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  • Coffee?!

    New 4yo dcg just showed up. She sits on the couch with a sippy cup and is steadily drinking, so I say, hey dcg what are you drinking, chocolate milk? "(I could see brown through the bottom of the cup but it didn't look quite right) Dcg says "no, coffee".

    I took it away.....

    Dcg commences to throw huge screaming fit. Threatening to tell mommy etc.

    I don't care, they can pack it for all I care. From what I have seen this past few days (she started Monday) I am wondering if I don't want to just tell them we are not a great fit and she should find someone else.

    She showed up Monday without paperwork or payment, the only required items she brought was a waded up extra set of clothing and a toothbrush, she brought her Monday when she wasn't even working and was over an hour past her said pick up time, and was 40 min past said pick up time yesterday.

    Seriously, this girl can have her coffee back right before mommy gets here. Maybe I will serve it to her with those disgusting little Debbie fudge rounds my husband likes so much.

  • #2
    another reason I would never allow a child to bring food/drink into my home.

    You never know what the contents are or could be.

    Mmmm, I lovethis coffee though!


    • #3
      Starting young with the coffee! :confused: Have you addressed the late pick-ups with the DCM? I hope if you don't have a late fee in place you add that to your policies!


      • #4
        That is crazy, like either DCM is testing you ("can you handle my jacked-up kid?") or she's thinking, "I have to deal with hyper little Suzy and now you do too". I'm kidding, of course.

        DCM doesn't seem to have her caca together. If you don't think the situation will get any better within your trial period I'd say, hope the next provider appreciates morning preschool coffee talks


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dia View Post
          New 4yo dcg just showed up. She sits on the couch with a sippy cup and is steadily drinking, so I say, hey dcg what are you drinking, chocolate milk? "(I could see brown through the bottom of the cup but it didn't look quite right) Dcg says "no, coffee".

          I took it away.....

          Dcg commences to throw huge screaming fit. Threatening to tell mommy etc.

          I don't care, they can pack it for all I care. From what I have seen this past few days (she started Monday) I am wondering if I don't want to just tell them we are not a great fit and she should find someone else.

          She showed up Monday without paperwork or payment, the only required items she brought was a waded up extra set of clothing and a toothbrush, she brought her Monday when she wasn't even working and was over an hour past her said pick up time, and was 40 min past said pick up time yesterday.

          Seriously, this girl can have her coffee back right before mommy gets here. Maybe I will serve it to her with those disgusting little Debbie fudge rounds my husband likes so much.
          I'm sure you checked, but was it actually coffee? My son likes to have drinks in a Styrofoam take out cup and says its his coffee but's actually milk

          It doesn't surprise me though, parents never cease to amaze me!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dia View Post
            New 4yo dcg just showed up. She sits on the couch with a sippy cup and is steadily drinking, so I say, hey dcg what are you drinking, chocolate milk? "(I could see brown through the bottom of the cup but it didn't look quite right) Dcg says "no, coffee".

            I took it away.....

            Dcg commences to throw huge screaming fit. Threatening to tell mommy etc.

            I don't care, they can pack it for all I care. From what I have seen this past few days (she started Monday) I am wondering if I don't want to just tell them we are not a great fit and she should find someone else.

            She showed up Monday without paperwork or payment, the only required items she brought was a waded up extra set of clothing and a toothbrush, she brought her Monday when she wasn't even working and was over an hour past her said pick up time, and was 40 min past said pick up time yesterday.

            Seriously, this girl can have her coffee back right before mommy gets here. Maybe I will serve it to her with those disgusting little Debbie fudge rounds my husband likes so much.
            Mom will continue to do these things if you don't say anything. I would not have accepted her into care Monday without payment, I don't allow late pickups either. Since this mom just started you have to nip this asap or it will continue.


            • #7
              Okay, I readily admit to indulging my own kids some from time to time. But what the what?!?!?! Coffee?! In a sippy cup?! To daycare?! Sounds like this DCM is TRYING to push your buttons.

              I'm a wimpy wah-wah, so I would address this new family with an e-mail. The only hard part is hitting send. Then it's too late, and I feel so good about not letting things slide. I would put my foot down, swiftly:

              Dear DCM,

              DCG's first week was fun! She is adjusting well and making new friends. I am looking forward to the year ahead with her in our group. There are two items I want to address so that my expectations are clear. First, morning sippy cups are welcome, but they may contain only white milk or water. This is a regulation strictly enforced by my nutrition program represtative. Secondly, our agreed upon pick-up time of xx:xx was missed (insert dates and time of pick-ups here). If you would like to set a later pick-up time, we can do so by adjusting the weekly fee to reflect DCG's additional time in care.

              Your Amazing Patient and Wonderful Provider,

              You could term, but for me, I'm finding that this kind of junk is the new parenting normal. I would get rid of one problem family, just to replace it with another one with a different headache. If I held out just for families that are like me and DH, I'd only have 1 or 2 enrolled at a time!


              • #8
                Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
                I'm sure you checked, but was it actually coffee? My son likes to have drinks in a Styrofoam take out cup and says its his coffee but's actually milk

                It doesn't surprise me though, parents never cease to amaze me!

                Yes, I checked. Black coffee with maybe a splash of milk and probably a ton of sugar which would be the only way to explain dcg's steady drinking from cup. I can't imagine a child drinking that dark of coffee without a ton of sugar.

                I turned mom back around Monday (with multiple protests of course) to go get paperwork and payment. There are ATM's around every corner should have stopped on the way in....which she kept stating to little girl " I am running late" only to find out she DIDNT EVEN WORK ON MONDAY :confused:::


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KIDZRMYBIZ View Post
                  Okay, I readily admit to indulging my own kids some from time to time. But what the what?!?!?! Coffee?! In a sippy cup?! To daycare?! Sounds like this DCM is TRYING to push your buttons.

                  I'm a wimpy wah-wah, so I would address this new family with an e-mail. The only hard part is hitting send. Then it's too late, and I feel so good about not letting things slide. I would put my foot down, swiftly:

                  Dear DCM,

                  DCG's first week was fun! She is adjusting well and making new friends. I am looking forward to the year ahead with her in our group. There are two items I want to address so that my expectations are clear. First, morning sippy cups are welcome, but they may contain only white milk or water. This is a regulation strictly enforced by my nutrition program represtative. Secondly, our agreed upon pick-up time of xx:xx was missed (insert dates and time of pick-ups here). If you would like to set a later pick-up time, we can do so by adjusting the weekly fee to reflect DCG's additional time in care.

                  Your Amazing Patient and Wonderful Provider,

                  You could term, but for me, I'm finding that this kind of junk is the new parenting normal. I would get rid of one problem family, just to replace it with another one with a different headache. If I held out just for families that are like me and DH, I'd only have 1 or 2 enrolled at a time!
                  The thing is I have super awesome parents currently. I have no idea how I got so lucky but this one is throwing me off and I am not sure I want to put up with it. Valentines Day I received gifts from EVERY single parent. And everyone brought 3 and 4x the amount of items for the party that they volunteered to bring. My note stated that the parents were "welcome to bring something for the party if they would like to"

                  Mane someone thought I needed a reminder that I have exceptional parents and should be thankful. lovethis


                  • #10
                    Maybe and it's a stretch but maybe mom is treating her child for adhd? I had one parent that also gave their child coffee as an alternitive to medication. From the other comments about the family I'm not so sure but I thought I would throw it out there.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Daycaregranny View Post
                      Maybe and it's a stretch but maybe mom is treating her child for adhd? I had one parent that also gave their child coffee as an alternitive to medication. From the other comments about the family I'm not so sure but I thought I would throw it out there.
                      I was thinking the same or maybe that the coffee is decaf? I would never have offered it to my own kids but different strokes for different folks, right?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dia View Post
                        New 4yo dcg just showed up. She sits on the couch with a sippy cup and is steadily drinking, so I say, hey dcg what are you drinking, chocolate milk? "(I could see brown through the bottom of the cup but it didn't look quite right) Dcg says "no, coffee".

                        I took it away.....

                        Dcg commences to throw huge screaming fit. Threatening to tell mommy etc.

                        I don't care, they can pack it for all I care. From what I have seen this past few days (she started Monday) I am wondering if I don't want to just tell them we are not a great fit and she should find someone else.

                        She showed up Monday without paperwork or payment, the only required items she brought was a waded up extra set of clothing and a toothbrush, she brought her Monday when she wasn't even working and was over an hour past her said pick up time, and was 40 min past said pick up time yesterday.

                        Seriously, this girl can have her coffee back right before mommy gets here. Maybe I will serve it to her with those disgusting little Debbie fudge rounds my husband likes so much.
                        I had this kid!!!:hug: Run for your life-


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Daycaregranny View Post
                          Maybe and it's a stretch but maybe mom is treating her child for adhd? I had one parent that also gave their child coffee as an alternitive to medication. From the other comments about the family I'm not so sure but I thought I would throw it out there.
                          Bring me the Dr. Note on that one- Coffee is not good for a growing child and if the child has ADHD maybe I might need to be informed other then a self diagnosis. Naaa Agggh doesn't wash with me- I want a Dr's note stating that Coffee is to me medicated to a two and a half year old-


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Daycaregranny View Post
                            Maybe and it's a stretch but maybe mom is treating her child for adhd? I had one parent that also gave their child coffee as an alternitive to medication. From the other comments about the family I'm not so sure but I thought I would throw it out there.
                            Yes this thought crossed my mind and left just as quickly. I asked DCG why she was drinking coffee and she said all whiney "because I wanted it and mommy gave it to me and it's mine wahhhh"

                            Besides, I tried this with my son when he was little (and he was a little monster) and saw absolutely no results with it making him calm. I was also a stay at home mom and did not pack him off for someone else to care for while I was trying this.

                            Oh and DCG is not hyper at all.......and we shall keep it this way


                            • #15
                              All I can really do is laugh.

