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Maybe Posting On Here Will Help...

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  • Maybe Posting On Here Will Help...

    I have been trying for months to replace an existing family that I have complained about recently on here. Every single time a lead comes up, it falls flat, and I feel I am destined to stick it out with this family, even though I don't want to I had a tour set up for this morning, with a child the same age, and dcm just emailed me to reschedule. I haven't lost all hope yet, but things just never seem to work out with a replacement. Maybe just writing it all out will help...

  • #2


    • #3
      I've gotten very choosy who to work for over time, so when things don't work out for me, I just figure we weren't gonna be a good sucks, but it helps dealing with those hit and miss

      good luck to you:hug:


      • #4
        I think we've all been there at times :hug:. I do tend to get a lot of calls in January and February, so maybe something will turn up for you soon.


        • #5
          Thank you for responding. I am so tired of this family, but really need the income. I knew you guys could understand what this is like- thanks


          • #6
            Sending 'many calls' and 'good interview' vibes your way!!!!


            • #7

              I have been trying to replace a 3yo since Sept.! I finally did, but not until Feb. because noone wants care for 3 here so I had to wait until one child aged up. I did get a ton of calls this month. I'll send some your way.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mrsmichelle View Post
                I have been trying for months to replace an existing family that I have complained about recently on here. Every single time a lead comes up, it falls flat, and I feel I am destined to stick it out with this family, even though I don't want to I had a tour set up for this morning, with a child the same age, and dcm just emailed me to reschedule. I haven't lost all hope yet, but things just never seem to work out with a replacement. Maybe just writing it all out will help...
                At least they reschedules, there's hope.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mrsmichelle View Post
                  Thank you for responding. I am so tired of this family, but really need the income. I knew you guys could understand what this is like- thanks
                  Oh yeah, I'm there with you. I'm working on my ad to start advertising to replace a family. A part of me wishes they'd get their act together so I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of posting the ad, responding to inquiries, scheduling interviews, dealing with late/no shows, going through interviews ... you get the idea. But I'd rather go through all of that than be irritated everyday with a difficult family. BUT I'd rather deal with this family than be broke and not be able to pay my bills ::.

