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Toys for 9-18month?

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  • Toys for 9-18month?

    I have lots of infant under 6 month toys and lots of 2 year old toys but now that dcb is 9 months old, I am finding I don't have much for him to play with.

    I have looked online and didn't find anything I thought was fabulous. I am thinking maybe some sort of station that he could SAFELY pull himself up on or play while sitting that would keep him entertained and be age appropriate for longer then a few months.

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    I love this toy and recommend it for that age! It's awesome! I got mine at Costco for $65 I think?

    Last edited by Blackcat31; 01-09-2014, 02:18 PM.


    • #3
      My baby is 16 months, and his favorites are stacking cups, the shape sorter (really anything that he can put things into and take them out of), and any kind of toy phone. He also REALLY likes train tables, but we don't have one here.


      • #4
        That's a tough age group. I find that the 12-18/21 month olds really don't do much playing with toys; they are exploring real THINGS instead. And if you give it to them to play with, even if it is real, it will not be satisfactory and they will keep seeking out other things. ::

        For the ones starting to pull up, I like a sturdy coffee table with interesting Things on top, plenty of them, so we can Study Gravity (dropping) and they can practice sitting back down to retrieve the things they dropped. The coffee table is big enough to cruise around too.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
          That's a tough age group. . And if you give it to them to play with, even if it is real, it will not be satisfactory and they will keep seeking out other things. ::

          For the ones starting to pull up, I like a sturdy coffee table with interesting Things on top, plenty of them, so we can Study Gravity (dropping) and they can practice sitting back down to retrieve the things they dropped. The coffee table is big enough to cruise around too.
          Spoons, containers, cups, lids. LOTS of everyday things make great toys for this age.

          I have a mirror on the wall at floor level and my little spend a ton of time looking at themselves.

          I also have scarves, silks and other fabrics, pillows with texture and bean bags.

          I've used plastic bottles filled with stuff (sensory bottles) for them too.

          Books, chunky cars/trucks and snap beads are all popular here too.


          • #6
            I agree with what has been said before. Also I wash out mayo containers and they have a blast with them. The smaller lids fit int he bigger ones (not tiny lids that are chokable, just the regular kids in the costco size containers). We also have a bunch of soft cars (I think they are playskool make), that the kids love starting around 9 months until 3 or 4. I'm sure they make garages and such, but we just have the cars.


            • #7
              Peg-style clothespins and a tin bucket were always a big hit here at that age. And I second stuff-on-the-coffee-table. Mirrors. Steps or stacked firm pillows for climbing up and down. Pots and pans and dishes. Any sort of sensory stuff. And I had something like this (mine was from a thrift shop) and it was always a favorite.


              • #8
                I have cars, blocks, an old cell phone (favorite toy of my 14 month old), little people (just the people, no houses/ramps/cars) some plastic animals (larger squishy ones), a play kitchen (the little ones love opening and closing the cabinets)...I try to keep things to a minimum and try to have toys that will work over a wide span of ages..the little ones might not use them correctly but thats ok.

