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ahh... The Runner

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  • ahh... The Runner

    I have a 3yo with PDD NOS and she is a runner. A FAST RUNNER.

    I usually only have her with one or two other kids, but I've been filling up slots and took all six to the playground.

    It was hell. She tried to run off in various directions towards random stuff the entire walk. She REFUSED to leave so I strapped her into the double stroller and put my own baby in the baby carrier. Had to shove 60 lbs of kids up the muddy hill plus keep an eye on the other three.

    Her grandma uses a leash. I can't see anything about leashes in the paperwork and legislative handbook thing I have.

    I've asked for tips and nothing really works - even shadowing her she'll just dart away or dive away or crawl under stuff I can't follow her under :confused:

    SO. What are your thoughts on leashes?

    My other thought was... can I hire my 13 yo homeschooled brother as an "assistant" for outside time? While I am right there, of course.

  • #2
    I can not use a leash per regs. If I had a runner we would be limited to a fenced in yard and I would probably have my assistant on those days the runner is here to have an extra set of eyes. There would be no field trips or outings on those days - too much liability.

    In truth, my contract has an immediate termination clause if I can't handle a child's needs without hiring additional help. I would probably utilize that in this case.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Play Care View Post
      I can not use a leash per regs. If I had a runner we would be limited to a fenced in yard and I would probably have my assistant on those days the runner is here to have an extra set of eyes. There would be no field trips or outings on those days - too much liability.

      In truth, my contract has an immediate termination clause if I can't handle a child's needs without hiring additional help. I would probably utilize that in this case.
      she is only 2 days/week so I coudl swing fenced yard - if I had one .


      • #4
        Originally posted by gracepatiencelove View Post
        she is only 2 days/week so I coudl swing fenced yard - if I had one .
        In this case, can you *really* meet this child's needs? Without driving yourself nuts and at the expense of the other children in your care? I have said that I consider taking on special needs on a case by case basis - and I have to be totally honest with myself about my ability to meet the child's needs. For a PT child, the liability of her running just wouldn't be worth the small financial gain.


        • #5
          If you don't call it a "leash", I think it's perfectly ok. They have those back-pack ones that, if presented in a positive way, may be a great alternative. In fact, pushing a 3 year old in a stroller would be less ok if she is capable of walking.

          Sit down with her at the computer, show her the choices (limited) and tell her. "I want you to be safe on our walks, so I'm going to get you a friend to help you stay safe. Which friend do you like?"

          Then, when you get it, put it on her in the house. Let her wear it around. If it's got a zipper compartment, let her put a favorite toy or lovey in it, if you're ok with that.


          • #6
            If having a safety harness is necessary to keep her safe, then I don't see why your regs would not allow for it.

            I have one that is a runner too. Since I have an asst that works me all day, Either one of us will shadow her. We have strict rules about how far from us she is allowed to go. Normally it is no more than 5 feet. This way if she tries to run, we can still catch her.

            we dont allow her to get under things that we cant fit under, otherwise she is not coming out.

            If it is that hard with her, maybe stay home on the days that she attends since she is part time. Or get a safety harness and only go for walks.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Heidi View Post
              If you don't call it a "leash", I think it's perfectly ok. They have those back-pack ones that, if presented in a positive way, may be a great alternative. In fact, pushing a 3 year old in a stroller would be less ok if she is capable of walking.

              Sit down with her at the computer, show her the choices (limited) and tell her. "I want you to be safe on our walks, so I'm going to get you a friend to help you stay safe. Which friend do you like?"

              Then, when you get it, put it on her in the house. Let her wear it around. If it's got a zipper compartment, let her put a favorite toy or lovey in it, if you're ok with that.

              That's whast DCG grandma uses. I only even thought of the idea because I was hashing it out and remembered DCG's mom had mentioned.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Heidi View Post
                If you don't call it a "leash", I think it's perfectly ok. They have those back-pack ones that, if presented in a positive way, may be a great alternative. In fact, pushing a 3 year old in a stroller would be less ok if she is capable of walking.

                Sit down with her at the computer, show her the choices (limited) and tell her. "I want you to be safe on our walks, so I'm going to get you a friend to help you stay safe. Which friend do you like?"

                Then, when you get it, put it on her in the house. Let her wear it around. If it's got a zipper compartment, let her put a favorite toy or lovey in it, if you're ok with that.

                That's whast DCG grandma uses. I only even thought of the idea because I was hashing it out and remembered DCG's mom had mentioned.

