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No, We Don't Wear Shoes In The House

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  • No, We Don't Wear Shoes In The House

    Parents this morning asked me to let DCG wear shoes all day long (even during nap!) so that she "won't step on something and hurt her feet". I reminded her parents that we don't wear shoes in the house for many reasons--one being that it keeps things cleaner and another being that it hurts less to get stepped on or kicked with a bare foot than a shod foot. And I stressed that even if she *does* step on something without shoes (what, do they think I have broken glass lying around?!) she'll be just fine. So the mom asked me to keep her socks on all day, too keep her feet clean. Wah?! My floors are NOT that dirty, tyvm! I hesitantly said that usually we take socks off so they don't a)get lost when the child takes them off or b) so the kids don't slip and fall on the hard floors in the kitchen, naproom, bathroom, and a couple other areas--especially a concern for the unsteady walkers like this girl is. The mom pushed and I agreed to try, but said that if she takes them off, I won't put them back on because I'm not going to chase after her all day long putting socks back on her feet. Happily, the mom accepeted this. Guess what? The socks lasted all of five minutes past drop off.

    Argh. These parents come with the weirdest requests.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I have one like this. She brings slippers for her kid. Whatever. As long as it is not shoes, I don't mind soft soled slippers. She supplies them and if the kids wears them okie dokie. If not, I can't make her. I would NEVER allow shoes in my house either. Takes all kinds to make the world go round...


    • #3
      when kids can come in with spotless shoe bottoms (bringing in NO dirt from outside) and when they learn to stop kicking eachother or stepping on my feet.. then and ONLY THEN will I change my NO SHOE rule.


      • #4
        I had one Mom that was actually a friend of ours complain that her sons white socks were getting dirty at my house, I looked at her and said " then stop sending him in white socks" :: She is a friend of ours, she knows that we have two dogs that go in and out all day, at drop off and pick up the kids are walking on the same floors that the parents are walking on with their shoes on. The parents are tracking in the dirt, taking off their kids shoes and setting the kids down. It doesn't matter if I mop my floors every day, by the end of the day they are dirty again. She brought him in colored socks from then on


        • #5
          some people are weird. i never wear shoes unless i'm going somewhere. i walk around outside barefoot all the time. my husband takes a shower at night and puts tennis shoes back on even though he's not going outside. it's really weird cus he's definitely not a neat freak, but he won't walk around barefoot ever. he thinks it's soo weird that i never wear shoes.


          • #6
            Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
            some people are weird. i never wear shoes unless i'm going somewhere. i walk around outside barefoot all the time. my husband takes a shower at night and puts tennis shoes back on even though he's not going outside. it's really weird cus he's definitely not a neat freak, but he won't walk around barefoot ever. he thinks it's soo weird that i never wear shoes.
            Sounds just like me and my DH LOL! He tells me I NEED to wear shoes.....I've broken toes on both feet about 6-8 times.


            • #7
              I'm with QualiTcare. The kids and I are shoeless from the first hint of warm weather in May to about mid-Sept when it starts getting cold and wet again. When I was a nanny I took the kids to a piano teachers house for lessons and we had to wear socks while we were there (she even had some on hand) or keep our shoes on because she didn't want the sweat and oils from our feet on her carpet. Kids who are starting to walk should definately be without shoes and socks as much as possible so they get to know their feet and what they can do with them.
              Celebrate! ::


              • #8
                I bought the most comfy shoes!!! Because I too am a barefooter,.. I love to run barefooted!!! BUT,.. the ground I run in isnt friendly always so I bought vibram fivefinger shoes!! MOST COMFY SHOE EVER!

