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First Day..

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  • First Day..

    So it is my first day and I only have my 2yo and another 2 yo. We ate breakfast, sang songs, read books, free play and coloring...and it is only 9:48. I have lots of toys but I feel like they are bored. Or maybe I'm just puting lots of pressure on myself, I dont know.

  • #2
    I have one 2y/o and 3 babies. She spends most of the day going from one thing to another. When she wants to read we read. When she wants to color, we color. With only one old enough to do anything, she sets the rules LOL. Not really. However, I do pretty much do what she is interested in, when she is interested.

    Today, she is busy serving me Ice cream and "mice" (my ice) in a cup. I added a new toy over the weekend. An old one of my kids, the McDonalds serving set. That has kept her busy since arrival. Well except when she sat down to watch Elmo's world. Elmo is her favorite right now.


    • #3
      Congratulations on opening mommymuffin! Sounds to me like you are doing great. Maybe you can give the kids some time for outside play if the weather is still nice where you are? After nap, even if you repeat exactly what you did this morning (songs, stories, coloring) the kids will benefit from it as they learn from repeating things over and over. Also, keep in mind that you do not have to keep them entertained every second of every day. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's only your first few hours and it usually takes a couple of weeks for a child to really start settling in. When I started it took me about 3 weeks to figure out a routine that worked best for my group and which activities me and the kids preferred. Even now, whenever I add a new child I generally have to tweak things temporarily to help the new child adjust to our routine.


      • #4
        I've been open for 2 months and at first I felt the same are we going to make it from 7-5?? I have all 3s and I've learned that if I give them a few props or story ideas they have great imaginations. Things will become smoother and the kids will start to explore the toys/activities they have around them. Outside is a great suggestion. Also, as you get to know the kids, you'll have some better ideas of things for them to do. For example, I had a kid who went from toy to toy like rapid fire. Until I discovered he liked dinosaurs so I put some of them out...and he's good for hours now. :: Good luck!


        • #5


          • #6
            This is very exciting for you!! It always takes a little while to get a comfortable schedule that works, and for the kids to get into a routine. Just keep at it and you will be great! And, really, sometimes letting them roam, look and take things in and be a little 'bored' isn't always bad.


            • #7
              When you start getting more children, even just one more helps, then they will also lead activities together. Do you have anymore prospective clients yet? Make sure you are documenting the time you clean-up and the time it takes you to interview/phone calls after hours to claim it on taxes too!


              • #8
                The rest of the day went well. I am going to try some of your suggestions. I figure if I am doing good and they are busy till lunch then I am home free.

