother never got in the road again and mom never did that again, but we are all human. Just saying GOOD people make mistakes and act before thinking sometimes. I had a great childhood and would not even know this story had my parents not have shared with us when we all begin to have children. I guess it was to be a learning tool for us as we had families of our own.

                          These are just thoughts and opinions...


                          • #14
                            Cradle 2 crayons: I feel she hit too hard. It appears she was found to have committed abuse by CPS. I also feel if she had a vindictive ex who is out to get her, she shouldn't have chosen corporal punishment, especially knowing the child "bruises easily". She regrets being caught and consequences. Call me judgmental, but the description she gave seems.......unsavory, at best.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                              Just saying GOOD people make mistakes and act before thinking sometimes. I had a great childhood and would not even know this story had my parents not have shared with us when we all begin to have children. I guess it was to be a learning tool for us as we had families of our own.

                              These are just thoughts and opinions...
                              But she said she left church, went home, calmed down, discussed.....then delivered the spanking.

                              I liked your story, you told it well. I think the OP doesn't fit that bill though.

                              Love your screen name too! Whenever I see it, I start humming "The Weight" by The Band. :: "....won't you stay and keep Anna Lee company? Take a load off Annie......"

