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NYS Providers....

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  • NYS Providers....

    What changes do you have to make to your program because of the new regs?

    Other than my personal media use, and not being able to offer Gatorade in summer to the kids (only water, milk and 100% juice can be served). I watched each video from OCFS about the regs and that's pretty much all I can find.

    I emailed my registrar about the window thing, I was in compliance but maybe I am not understanding the new regs. My daycare bathroom window that is low enough to use as an egress is 24x24, but it says it needs to be 5.7square feet. If I have to change my window, I will be losing my daycare bathroom for a bit as I will NOT remodel an exterior window until spring (and there goes the renovations I was doing!)

  • #2
    I will have to find a new way to store the kids bedding. I'll probably give them each a cloth bag to keep their bedding in.

    I am having a landline installed. I absolutely, flat out refuse to leave my cell phone in a "designated spot." I want it on my person due to the health needs of some of the kids I have. Even so, I'd want it on me in case of an emergency. The landline will by an added expense I could live without (not to mention don't want) but I don't see any other alternative.

    I can no longer require non-nappers to play on their cots so I am going to take melskids suggestion and give them a carpet square (Thanks melskids!)

    The personal media


    • #3
      I don't think egress applies to bathrooms, only bedrooms. It's for firemen and their equiptment to be able to fit through to save potentially sleeping people during a fire. I used to work for a window company and only bedrooms needed to meet egress standards.


      • #4
        I'm thinking of a cheap trakfone for the designated spot phone. I rewrote my policy to add a few of the required items - telling parents the OCFS website address (which is where most of them find me to start with, but oh well), etc. Parenting the parents.


        • #5
          I have a second cell, so my personal cell will be in a designated spot. Business cell on me.

          Totally forgot about the bedding!Mine is washed nightly and then folded and put away, so I don't think I would get cited. I used to have these 5 gallon Ziploc bags. I will have to look for those again.

          The windows in the area where children could be/are ALL have to meet the 5.7 I believe.

          Where does it say we have to notify parents of OCFS website? I don't remember hearing that. We have to 'educate' parents more.


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
            I have a second cell, so my personal cell will be in a designated spot. Business cell on me.

            Totally forgot about the bedding!Mine is washed nightly and then folded and put away, so I don't think I would get cited. I used to have these 5 gallon Ziploc bags. I will have to look for those again.

            The windows in the area where children could be/are ALL have to meet the 5.7 I believe.

            Where does it say we have to notify parents of OCFS website? I don't remember hearing that. We have to 'educate' parents more.
            Where did you see this...I missed it. Hope it isn't true!


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
              I have a second cell, so my personal cell will be in a designated spot. Business cell on me.

              Totally forgot about the bedding!Mine is washed nightly and then folded and put away, so I don't think I would get cited. I used to have these 5 gallon Ziploc bags. I will have to look for those again.

              The windows in the area where children could be/are ALL have to meet the 5.7 I believe.

              Where does it say we have to notify parents of OCFS website? I don't remember hearing that. We have to 'educate' parents more.
              I would look further into this because from what I read bathrooms aren't included. Many bathrooms don't even HAVE windows. Egress in general doesn't apply to bathrooms. There's no way I could get a window that big IN my current bathrooms if they changed that in CA. The 2009 explanation it doesn't state any room the child may be in. And I know this is Montana not NY but this has a good explanation of egress and clearly states any room a child may be sleeping in.


              • #8
                The only thing I had to do believe it or not, was go get my dog licensed. She's always been healthy and up to date on shots, we just never got around to getting the license.

                The shelter in place drills will be new for me, and I think the health plans and discipline policies need to be updated.

                As far as the no media thing, I've already spoke my peace about that on the other thread. LOL


                • #9
                  To my understanding, the window size matters only if you USE the window as an egress. From 417.4:

                  (1) Care can only be provided on floors with two means of egress. When care is provided on the first floor, and the second floor is without a second means of egress, the second floor may only be used for bathroom purposes provided that there is a window on the second floor that has the minimum net clear opening height dimension of at least 24 inches and a minimum net clear opening width dimension of at least 24 inches, and an adequate size through which all children and adults can be evacuated or a window that complies with the Fire and Building Code of New York State, or other applicable code if the Fire and Building Code of New York State is not applicable in that jurisdiction, as a means of egress.

                  (3) Where children are located below ground level, one means of egress from the below-ground level area must be either an interior stairway whose pathway is unobstructed and leads directly to an unobstructed egress at ground level, or an exterior stairway which leads directly to the ground. The vertical travel to ground level may not exceed eight feet. The second means of egress may be a window that has the minimum net clear opening height dimension of at least 24 inches and a minimum net clear opening width dimension of at least 24 inches, and an adequate size through which all children and adults can be evacuated or a window that complies with the Fire and Building Code of New York State, or other applicable code if the Fire and Building Code of New York State is not applicable in that jurisdiction, as a means of egress.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                    I will have to find a new way to store the kids bedding. I'll probably give them each a cloth bag to keep their bedding in.

                    I am having a landline installed. I absolutely, flat out refuse to leave my cell phone in a "designated spot." I want it on my person due to the health needs of some of the kids I have. Even so, I'd want it on me in case of an emergency. The landline will by an added expense I could live without (not to mention don't want) but I don't see any other alternative.

                    I can no longer require non-nappers to play on their cots so I am going to take melskids suggestion and give them a carpet square (Thanks melskids!)

                    The personal media
                    Could you get another line on your cell plan for $10 a month and leave that phone in one


                    • #11
                      I haven't even looked at the new regs! . I just am not in the mind frame to do so... We have a bit before they are enforced correct? I also remember reading that they will mail a paper copy- guess I'm waiting for that for it to feel "official"...
                      Idk - life is overwhelming enough right now... Not nice of ny to add to it!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Familycare71 View Post
                        I haven't even looked at the new regs! . I just am not in the mind frame to do so... We have a bit before they are enforced correct? I also remember reading that they will mail a paper copy- guess I'm waiting for that for it to feel "official"...
                        Idk - life is overwhelming enough right now... Not nice of ny to add to it!
                        I believe they go in to effect in May.

                        My licensor also told me that the first time you get sited for non compliance on a new reg, instead of writing you up, they will give you technical assistance to get in to compliance. Sort of like a one time pass.

                        So, for example, if my licensor shows up and my bedding for cots are touching, she will help me find ways to come in to compliance, and then come back once more to check without writing me up first.

                        At least, that is what she told me SHE is doing. Don't count on every licensor to be so accommodating. LOL

