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Wow. Glad I Have You Guys

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  • Wow. Glad I Have You Guys

    SO, long story short. I opened in September and had one family that finally enrolled the night before (after rescheduling many times). When they finally enrolled the night before, she changed from part time to full time.
    Fast forward, I made a new policy saying that full time has priority over part time. I tried to find a part time to fill in on the other days. I had three interviews with no enrollment. I was not actively looking for a full time DCK but one fell into my lap and I think she will be a great fit.
    I let the other DCM know that she has priority for the full time spot (DCG attends 3 days). DCM said this would be her last two weeks. Then made comments like, I don't know what i'm going to do, etc. She has been rather rude this week now. Ill say bye, have a great day and she will just ignore me.

    But, thanks to you guys, I am not taking it personally and not letting her problems become mine. She has the option to stay. I'm not forcing her to leave. I am so glad that I can go about my days knowing this is best for my financial situation as well as my family's. I also am glad that you guys helped me to learn about putting situations in the parents court.

    I guess that wasn't short afterall
    ps. no idea what tags to use

  • #2
    I agree wholeheartedly! Before I found this board I was pulling my hair out, trying to find support, advice, comraderie, feedback, fresh eyes and ears. The folks here have been real lifesavers.
    Wtg standing your ground and even better, not feeling guilty! happyface


    • #3
      That's great! I am also loving this forum! I only joined about a week ago (or less) but have already gotten soooo much advice and empathy! I wish I found this a long time ago! I also have been in need of being in contact with others who have been there, done that and can offer advice or just listen. I usually talk my husband's ear off and I know he gets sick if it! He'll tell me to stop complaining sometimes. I try to make him understand that I'm not complaining, I just need to talk about stuff and there's no one to talk to! This is great!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Luna View Post
        I agree wholeheartedly! Before I found this board I was pulling my hair out, trying to find support, advice, comraderie, feedback, fresh eyes and ears. The folks here have been real lifesavers.
        Wtg standing your ground and even better, not feeling guilty! happyface


        • #5
          Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
          That's great! I am also loving this forum! I only joined about a week ago (or less) but have already gotten soooo much advice and empathy! I wish I found this a long time ago! I also have been in need of being in contact with others who have been there, done that and can offer advice or just listen. I usually talk my husband's ear off and I know he gets sick if it! He'll tell me to stop complaining sometimes. I try to make him understand that I'm not complaining, I just need to talk about stuff and there's no one to talk to! This is great!
          mines the same..... he's happy I found this forum for now i go to him less .....


          • #6
            I know, there's been times that I have been in a situation and have thought "I wonder what the ladies and gents would say or do" and a couple of times, it gave me the confidence to do and/or say something that I wouldn't have done/said in the past or has given me ideas of what to say. My dh sometimes says "what would the ladies on say"...
            We (the people on the forum in general) may not always agree on everything, but that's life. I lovethis this forum too!


            • #7
              Originally posted by melilley View Post
              I know, there's been times that I have been in a situation and have thought "I wonder what the ladies and gents would say or do" and a couple of times, it gave me the confidence to do and/or say something that I wouldn't have done/said in the past or has given me ideas of what to say. My dh sometimes says "what would the ladies on say"...
              We (the people on the forum in general) may not always agree on everything, but that's life. I lovethis this forum too!
              My husband says the same thing! "Post in the forum" and now my sister tells me the same thing too ::


              • #8
                Originally posted by jenboo View Post
                My husband says the same thing! "Post in the forum" and now my sister tells me the same thing too ::
                :: Actually I was having an issue the other day and told dh about it over the phone (he was at work). He told me to post a poll on here and we would look at the outcome when he got home...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jenboo View Post
                  Fast forward, I made a new policy saying that full time has priority over part time.
                  I think I should make this type of policy. I have one full week spot that I allow to be used for part time (if that makes sense). I had one child here Mon and Tues and then another on Friday only, together they took up a full time spot, leaving wed and thurs to fill in, but never happened, too hard to find that exact availability. However I recently a few weeks ago had a situation where the boy coming on Mon and Tues left, leaving the whole week open for this spot except Friday. I had to turn away 2 full time inquiries because Friday was taken. Well that child ended up being a no call no show a few weeks ago and when I finally got in touch with the parents they didn't need Friday anymore due to them getting separated, but never told was a mess and another story in itself! Anyway now this spot is still open, I could have filled it twice, but gave my Friday girl priority. If had this sort of policy I could have avoided this. I never thought of doing that! See, this forum is great! Things I never thought of, or didn't think would be ok to dohappyface


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
                    I think I should make this type of policy. I have one full week spot that I allow to be used for part time (if that makes sense). I had one child here Mon and Tues and then another on Friday only, together they took up a full time spot, leaving wed and thurs to fill in, but never happened, too hard to find that exact availability. However I recently a few weeks ago had a situation where the boy coming on Mon and Tues left, leaving the whole week open for this spot except Friday. I had to turn away 2 full time inquiries because Friday was taken. Well that child ended up being a no call no show a few weeks ago and when I finally got in touch with the parents they didn't need Friday anymore due to them getting separated, but never told was a mess and another story in itself! Anyway now this spot is still open, I could have filled it twice, but gave my Friday girl priority. If had this sort of policy I could have avoided this. I never thought of doing that! See, this forum is great! Things I never thought of, or didn't think would be ok to dohappyface
                    I think Black Cat gave me the idea, but it could have been someone else. My policy says that full time has priority over part time. The part timer can chose to go to full time or give their two week notice if i find a full timer to fill their spot.


                    • #11
                      Good job! It's too bad she left but it was her choice!

