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What do you tell parents

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  • What do you tell parents

    My question is what do you tell the parents at pick up? Do you tell them if they had a bad/good day? do you tell them if they napped or not, or ate well? Here is my issue. I am going to do a schedule with what works best for my daycare. I always let the parents know what that is and what times I do lunch, snack, nap and so on, but no matter how many times I tell them these things, or point out that we need to be on the same page, they always do something to screw it up. Like today, I have one DCG that the mom showed up and said " Oh well I already gave her a morning nap" She knows nap time is from 12-2 no matter what time she shows up and she still continues to give her a morning nap. Then I had one DCG show up at 1 (I had already told mom that late drop off was ok, but she would have to have quit time from 1-2 while everyone else finished her nap. So when she gets here she makes the comment "ya shes pretty hyper now" Oh and I haven't feed her lunch because she slept through it" Now I have both girls sitting here. One is crying has been since drop off, and one is just sitting here playing with out any issue, but by the time pick up comes she will be a bear. So Do you please the parents and do what they ask and then let them know if they did well for the day or not? Or do you just say " she was fine today" and only address the big and important issues and do what works best for you the provider? Cause no matter how many times I bring it up with them its clear they are gona do what they want on there own time. Im just getting tired of dealling with something new everyday, I have put my foot down, stood my ground and used my backbone and its still an issue. I can't term cause then I wouldn't have any kids

  • #2
    Maybe just start setting drop-off and pick-up times. No drop offs between 12-2. So either before and they get lunch and nap or after 2 and you don't have to worry about it. I have a family who's child has therapy at 11am two days a week. We eat lunch at 11:30 and nap about 12-12:30 so when they drop off late it screws up my whole schedule. I just got them to commit to 5 days a week and will probably draft up a new contract for them with some limits. Sometimes they come from 7-4 and sometimes it 12 or later -6:30. I have been keeping track of their d/o & p/u times to see what we usually end up doing. And it wouldn't term them for this either but I would maybe print out a friendly reminder for everyone that drop offs and pick ups MUST be between these times.
    And I usually tell parents a quick "had a great day" or "was a little grumpy but perked up after snack" or something. If they had a really bad day I will tell parents but not every day. Most parents don't want to hear the negative stuff anyway and it makes you sound grumpy. If it's a serious offense than we would address it immediately during the day.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cara041083 View Post
      Issue 1: I have one DCG that the mom showed up and said " Oh well I already gave her a morning nap" She knows nap time is from 12-2

      Issue 2: Then I had one DCG show up at 1 she makes the comment "ya shes pretty hyper now" Oh and I haven't feed her lunch because she slept through it"

      Q: So Do you please the parents and do what they ask and then let them know if they did well for the day or not?

      Cause of issues: I can't term cause then I wouldn't have any kids
      A: If you allow the issues to occur on your time, telling the parent how it effected your day will fall on deaf ears.

      The only thing that will solve these issues is for you to enforce an arrival cut off time and not allow drop offs during naptime.

      I do hope it works itself out for you though :hug:
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I don't allow drop offs after 9 and I HIGHLY DISCOURAGE nap time pick ups. If they arrive after the designated meal time, they need to arrive fed. If they cant be quiet during rest, they aren't able to participate and will need to be picked up.

        Hyper? "Oh, see you after rest at 2!"
        Hungry? "Can you wait until snack at 3? Lunch is over."
        Not going to sleep? "Ok, I'll call you for pickup if she is disruptive at rest time."

        Put your foot down.

        Write a letter to send home. As of X date, the following rules will apply ------. It is too hard to meet the needs of the group as a whole if everyone is on different schedules. Thank you for understanding.


        • #5
          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
          I don't allow drop offs after 9 and I HIGHLY DISCOURAGE nap time pick ups. If they arrive after the designated meal time, they need to arrive fed. If they cant be quiet during rest, they aren't able to participate and will need to be picked up.

          Hyper? "Oh, see you after rest at 2!"
          Hungry? "Can you wait until snack at 3? Lunch is over."
          Not going to sleep? "Ok, I'll call you for pickup if she is disruptive at rest time."

          Put your foot down.

          Write a letter to send home. As of X date, the following rules will apply ------. It is too hard to meet the needs of the group as a whole if everyone is on different schedules. Thank you for understanding.
          Love the letter Idea! and the no drop off after 9 is an awesome idea.


          • #6
            Unfortunately you can't control what the parent does. I agree with everyone else. Don't allow drop offs at nap time.

            On very rare occasions when I allow it, I always will say, "Make sure you feed them before you come, Thanks!"

            They are not thinking about your schedule so a reminder has always helped me.


            • #7
              The reason I am having so much trouble I think, is because all of my parents work retail. So they try to bring them on there way to work. One day it will be 845 and the next day it will be 1 or 2. I am going to try the no drop after 9 because as of right now, I have had at least one kid up during nap time. So basically Its been a struggle everyday. I am firm on nap time, but if they get here at 11 and had a morning nap, then of course there not going to lay down at 12 and I can't blame them. But I need to do whats best for the group and I never thought to have them dropped off by a cretin time. I know one family will have an issue with it because both parents share a car. But if I loose them, I won't be heart broken


              • #8
                I require all drop-offs to be made by 8:30 AM unless they have an appointment etc... They need to call/text if they will be late. Second, NO DROP OFFS AT NAP TIME EVER!! They need to arrive by 11:30 so they have time to adjust before nap time.

                I do feel your pain on the retail moms though. I do not have any like that right now. One time I did and even though she agreed to have him there on time it NEVER happened. So I termed him within the first month for this and other issues. Good luck finding a policy that will work for you!


                • #9
                  Well first thing put a stop to it. No drops offs or pick ups at nap. (unless absolutely necessary IE dr appointment ) If they are here by a certain time they can eat if not they don't its your program dont let them push you around. Nap time is not optional.

