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Best Price Deals

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  • Best Price Deals

    I am constantly looking for the best deals on daycare items, so I thought it would be great to see where everyone else finds regular great deals!

    I discovered this week, they have a lot of daycare items (soft play, tables, you name it) and it is actually FREE SHIPPING!! And they don't hike up the prices to make up for the free shipping either:-)

  • #2
    I own rental properties & most of my things came from people leaving them behinds. (What kind of parent leaves kids toys behind?) The rest of the things came from local Facebook sale pages.


    • #3
      Yard Sales!! Which I cannot wait for! This time of year the toys become stale for the kids, I do rotate but have given many away that the kids never seemed to play with. Maybe I should've kept them?
      But then today, looks like snow might be our favorite plaything.
      I also get a $500 grant once a yr. that I can select items for the Birth-Three crowd. THAT is a wonderful thing!!
      We have a Sal. Army but the pickings are slim, also a consignment store nearby but the prices are high.
      As far as catalogs, I like Discount School Supply. I checked out Hayneedle awhile back when shopping for a large dog crate. Hmm, time to check it again. Thanks for the reminder!


      • #4
        I check the Salvation Army store weekly. I shopped at yard sales for a year before I opened and stored it all in my basement. One of my best tables was picked from a neighbor's throw out pile :: it is amazing what people throw away! Also, I noticed a neighbor's children were ignoring the hand built wooden swingset they had outgrown. I spoke to the parents who let me have it free if I could dismantle and move it! happyface it would have cost me $700 to buy it!!!


        • #5
          Bizchair, hayneedle, betty mills, amazon prime, kinderkidzstuff, oriental trading, ebay toy lots, schoolsin, mmk, time4learning, hwtears and funshine are my current suppliers for all things daycare. lovethis
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

