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  • Mmk?

    My food program sponsor doesn't use MMK. I have to do all my menus and such on paper.

    Would MMK be worth it to me to use it for my record keeping? I have a small, home-based DC with an 9 kiddos from 5 families. Right now I use Quick books and spreadsheets...

  • #2
    Imho, yes!!!


    • #3
      I just opened 6 months ago and only have 4 kids at a time and up to maybe 7 kids various shifts in total. I think it's worth it.

      I had papers everywhere for a while and couldn't find anything. I have slowly been getting everything into my computer from last year and doing this year all in MMK and it has helped a ton.

      My sponsor doesn't use it either but I still enter everything online and then print out what is needed so that I have a record of it as well and it's less of a hassle.


      • #4
        You can print the menus in less that 10 seconds. Also you can copy and paste entire weekly menus every 4-8 weeks for the entire year if you choose. HUGE time saver. lovethis
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          This is my first year of doing taxes for my home dc (I opened Feb. 2013) and I love MMK! My fp sponsor does use it, but even if they didn't, I would still get it! Everything is in one place and entering stuff is so simple! I love it!


          • #6
            Yes, yes, yes!


            • #7
              Totally worth it! The tax stuff is priceless-if you keep up on it


              • #8
                Yes! Worth every penny! I use it for billing, keep track of expenses, etc. I love it!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jack Sprat View Post
                  Yes! Worth every penny! I use it for billing, keep track of expenses, etc. I love it!
                  Me too!


                  • #10
                    I only have one dck right now but I still think MMK is worth it!

