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Should I Offer This?

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  • Should I Offer This?

    I have a family that needs care. They are living out of a hotel room dont quilfy for state assistance and cant afford my rates. There hours fit perfectly into what I am looking for. I was think of offering a discount but dont know bow to word it or approach it. I am only doing this beacuse I have had these two openings for almost 4 month and could use whatever money it would bring I was thinking a 100 discount. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Why are they living in a motel?

    No matter how much you need to money, I would never recommend that you discount your rates.

    I understand that some money is better than no money but unless you are REALLY good at using your backbone and being super firm about your policies, discounts will usually always come back to bite you.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Why are they living in a motel?

      No matter how much you need to money, I would never recommend that you discount your rates.

      I understand that some money is better than no money but unless you are REALLY good at using your backbone and being super firm about your policies, discounts will usually always come back to bite you.
      100% what she said. When I moved my DC up state, I was not getting calls and I was desperate to fill spots so I gave discounts and what not. I resented ever doing it.

      If you think they are a great fit and like BC said you are going to be able to stand up to the "give me this and that" mentality from the family then go for it. Be prepared for them to want special all the time.

      I never try to change anything with my rates or rules, especially in the start. I don't want to send them the message that I am willing to change any of them for their family. that will give them the idea that they can and will ask to do it again.


      • #4
        I agree with what everyone is saying above, but I have done what you are asking at times, just to make ends meet. I agree that you do grow to resent it, but sometimes, some money is better than none. My only advice if you take them on is to remember that it doesn't have to be permanent. You are doing them a favor, but if months down the line, a new family comes around that can afford your rates, you might need to term.
        You could also say it is a promotional rate for the winter or something??? Just an idea.


        • #5
          I have been bit by this dog before....

          Are they willing to sign a criminal background check request form?
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
            I have been bit by this dog before....

            Are they willing to sign a criminal background check request form?
            you made me laugh...You have some funny sayings, I love it


            • #7
              Originally posted by kelsey's kids View Post
              I have a family that needs care. They are living out of a hotel room dont quilfy for state assistance and cant afford my rates. There hours fit perfectly into what I am looking for. I was think of offering a discount but dont know bow to word it or approach it. I am only doing this beacuse I have had these two openings for almost 4 month and could use whatever money it would bring I was thinking a 100 discount. Any thoughts?
              I understand wanting to be full, but I agree that you shouldn't discount your rate. You could offer them a discounted rate until you fill the space, and let them know that they WILL be looking for care again when you find someone to take the spaces at full price. You win, because you have some money coming in , they win, because they have more time to search for daycare. No way would I let it be permanent.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Leigh:431803
                Originally posted by kelsey's kids View Post
                I have a family that needs care. They are living out of a hotel room dont quilfy for state assistance and cant afford my rates. There hours fit perfectly into what I am looking for. I was think of offering a discount but dont know bow to word it or approach it. I am only doing this beacuse I have had these two openings for almost 4 month and could use whatever money it would bring I was thinking a 100 discount. Any thoughts?
                I understand wanting to be full, but I agree that you shouldn't discount your rate. You could offer them a discounted rate until you fill the space, and let them know that they WILL be looking for care again when you find someone to take the spaces at full price. You win, because you have some money coming in , they win, because they have more time to search for daycare. No way would I let it be permanent.
                How would you word this to them? Especially beacuse I already told them my rates.


                • #9
                  I'm being bit as we "speak"!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kathiemarie:431827
                    I'm being bit as we "speak"!
                    Yea I have had that happen to but I dont know what to do at this point we have 4 spots open and have had no calls or anything. I keep hopeing it will pick up but what to do untill then


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kelsey's kids View Post
                      Yea I have had that happen to but I dont know what to do at this point we have 4 spots open and have had no calls or anything. I keep hopeing it will pick up but what to do untill then
                      If you really need to do it, then work something out with them. Tell them that you are going to start offering a promotional rate starting V-Day and it will go on for 3 months, after that that rate will be$_____________. This can give them time to either make more money or find new care.

                      I would ask yourself this however, is $100.00 really going to make that much of a difference when it comes to them being able to make their payments?


                      • #12

                        I have been in this situation before...really needed kids, wasn't getting calls, and I was willing to take any kid at any price!

                        I had a DCM talk me into reducing my rate to $120 (from $175), because she was a single mom in nursing school. DCG started in April, mom was graduating in December. I wrote up a contract that expired one month after she graduated and told her my rate would go back to normal and we would sign a new contract at that time. That was over a month ago, mom has a wonderful job, and things are great!

                        I also took a part time DCB (I only take full time!) because I was desperate, and the mom promised me he would only be part time for three months, then go to full time when her job situation changed. That was nine months ago, and still not full time. I didn't make a special contract for them, and now I kick myself every week. Grrr.

                        Maybe you could tell them you would be willing to do a three or six month contract at the lower rate, but when that contract expires your rate will go back to normal? By then, they won't want to have to switch daycare since you will have developed a relationship and a routine with the kids.


                        • #13
                          I agree, don't lower them unless you have a firm plan in place and are prepared to lose them as soon as you increase your rates. I struggle with this all of the time. I feel if I lower my rates its better then nothing, but there is obviously a cost associated with caring for that child. Its not like its all profit for me. If I lowered my rates by 100/month then I would be profiting about 25/week after bills and food were paid for. That means basically I am making $.50 an hour to care for a child with what seem like difficult parents.

                          Not worth it!

                          Oh and btw I love the tags on this thread! ::


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ihop View Post

                            Oh and btw I love the tags on this thread! ::
                            Yeah we have a FANTASTIC tagger on board! ::


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              Why are they living in a motel?

                              No matter how much you need to money, I would never recommend that you discount your rates.

                              I understand that some money is better than no money but unless you are REALLY good at using your backbone and being super firm about your policies, discounts will usually always come back to bite you.

