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Another Simple Nap Question

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  • Another Simple Nap Question

    When does every put their DCks down for nap.
    For instance, if your nap time is at 1230, do you put them down at 1230 or 1215 with audio books, etc.

    We nap from 1-3. I don't put the DCKs down until 1 with audio books on then music. I am considering putting them down 15 min early. It takes them about a half hour to fall asleep. I wake my 4 and 5's up at 3 (per parents request, doesn't bother me). I am wondering if I should put them down a little earlier to give them some time to wind down before actual nap time.


  • #2
    I put Soundscapes on most of the time and lay them down anywhere from 11:45-12:15. The SA kids come home at 3pm except Wednesdays when they're home around 1:45. I try and get them down by 12 on Wednesdays so they get a good solid chunk of sleep before the big boys are home. I also have a DCD who picks up at 1:40 and he really wants DCG to have at least a 90 min nap. On Fridays he comes a little later. Anyway, she usually wakes up right at 1:35-40 anyway so I stopped letting him know she was still asleep and he either parks in front of my house and reads or runs errands until I text that she's up. The other 2 boys sleep well beyond that, usually past 2-2:30pm so it's good (for me) that she goes home immediately after waking up! LOL

    eta- today we had a later nap, they didn't lay down until almost 1 but went straight to sleep. No noise... nada! LOL


    • #3
      Mine nap 12-3, or 12:15-3:15, depending on the day. We eat, read a story, sing the nighty-night song, wash up (at the table), and then I take them one-by-one to bed, each waving night-night to the remainder of the kids.

      They sleep or lay there, and I wake them up 3 hours later. Everyone has a book and a toy their bed, and if they wake up early, they can "read" or play quietly until I go around singing "It's time to waaaaaaaaaaaaake up" to the tune of "Happy Birhday" loudly and off-key (not on purpose, not a talent of mine).


      • #4
        Our afternoon nap is usually from 1-3 but I'm going to move it up from 12:30 -2:30. They wake up for some reason around 2:30 regardless of when they go down.

        I close all of the blinds and curtains so it's dimmer, but not dark. I put Pandora on the Sleepytime channel and put the volume down low.


        • #5
          Our nap is from 1:30-3:30 ish. Normally I say it's 2 hours, so if they go down at 1:00, they are up at 3.

          We eat directly after lunch, so while the kids are eating, I set out mats. Then when lunch is over, they all wash up (at the table) and then one by one use the potty/get diaper changed, go pick out a book, and lay on their mats. I usually give them 15-20 min of quiet time. I read a story, then cover them up and turn on lullabies/audio books.

          I really like going straight from the table to nap, it eliminates the chance for them to get a second wind.


          • #6
            we eat lunch at 11 or 1115 and then wash up and go straight to our cots. they usually lay down between 1130 and 1145. and drift off by noon. nap officially ends at 200 but i have days that they sleep until 230 or 245 depending on moods


            • #7
              Our naptime is typically 1-2:30. It is normally about 1:10 by the time that last one gets to their cots with their books.


              • #8
                Our nap time is 1230 to 330 and I lay them down right at 1230. Typically they are asleep in 15-20 minutes. I wake the two older girls up at 330 but he special dcg and her infant brother wake up in their own. The dcg usually sleeps long on her afternoon nap.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blandino View Post
                  Our nap is from 1:30-3:30 ish. Normally I say it's 2 hours, so if they go down at 1:00, they are up at 3.

                  We eat directly after lunch, so while the kids are eating, I set out mats. Then when lunch is over, they all wash up (at the table) and then one by one use the potty/get diaper changed, go pick out a book, and lay on their mats. I usually give them 15-20 min of quiet time. I read a story, then cover them up and turn on lullabies/audio books.

                  I really like going straight from the table to nap, it eliminates the chance for them to get a second wind.
                  Same here. Well, except you said you eat directly after lunch but we eat during lunch and then nap afterwards.

                  I also love that they go right from table to napping. Their tummies are full and happy and it is usually the perfect time for a rest.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by blandino View Post
                    Our nap is from 1:30-3:30 ish. Normally I say it's 2 hours, so if they go down at 1:00, they are up at 3.

                    We eat directly after lunch, so while the kids are eating, I set out mats. Then when lunch is over, they all wash up (at the table) and then one by one use the potty/get diaper changed, go pick out a book, and lay on their mats. I usually give them 15-20 min of quiet time. I read a story, then cover them up and turn on lullabies/audio books.

                    I really like going straight from the table to nap, it eliminates the chance for them to get a second wind.
                    Same nap time routine here, nap right after lunch while they're already calm.
                    Usually 12:30-3, they start waking up at 2:30


                    • #11
                      Our nap time is 12:30/1-3. We eat lunch and then brush our teeth then I have 3 younger dck's who go to sleep at 12:30 and 2 who are older that go to sleep at 1. It's easier to get them to sleep in shifts.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for all the responses! I am still trying to tweak things. I recently moved lunch to 12 and nap to 1. I had to move nap back because the kids weren't napping well. It is much better at 1. I moved lunch back to 12. I can't have it any later because my little ones cant wait any longer (even with breakfast and morning snack). Im thinking about laying the kids down around 1245 and start stories to give them some time to relax before nap vs playing after lunch and getting all hyped up again.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by melilley View Post
                          Our nap time is 12:30/1-3. We eat lunch and then brush our teeth then I have 3 younger dck's who go to sleep at 12:30 and 2 who are older that go to sleep at 1. It's easier to get them to sleep in shifts.
                          I have a dcb that always wakes up first, so I try to have him fall asleep last. It's difficult though because he sees the other kids laying down and wants to do the same because he's tired and ready, and falls asleep almost instantly. He has a hard time keeping quiet while the others are still sleeping and he wakes up and starts talking loudly and inevitably everyone else is up before they are ready. I wish I had another area for him to sleep.

                          Do you allow the other kids to play in another room while the first group is laying down? Trying to figure this out with my dcb. Maybe allow him to go in the living room with his books


                          • #14
                            I alter nap time occasionally depending on the ages of the kids (when I have all younger ones we tend to go down earlier for a few weeks/months) but my usual is about 12:45-3:00. We eat lunch about noon so sometimes that 12:45 is more like 12:35, just depends on the day. I usually go in to start waking them at 3, but sometimes will let them go to 3:15.

