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Minute Menu

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  • Minute Menu

    Has anyone used Minute Menu? What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it would be worth the money/effort if a dcp had only 5-7 children?

  • #2
    The food program or the paid version for bookkeeping?


    • #3
      In a whole, is it worth it? I like how organized the food program part looks, but I don't know if it would be silly for only a few kids. I am starting my business hopefully by the end of march.


      • #4
        Welcome to the forum. Here are some threads on MMK food program. Generally everyone seems to like MMK.

        Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children


        • #5
          I have Minute Menu Pro through my food program (had to pay $10). I'm not sure if it's different from the paid version or not, but I love it! If you get on the food program, you can do menu's online versus doing paper menu's, which is a pain to me. I can also keep track of a lot of things for my fcc, which hopefully will help at tax time-this is my first year. I would get it just for the convenience of doing online menu's if not for anything else!


          • #6
            I only have 6 children and I use the paid version. I love it! Helps with menus, accepting online payments (for only $1 fee) and definitely helps at tax time. It is totally worth it!


            • #7
              Originally posted by melilley View Post
              I would get it just for the convenience of doing online menu's if not for anything else!


              • #8
                I usually have between 2 and 4 dck's and it's still very worth it to me. I have MM Pro and the bookkeeping by itself is worth the $$... and actually that's all I really use it for.


                • #9
                  I typically have 5 DC children on any day and I use MMK Pro (pay full price) and I absolutely live it, recommend it and would never go back. It makes EVERYTHING so much easier to record. I'd get the record keeping book by Tom Copeland to help you so you make sure to keep track of time doing daycare related things when children aren't in care and to make sure you are tracking all expenses you can.


                  • #10
                    Thank you all fr your responses!!! Great advice!


                    • #11
                      I don't have the paid version but just what the food program uses and it's definitely worth it. Including my own kids is great as I only have 2 DC kids right now.


                      • #12
                        I only have 1 dck right now, not on the food program so I paid for it myself. I think it is worth the money even for my currently tiny daycare.

