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Is Something Wrong With Me

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  • Is Something Wrong With Me

    Because every time a child says "huh?" or "mmm hmmm" or "nah" I want to...pull my hair out. The "huh" especially, drives me crazy when adults say it even.

    I have a dcb 2 who says "mmm hmm" to EVERYTHING. I told DCM I've been working on saying YES, I think she thinks I'm a female dog. I guess she thinks mmm hmm is cute.

    Kid is articulate, except for this. TGIF! Uh huh.

  • #2
    I have a child that did that when she started. She would answer yes or no like that. Drove me nuts! I just act like I don't understand, "I'm sorry, I don't understand that. Yes, please? or no, thank you?" She finally has it down. Whew!


    • #3
      I thought I was just a big B.

      I want to pull my hair out over "I'm DOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNE!"

      and "HEY!"

      seriously, could yank hair out and it would feel better. All of my kiddos but ONE says "May I please be excused?" or some other cute version in toddleresque. "Be scuse?" "Maybe scused?" LOVE IT. but ONE DCB, no matter how many times I remind, he still does "I"M DOOOOOOONEEEEEEEEEE!" first. UGH.

      and HEY! Why do they scream HEY! HEY HEY! No other words behind it, just HEY! *yanks hair*


      • #4
        Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
        I thought I was just a big B.

        I want to pull my hair out over "I'm DOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNE!"

        and "HEY!"

        seriously, could yank hair out and it would feel better. All of my kiddos but ONE says "May I please be excused?" or some other cute version in toddleresque. "Be scuse?" "Maybe scused?" LOVE IT. but ONE DCB, no matter how many times I remind, he still does "I"M DOOOOOOONEEEEEEEEEE!" first. UGH.

        and HEY! Why do they scream HEY! HEY HEY! No other words behind it, just HEY! *yanks hair*
        I know how you feel. I was in the preschool room today and one dcb kept yelling "hey you" AT ME!! I started out the day by asking him to say my name instead. By lunchtime I was ignoring him, before time to go home I was ready to scream shut the H--l up!


        • #5
          I think this is the convo that put me over the edge (it's been that kind of week, so unfortunately it didn't take much):

          After telling the kids not to run in the house for the umpteenth time, which they know they shouldn't do, I sat dcb2 down:

          Me: Do we run in the house?
          Dcb: mmm hmmm
          Me: No, we do not run in the house, the answer is no. Do we run in the house?
          Dcb: mmm hmmm

          Repeat for about 5 cycles. Was this wrong? All the kids know we don't run in the house, they tell each other "no running" all the time.

          I think he's a Jedi, sent to mess with me because I know he knows how to say no. Maybe he's just mimicking his parents ("Do you like these shoes honey?" "Mmmm hmmm" while not looking up from the tv).

          Sorry this is long, it's not a big deal, just another peeve. . Shew, I feel better.

          The saying yes part instead of mmm hmm comes in after meals, "are you finished?"....


          • #6
            When kids use that language with me, I tell them that I can't understand what they are saying. Even at 2, it drives them crazy, and they will come back (maybe after 5 tries) with the "right" word. When kids don't say please, I ignore them completely. If they keep repeating their demand without a please, I ask them "how do we ask for what we want?", and they remember to say please. Most of my kids are very good with please, thank you, excuse me, and I'm sorry. All but two came from their parents like this, but the last two, I had to work a lot to get them to use ANY manners or behave like civil human beings.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Naptime yet? View Post
              I think this is the convo that put me over the edge (it's been that kind of week, so unfortunately it didn't take much):

              After telling the kids not to run in the house for the umpteenth time, which they know they shouldn't do, I sat dcb2 down:

              Me: Do we run in the house?
              Dcb: mmm hmmm
              Me: No, we do not run in the house, the answer is no. Do we run in the house?
              Dcb: mmm hmmm

              Repeat for about 5 cycles. Was this wrong? All the kids know we don't run in the house, they tell each other "no running" all the time.

              I think he's a Jedi, sent to mess with me because I know he knows how to say no. Maybe he's just mimicking his parents ("Do you like these shoes honey?" "Mmmm hmmm" while not looking up from the tv).

              Sorry this is long, it's not a big deal, just another peeve. . Shew, I feel better.

              The saying yes part instead of mmm hmm comes in after meals, "are you finished?"....
              If he is repeatedly doing something over and over despite how many times you "remind" him of the rules, then he is telling you that he doesn't understand.

              Atleast not in a way that makes any sort of impact on him. Which is why he repeats the behavior.

              Even if he really does understand the rules, there is nothing stopping him from running...kwim?

              What is the consequence? What is the motivator?

              You have to figure out the motivator....WHAT makes him run? Room arrangement? Not enough exercise? etc?

              Repeating something over and over is not the answer...he is telling/showing you that by repeating his behavior and not "listening" to the rule.

              Have you tried rearranging the room so running can't happen?

              How about involving the kids in rule making and discussing the outcome of a certain action when the action is not taking place?

              Meal time is s great time to have these discussions because they aren't running and are sitting so their focus is better.

              Also including the kids in making the rules and consequences, helps kids remember the rules and even more important FOLLOW THROUGH with them.


              • #8
                This was me this past summer with the kids running. After many attempts at explaining and talking to mom (2 brothers were the issue) I tried another approach. I made up a little chant that we sing, it's silly but the kids sing it to each other. "Walking feet, walking feet, we do not run, use walking feet". It works mostly. Another thing we do is make it fun. I'll tell them "when we're in the house you can walk, tip-toe, crawl or slither like a snake. The only thing you can not do is run. When we go outside you can run as much as you want". This works sometimes, but not for the 2 boys mentioned. On days where those things don't work I'll stop them in their tracks and have them sit and tell them "Remember we have to use walking feet, if your feet can't walk then you have to sit" Not a time out, just sit right where you are for a minute and realize if you want to get to the other room you need to walk. My issue was the way the rooms are arranged which of course I cant change. They would just tear through the house full speed, knocking each other down in the process ugh. My last resort is putting a gate in the doorways so they can not run. They REALLY do not like gates (maybe they are gated up at home?) so this usually gets their attention. But it works because they are not able to tear through the house. I tell them "the gates will come down when your feet start walking". Then there are days where none of the above works!!

                Try a silly song. I love when I hear the kids singing it to each other without me, they get it (well most of them)


                • #9
                  Sorry didn't mean to stray from the topic! I also have a "Ya" issue. Difficult to break because it's what they do at home. The kids learn from older siblings and parents think it's cute.


                  • #10
                    I JUST had this discussion with DCB5 yesterday. He's getting into this habit of saying "HUH?!" with this awful screwed-up squinty-eyed "confused" look on his face, every time I say something to him. If I say nothing, then in about ten seconds he says, "oh!" and responds to what I said. It is SO ANNoyiNG.
                    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                    • #11
                      I'm the same way!!! I'm not hey, we don't huh, I won't answer or give a child something unless I hear a please, thank you, we ask to be excused, we answer questions with yes or no, not yeah, k, or anything like that. Even my little guy who has trouble speaking attempts the words.

