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Brushing Teeth

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  • Brushing Teeth

    this is from another post on toothbrushes..curious, who brushes dck's teeth? just find that odd when IMO it should be done at home...idk, just not something common around here i guess...too much work for me LOL

  • #2
    I let the kids brush here, it's not a bug deal for me but I'm not exactly brushing their teeth for them. The parents supply the toothbrushes and the toothbrush cover and I don't let them use toothpaste, it's too messy since I just supervise. It just gets the younger kids excited about brushing. One DCM was trying to get her 18mo into the habit of brushing his teeth and apparently he didn't like it at all and would refuse to cooperate. I asked her to bring him a toothbrush, which she did, and he would watch all of the other kids brush so he wanted to also. Now he's ok with it at home too. We only brush here after breakfast and after lunch so it doesn't take up too much time and since I'm not actually brushing their teeth I can set up the sleep mats after lunch while they brush and then we just pop the covers back on the toothbrushes and put them back in the bathroom and were done. I dunno, for me it doesn't seem like a lot of time is spent brushing or like a hassle.


    • #3
      we do every morning. While I believe that parents should certainly be doing this at home, the truth is they don't always do it. We also believe in teaching "the whole child" method and self-care is a HUGE part of their learning, so we do teeth brushing as part of our "curriculum".


      • #4
        I don't do teeth brushing. I also think they should do it at home before they come.


        • #5
          I don't, I think this is a job a parent should do, I can't do everything for them


          • #6
            I have tried in the past but I was supplying everything and the parents were suprised and didn't seem to care at all, so I stopped. I agree it's the parents job overall, and added to that, they don't brush at school either.


            • #7
              My dck's don't eat breakfast here otherwise this would be something I would offer. While I do believe it should be done at home, there are just some things that aren't on a parent's radar until they are too old to instill how important it is.


              • #8
                I think dcp's should be responsible for brushing teeth at home. You don't see SA's bringing their toothbrushes to school (well, unless they have braces). To me, it's almost equivalent to bathing the children for them.
                My dcm brought toothbrushes for all of her kids even though it was not on my supplies list. She never really asked me to brush them, but I guess it was implied! The toothbrushes are still in the original package with the rest of their supplies. She hasn't brought it up at all.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Quincy View Post
                  I agree it's the parents job overall, and added to that, they don't brush at school either.
                  I brushed at school in elementary school and my daughter does now in kindergarten. Not sure if they keep it going through the rest of the grades or not (I doubt it) but I'll still be packing her toothbrush once she's out of kinder. Maybe I do it because that's what I was used in school when I was growing up to which makes me think that if I continue to do it and get the DC kids to do it then maybe the parents will get on board, which they do. The parents here love that I do this and bring in toothbrushes and things for all of the kids from time to time. I also ask my dentist for little baggies of kids tooth care supplies each time I go in which I hand out to the kids to take home with them. I just think it's fun and the kids think it's fun. We play the brush your teeth song while they do it so they know how long to brush for, it's cute ::.


                  • #10

                    It doesn't have anything to do with child care. It's activities of daily living that are the responsibility of the parents.

                    If the parent wanted to hire it out tho I would gladly do it for a dollar a day per kid. That would pay me enough to manage it for them.


                    • #11
                      Massachusetts passed a new regulation in January stating we are required to brush the kids' teeth if they are in care 4 hours a day or more. Most of my parents thought it was ridiculous and signed waivers stating they did not want me to do this. One parent's reaction, though, was "Great! Now I don't have to do it!" Sometimes, I just shake my head.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nannyde View Post

                        It doesn't have anything to do with child care. It's activities of daily living that are the responsibility of the parents.

                        If the parent wanted to hire it out tho I would gladly do it for a dollar a day per kid. That would pay me enough to manage it for them.
                        exactly my thought


                        • #13
                          If you do brush their teeth...

                          At what age do you start brushing (or have them brush) their teeth? I know of some daycares around here that do it, but not sure what age they begin. Some places provide the same colored tooth brush and rinse cup to each child so they know which is which. The other part was that they had an annual fee and included was part of the cost of child's tooth paste so they all used the same kind of tooth paste to cut back on all the little items.


                          • #14
                            I let them brush their teeth as soon as they see other children doing it and are interested in brushing. I start with no toothpaste at all. I brush for them when they are younger, the older children brush their own teeth, I am just there to facilitate it and keep the space clean. I have a commercial/school toothbrush holder on my wall, it holds 24 toothbrushes. I buy toothbrushes in bulk and they pick their own color. I label their toothbrushes with their name.


                            • #15
                              We also brush our teeth here too. I have a commercial-like toothbrush holder with each child having an individual tooth brush labeled with their name. My husband made the holder and the brushes I got from Colgate. They sent me a package with 50 child sized tooth brushes and 50 tubes of travel size child's tooth paste. (I have had to replenish the toothpaste) The package also contained stickers and charts and color sheets for the kids and lots of good info to send home with the parents. It was all free because I called and asked. It was 2 years ago and I haven't had to ask for more because 50 brushes is a lot!
                              The kids all know the routine and it isn't tough to incorporate into our day since we all have to wash our hands before and after lunch anyways. It is just a nice habit to start so the kids have lifelong brushing habits. My own two kids always carried a toothbrush to school from Kindergarten all the way to high school and brushed after lunch everyday.

