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Do you check on your family background?

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  • Do you check on your family background?

    Have you ever worried or thought about families that you will accept them to your home daycare? You know families will look for caregivers who have background checks. What about us the providers? We provide care in our homes. Have anyone ever had any problem with clients' family issues? Have anyone checked on their background, if yes, how do you do that?

  • #2
    I google their name or look on Facebook for them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Baan Dek Lek View Post
      Have you ever worried or thought about families that you will accept them to your home daycare? You know families will look for caregivers who have background checks. What about us the providers? We provide care in our homes. Have anyone ever had any problem with clients' family issues? Have anyone checked on their background, if yes, how do you do that?
      I do a background check on every potential family before the interview. Some people have a huge criminal background, usually speeding, parking tickets, child support exc.

      I have only told 1 family no due to a background. I use Iowa Courts Online, it is free to use here.


      • #4
        How did you do that?

        Did you tell them that you would do their background check? What do you need to do the check such as their full names, ssn?


        • #5
          Originally posted by mountainside13 View Post
          I do a background check on every potential family before the interview. Some people have a huge criminal background, usually speeding, parking tickets, child support exc.

          I have only told 1 family no due to a background. I use Iowa Courts Online, it is free to use here.
          That is awesome! I don't know that we have anything like that here...Something to look in to for sure.


          • #6
            I use a standard consent to perform background check form. I printed it off I think it is intended for land lords, but it works just fine.

            I give them copies of DH and my own background check so I feel it is a mutual respect issue. I let them know that I also have kids at risk in this arrangement and they tend to understand completely.

            The ones who will not consent are not offered the slot. Obviously we will not be a good match because the respect does not go both ways with them. Great "entitlement" filter.

            (you also can run them without consent or notice on many websites, get their DOB's from FB)
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Baan Dek Lek View Post
              Did you tell them that you would do their background check? What do you need to do the check such as their full names, ssn?
              For the website I use you just need their first and last name. If it's a common name like smith you would need a birthday. I don't tell them I am doing a background check. In my state we don't need consent. All of it is public record.


              • #8
                Other threads about back ground checks.

                Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children

                FWIW~ We have access to check public records here as well, but keep in mind NOT all information is public record.

                There have been several cases of things I KNOW to be true that are omitted from some one's public record so just because a public record search/check comes up clean, doesn't mean the person doesn't have anything on their record.

                There are LOTS of loopholes as to what is and isn't considered "public record" so please don't put all your trust into ANY search that is public.


                • #9
                  I'm wondering the same thing, can we do this? I have a family with two kids here. I got wind if the dad having been in jail. He's in my home everyday and I don't know why he was in jail. Don't I have the right to find out?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lauram16 View Post
                    I'm wondering the same thing, can we do this? I have a family with two kids here. I got wind if the dad having been in jail. He's in my home everyday and I don't know why he was in jail. Don't I have the right to find out?
                    Try here http://publicrecords.onlinesearches....sachusetts.htm


                    • #11
                      Thank you!


                      • #12
                        I had thought about this before, but when I went to look and see the cost involved, I decided against it.

                        Like BC said, some information is public information, but not all.

                        I know that criminals come in from all walks of life, but I feel confident that I use my best judgement to pick good families. After all, people do make mistakes and people do grow and learn from them.

                        To my knowledge, I have never had a family here that has ever done any jail time except one kid who's mothers BF went to jail for a DUI the night of his birthday.

                        As some of us have also discussed before, because we don't REALLY know these parents, a lot of us choose to not allow the parents full into the daycare and mingle with the other children. I for one do not allow that. I allow parents to come only onto my foyer of my home, for both drop off and pick up.


                        • #13
                          I usually google, Facebook, etc. people's names prior to interviews. One this week is super common name so no luck there. One DCD isn't involved with his DS and there's as restraining order against him. Luckily he lives a couple hours away and doesn't know me or where I live. He was arrested for domestic issues last year and then arrested again last month for possession of stolen property. Gotta love public records!

