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How Should I Charge This New Family?

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  • How Should I Charge This New Family?

    I had a parent contact me who is looking for care for her 2 year old daughter. She is looking for care 3 days per week, but the 3 days vary every other week… so week one she wants Monday, Tuesday, Friday and week 2 she wants Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. She is a teacher, so she wouldn't bring her daughter during the summers.

    Of course I would love to be paid during the summer to keep my income up (especially since I already have 2 teacher's kids who will not be paying during the summer), but I feel like I shouldn't charge her if she won't be here… I don't know.

    Also, I charge by the spot… $150 for full-time (4-5 days per week), $120 for 3 days and $80 for 2 days… but if they're going to be 2 or 3 days per week, they need to be consistent days.

    What would you do?… charge for the summer and let her pay $120 per week, do not charge for the summer but have her pay for a full-time spot ($150) during the school year, or something else?

  • #2
    I would do the 120 per week at 3 days a week. No more no less. If she needs an extra day then she would need to be on contract for the full time spot every week. However when it comes to summer, if you don't make the other parents pay her, then you can't make her. Me personally, I would try to find "summer" kids and swap them out each year. That way you still have income coming in during those summer months that the teachers are off. I tried to help my retail families out like you are trying to help. I learned after a year that Its just not worth it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by LeslieG View Post
      care 3 days per week, but the 3 days vary every other week…

      she wouldn't bring her daughter during the summers.
      Full time slot, full time rate, pay in advance or slot will be filled from the waiting list.

      Like everyone else.

      Would the privilege of keeping this child be so awesome it is worth your own kids going without? Not trying to be rude, just wanting you to see it from another angle.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        First off, for teachers I would always take the amount they are "missing" for the summer and divide it by the rest of the year and add that amount to their weekly rate. THEN I would set that aside each week so I still have the money over the summer. So for example, say they work 40 weeks and are off 10 in the summer. Your full-time rate of $150 a week means $1500 you are missing out on, so you charge an extra $1500/40 = $37.50 each week or $180.5. Round it to a nice, neat $180 just to be pretty. (I like pretty numbers, )

        My policy for variable schedules that I charge for a full time spot because a) those schedules have a habit of changing and b) it's impossible to fill the other "half" of the schedule. However, I do give the family the right to bring the child full time then.

        So in this case i'd apply both policies.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          Full time slot. Where the days fluctuate, you can't take someone else to fill the 2 days.


          • #6
            I had a kiddo on this very schedule. Both dcp's in medical field it varied every week what days they would need. Basically they needed a full time space available, so that is what I charged them for ($150 week). If they needed extra days they could bring him as long as they approved it with me first.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
              Full time slot, full time rate, pay in advance or slot will be filled from the waiting list.

              Like everyone else.

              Would the privilege of keeping this child be so awesome it is worth your own kids going without? Not trying to be rude, just wanting you to see it from another angle.
              I agree. NOT seeing why this client is "special" compared to anyone else.

              She should pay the same rate as any one else would if they have access to a full time space.

              She should be charged according to the space she NEEDS available to her NOT the space she uses.


              • #8
                If it were me in this situation and I really wanted to enroll this family (or had no other option:, I would charge the $150 per wk with no charges for the summer. I would offer the other two days of the week only with a drop-in fee, otherwise I would feel I was getting ripped off on the free summer. That way, they feel like they are getting a deal, and you are not taking too hard of a financial hit.

                They will not find a QUALITY daycare that would be willing to do it for any less.


                • #9
                  Okay, thank you ladies! I have some thinking to do now!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    I agree. NOT seeing why this client is "special" compared to anyone else.

                    She should pay the same rate as any one else would if they have access to a full time space.

                    She should be charged according to the space she NEEDS available to her NOT the space she uses.
                    YEP lovethis

