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  • Parents!

    Our dd started running a fever this morning. I texted parents made them aware of what was going on. Told them she was staying upstairs etc. Well, the fever has gone higher but, did break with Motrin. All parents texted back understanding and wanting to know if they needed to pick up early. I told them no as she was upstairs and it was nearing nap time etc. But, of course it was their choice.

    So after lunch I sent a text out letting them know that I would be closed tomorrow. Everyone was receptive and understanding except for one family. The DCM called and asked if I was for sure closing because she was on her lunch break and needed to let work know, and how she has only been at this job for 7 weeks and has already had to take two days off (DCM was sick), and how hopefully she could find someone to watch dcg so she could at least work a few hours, she didn't want dcg getting sick since she is so young, and this really sucked for her. I let her know that part of my closing was to avoid infecting other children with what DD has, to give DD time with me, and to disinfect the house.

    This family is starting to really get to me. I handed out policy changes last night and DCD had the balls to complain about the late charges and said that since its contracted hours dcg would be here till 5:30 even if she didn't need to be. He then went on to say he would give it to his wife and let her call and rip my ass. His words! I laughed and told him I wasn't sure what she would be upset about and that I have always had late charges he had been lucky in that I have let him slide twice but, no more. He then went on to complain that this is a contract. I explained yes it is and that this daycare is a business and its done to protect my business and my clients. Also, you were given a handbook with a contract to sign remember? Obviously not! I'm so frustrated with them. I love dcg dearly and enjoy having her. However, the parents are not so enjoyable.

  • #2
    wow- He said his wife would call later to rip your ass? I'd say fine, she can do that when she picks up your termination papers and your child's things. No one should disrespect you and your business like that.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MotherNature View Post
      wow- He said his wife would call later to rip your ass? I'd say fine, she can do that when she picks up your termination papers and your child's things. No one should disrespect you and your business like that.
      My mouth is wide open right now!


      • #4
        I don't even know what to say to that! WTF? I would be so livid. I'm usually one to let some things go, but this, No Way!

        Did dcm call you?


        • #5
          His exact words! The more I think about the more it makes me upset. She said nothing about it this morning at drop-off. DH thinks we need to sit down with the family and have a "come to Jesus" meeting. I think we are reaching that point. It seems to be one thing after another with this family.


          • #6
            Oh. My. Goodness.

            How did you manage to not term him on the spot? I don't care if this parent is making me richer than I could ever dream of... I dare you to talk to me like that in my own home and NOT get slapped with a term notice.


            • #7
              Well, DCM just called and was venting about missing work and dcg being exposed to germs. So she is on her way.

              THEN! She says I don't want you to be upset but, I talked with administration and they are going to write up a business plan so we can get a daycare opened here at work. And have a sick room for sick kids. So we don't have to miss work when our kids are sick and when our providers kids are sick.

              Now what do I do????? I want to cry so bad. I'm angry and now saddened by this. And wondering how much since it makes to have a bunch of sick kids all together....


              • #8
                Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                Oh. My. Goodness.

                How did you manage to not term him on the spot? I don't care if this parent is making me richer than I could ever dream of... I dare you to talk to me like that in my own home and NOT get slapped with a term notice.
                My Mary Poppins (as Dh calls it) was shinning bright I guess.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jack Sprat View Post
                  Well, DCM just called and was venting about missing work and dcg being exposed to germs. So she is on her way.

                  THEN! She says I don't want you to be upset but, I talked with administration and they are going to write up a business plan so we can get a daycare opened here at work. And have a sick room for sick kids. So we don't have to miss work when our kids are sick and when our providers kids are sick.

                  Now what do I do????? I want to cry so bad. I'm angry and now saddened by this. And wondering how much since it makes to have a bunch of sick kids all together....
                  Don't let her bully you! You know how long it's going to take to set that up? And I don't know about your state, but in mine there are no sick child cares because licensing has regulations and standards regarding sick kids. They're not going to just whip a daycare up any time soon.

                  Honestly, I'd term. I don't let people bully me or try to make me feel like I'm doing the wrong thing just so they aren't inconvenienced. Like Blackcat says... No amount of $$$ is worth putting up with parents like that! Just from what you've said in this thread this family is nothing but trouble.


                  • #10
                    And I know it's sad... you can feel the way you do and still stand up for yourself, kwim? There's a family out there who would love a great provider like you, but this horrible excuse for a family is taking that spot :hug:


                    • #11
                      I'm in KS! I KNEW that was against regs. I didn't however, say anything. Should I mention it to her?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                        Don't let her bully you! You know how long it's going to take to set that up? And I don't know about your state, but in mine there are no sick child cares because licensing has regulations and standards regarding sick kids. They're not going to just whip a daycare up any time soon.

                        Honestly, I'd term. I don't let people bully me or try to make me feel like I'm doing the wrong thing just so they aren't inconvenienced. Like Blackcat says... No amount of $$$ is worth putting up with parents like that! Just from what you've said in this thread this family is nothing but trouble.
                        This. Let me tell you what, there is no way their DC will be up and running anytime soon. The are just in the proposal stages - this means they have NO idea what running a licensed care facility entails. Who knows when, or if, it will ever get off the ground. Or what they will charge employees to have their kids there - I know someone who loved their company DC, until they raised their rates and they could no longer afford to send their kids there.

                        My advice? TERM. "DCP's it sounds as if my program is not a good fit for your families needs. Effective (two weeks?) I will no longer be able to provide care for your child. Should you need assistance with your child care search the local referral agency can be reached at 1-800-HAHAHA."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jack Sprat View Post
                          I'm in KS! I KNEW that was against regs. I didn't however, say anything. Should I mention it to her?
                          :: I'd say "wow, I'd be making tons more money if licensing actually allowed sick children in day cares!" Then I'd let it sink in

                          Maybe regs for centers are different, but I highly doubt it. My licensor gave me this:

                          I got that in the link for home/group daycares and the link for centers is the exact same one. So.... I'd say she's outta luck! ::


                          • #14
                            DH and I are going to discuss it together tonight. He is the business manager. But, does understand the issues going on. I know I would feel better for standing up for myself. Right now I'm feeling dumb for not. Grrr! I will grow a back bone!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jack Sprat View Post
                              DH and I are going to discuss it together tonight. He is the business manager. But, does understand the issues going on. I know I would feel better for standing up for myself. Right now I'm feeling dumb for not. Grrr! I will grow a back bone!
                              Don't beat yourself up about it. You obviously have a very kind heart! You're definitely not dumb... I know I said you should have termed DCD when he was all up in your business about the contract, but if a dcp were to do that to me I think I'd be in shock until after it sank in a bit.


                              Oh, and what part of Kansas are you in? I'm in south central Kansas about 30 minutes from Wichita.

