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DCP's Family Member Badmouthing Me

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  • DCP's Family Member Badmouthing Me

    Prepare for novel

    I currently have a 12 mo dcg who has been with me for about 2 months. Within that time I have closed twice unexpectedly... once when I had to give in and admit I was too sick to open and another when all of the dck's we're sick and had called in sick except for this dcg (she was sick, but mom was out of sick days and I suspected she was dropping her off doped on fever reducer, but couldn't prove it because she was picking up early enough that it didn't have time to wear off yet).

    Anyway, all was well... or so I thought. My sister had an appointment at our health department where this dcm's sister works. I don't know the sister and have never met her before. She's the receptionist at the health department and while my sister was trying to pay this girl starts going off on how I close all the time randomly for stupid reasons and she's tried to tell dcm to find someone more reliable, but she doesn't want to make waves with me. She said with as much as I charge (I'm on the VERY low end in our area) that I should be open every day of the week. She said I'm running a business and need to treat it like a business and not close for ONE child being sick.

    So my sister says she was so shocked and angry she was shaking. Her two children come to me so she told the girl that not only were ALL of the dck's sick but that she feels as if that was the best decision so that I could take the day to disinfect. Other than that she just stood there with her mouth open trying not to wring her neck. The other receptionist turned to this girl and told her that it's regs not to accept sick children into care

    Anyway, I confronted dcm (nicely) and told her that I needed to make sure that we're on the same page and that if she has any questions about my policies to PLEASE just ask me. I told her that while I love having her daughter here that I understand if she needs to find somewhere that works for her family. She said her sister is an opinionated big mouth and that if she has an issue she will definitely tell me. Ok so all is good... Not

    I received a text from a potential parent and was really excited because it saves me the trouble of advertising. She's this dcm's SIL and I probably won't take her for that reason, but I was excited that she had heard of me through word of mouth.

    I told my sister about how excited I was and who it was who texted me and she asks "oh... didn't you see the post on FB yesterday about you?" Uh, no.

    I won't go on about it, but new dcp posted looking for dc... current dcm said my providers awesome take dck there... new dcm said no everyone is saying she's unreliable.... old dcm said no she's not she's awesome... my sister chimes in and straightens her out (nicely).

    Ugh, super long story just to ask WHAT DO I DO??? This girl is obviously spreading it around that no one should bring their kids to me . I feel it's incredibly inappropriate that she works at the health department where oversees my license and is non-chalantly spreading rumors and lies about me to whoever will listen. I'm tempted to contact my licensor to let her know, but maybe I should just ignore it. People believe so much of what goes onto social media that I'm afraid the damage is beyond done

  • #2
    I also want to add that those two days are the ONLY days I've closed besides holidays since I opened in May


    • #3
      Social media IS dangerous. Especially for big mouths like this gal!

      Honestly, I would call your licensor just so she is aware of it.

      I would also call the HR department at this gals work and tell her that she is giving out confidential information (anything between you and your clients is confidential) AT work and you would like her to cease and desist immediately!

      I bet her HR people will NOT be happy since confidentiality is a HUGE part of the health care field.

      She deserves to have her job affected by her actions...right now her actions are only affecting you and that is NOT cool!


      • #4
        Yes, I think I would call the HR department too. She is bad-mouthing your work ethic while sitting at her job NOT WORKING but gossiping!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          Social media IS dangerous. Especially for big mouths like this gal!

          Honestly, I would call your licensor just so she is aware of it.

          I would also call the HR department at this gals work and tell her that she is giving out confidential information (anything between you and your clients is confidential) AT work and you would like her to cease and desist immediately!

          I bet her HR people will NOT be happy since confidentiality is a HUGE part of the health care field.

          She deserves to have her job affected by her actions...right now her actions are only affecting you and that is NOT cool!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I would also call the HR department at this gals work and tell her that she is giving out confidential information (anything between you and your clients is confidential) AT work and you would like her to cease and desist immediately!

            I bet her HR people will NOT be happy since confidentiality is a HUGE part of the health care field.

            She deserves to have her job affected by her actions...right now her actions are only affecting you and that is NOT cool!
            This would have been my first call since the talk with mom obviously didn't work. Unbelievably rude!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              Social media IS dangerous. Especially for big mouths like this gal!

              Honestly, I would call your licensor just so she is aware of it.

              I would also call the HR department at this gals work and tell her that she is giving out confidential information (anything between you and your clients is confidential) AT work and you would like her to cease and desist immediately!

              I bet her HR people will NOT be happy since confidentiality is a HUGE part of the health care field.

              She deserves to have her job affected by her actions...right now her actions are only affecting you and that is NOT cool!


              • #8
                Yes, please call the sister's HR department! It's none of her business what goes on between you and your dcf's, sister or not. And to tell people on fb, that's so immature, especially since you have only closed for two days for sicknesses, at that.

                Some people have nothing better to do than to gossip.


                • #9
                  hope you put a stop to this :hug:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                    Prepare for novel

                    I currently have a 12 mo dcg who has been with me for about 2 months. Within that time I have closed twice unexpectedly... once when I had to give in and admit I was too sick to open and another when all of the dck's we're sick and had called in sick except for this dcg (she was sick, but mom was out of sick days and I suspected she was dropping her off doped on fever reducer, but couldn't prove it because she was picking up early enough that it didn't have time to wear off yet).

                    Anyway, all was well... or so I thought. My sister had an appointment at our health department where this dcm's sister works. I don't know the sister and have never met her before. She's the receptionist at the health department and while my sister was trying to pay this girl starts going off on how I close all the time randomly for stupid reasons and she's tried to tell dcm to find someone more reliable, but she doesn't want to make waves with me. She said with as much as I charge (I'm on the VERY low end in our area) that I should be open every day of the week. She said I'm running a business and need to treat it like a business and not close for ONE child being sick.

                    So my sister says she was so shocked and angry she was shaking. Her two children come to me so she told the girl that not only were ALL of the dck's sick but that she feels as if that was the best decision so that I could take the day to disinfect. Other than that she just stood there with her mouth open trying not to wring her neck. The other receptionist turned to this girl and told her that it's regs not to accept sick children into care

                    Anyway, I confronted dcm (nicely) and told her that I needed to make sure that we're on the same page and that if she has any questions about my policies to PLEASE just ask me. I told her that while I love having her daughter here that I understand if she needs to find somewhere that works for her family. She said her sister is an opinionated big mouth and that if she has an issue she will definitely tell me. Ok so all is good... Not

                    I received a text from a potential parent and was really excited because it saves me the trouble of advertising. She's this dcm's SIL and I probably won't take her for that reason, but I was excited that she had heard of me through word of mouth.

                    I told my sister about how excited I was and who it was who texted me and she asks "oh... didn't you see the post on FB yesterday about you?" Uh, no.

                    I won't go on about it, but new dcp posted looking for dc... current dcm said my providers awesome take dck there... new dcm said no everyone is saying she's unreliable.... old dcm said no she's not she's awesome... my sister chimes in and straightens her out (nicely).

                    Ugh, super long story just to ask WHAT DO I DO??? This girl is obviously spreading it around that no one should bring their kids to me . I feel it's incredibly inappropriate that she works at the health department where oversees my license and is non-chalantly spreading rumors and lies about me to whoever will listen. I'm tempted to contact my licensor to let her know, but maybe I should just ignore it. People believe so much of what goes onto social media that I'm afraid the damage is beyond done
                    I would also screen shot that post on FB before it gets removed. That way you have proof of the woman's poor behavior.


                    • #11
                      If your sister is comfortable doing so, I would have her write a letter about her experience at the health dept with this lady and send it in to her supervisor and to licensing if you choose to involve them. I would also take screen shots of the Facebook conversation for YOUR records. I had a horrible experience with a provider who was, up until recently, still in business and I have to watch what I say to who about it. She shouldn't be doing DC and the only time I ever say anything is if someone asks. I had another mom tell me she buckled a child around 2-3 into a carseat and put them in front of the TV during their interview. I believe it was her grandson, not a DC child, but still crazy to me that she did that. Anyway, my point is that even if I have a reason to talk trash about a past provider I can't!


                      • #12
                        Now that I'm thinking about it more who's to say she's not telling customers at the health department when they inquire about day cares in the area. Ugh... yeah I'm going to contact both my licensor and the HR lady.


                        • #13
                          yep screen shot then call your license rep and ask what she suggests. I would not call HR that seems like tattleing. I would text the mom back and say I am sorry I just found out who you are related to. It would not be wise to enroll a child in my program that is related to someone spreading lies about me.... likely she did get in trouble at work and is blaming you .
                          It:: will wait


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by itlw8 View Post
                            yep screen shot then call your license rep and ask what she suggests. I would not call HR that seems like tattleing. I would text the mom back and say I am sorry I just found out who you are related to. It would not be wise to enroll a child in my program that is related to someone spreading lies about me.... likely she did get in trouble at work and is blaming you .
                            I would most definitely tell the HR dept or her supervisor. How else will it ever end or she be held accountable for costing the OP work? This is just the tip of the iceburg if she would just blatantly say something to her sister not knowing it was her. She could have believed her and pulled her kids if it wasn't her sister. This is costing OP money in lost wages and reputation. That's HUGE in some areas.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TwinKristi View Post
                              I would most definitely tell the HR dept or her supervisor. How else will it ever end or she be held accountable for costing the OP work? This is just the tip of the iceburg if she would just blatantly say something to her sister not knowing it was her. She could have believed her and pulled her kids if it wasn't her sister. This is costing OP money in lost wages and reputation. That's HUGE in some areas.
                              The thing is, she KNEW it was my sister and still had the gall to go off on her little rant. The first thing out of her mouth was "I didn't realize you guys have an older sister (me) and that she's K's provider". My sister stood there for about 10 minutes before the girl finally shut up and let her pay. If she feels comfortable saying these things to my family member then I'm sure she feels comfortable with others.

