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2 Year Old With Hands Constantly In His Pants??

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  • 2 Year Old With Hands Constantly In His Pants??

    Anyone ever deal with this? This one is a first for me. I have an almost 2yo dcb who is constantly putting his hands (and toys) in his pants. Sometimes over the diaper, sometimes IN the diaper!! How do I get him to stop this?? It's disgusting, and I have little ones who still put everything in their mouths. When I see it I tell him to take hands/toys out of his pants, and obviously he loses the toy, as it needs to be put up and washed.....but I can't take his hands away! If I don't see him do it, he could be touching all sorts of other toys after that and then others play with those toys. GROSS!! Any ideas other than keep telling him not to do that?

  • #2
    OMG!!! I am having this same problem only for me the kids is a 4 yr old girl! I have had mom take her to Dr for check, discussed with kid til I am blue in the face, tried rewards and punishments and nothing works for this one!! I am so grossed out by it!! Mom took her to therapist who said it was a comfort thing, no different than having a blanket or thumb sucking...(just much grosser!) Anyways, if we catch her with her hands in her pants, she must immediately stop what she is doing and wash her hands. Then she can no longer go back to what she was doing...Sometimes I swear she washes her hands 50x a day!
    I am dumbfounded as to what to do, but I keep trying everyday....We are starting to notice times she does this vs times she does not and it seems to be when she is tired or stressed (comfort thing) so we try to stop it before it occurs. Good luck with this one...I will be watching this post hoping to steal some ideas...


    • #3
      maybe try winter gloves? Maybe when they can't get that "skin on skin" feel they will lose interest?


      • #4
        i have insisted on onsies,.or gymnastic outfits or bathing suits for older kids.. I dont give a crap about the political correctness of it. I dont care how they deal with it t home, its not a political or psycological reason for me but a sanitary one. I personally do not care what they do at home but that is no different in my opinion than me not washing my hands after I potty and fix their food. I require a barrier to keep the toys, hands, books, etc out of the diaper/panty/underwear area. I had one girl who was 4 who we had a one piece swimsuit under her clothes to keep her from sticking toys down her pants.

        Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
        maybe try winter gloves? Maybe when they can't get that "skin on skin" feel they will lose interest?


        • #5
          Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
          i have insisted on onsies,.or gymnastic outfits or bathing suits for older kids.. I dont give a crap about the political correctness of it. I dont care how they deal with it t home, its not a political or psycological reason for me but a sanitary one. I personally do not care what they do at home but that is no different in my opinion than me not washing my hands after I potty and fix their food. I require a barrier to keep the toys, hands, books, etc out of the diaper/panty/underwear area. I had one girl who was 4 who we had a one piece swimsuit under her clothes to keep her from sticking toys down her pants.
          My thoughts exactly!


          • #6
            Uhgg! I wish that worked for my dcg. She wears tights, body suits and other clothing that prohibit her hands from going in her pants but she still does it!! She puts her hand up and around and down wherever there is room so she can get her hands there. Plus she sucks her thumb on the other hand while doing this!! It is soooo gross!!


            • #7
              Backwards footed pajamas over clothes.


              • #8
                I like the swimsuit and pajama tricks. I also think that the kids should be given some instruction as to when it's appropriate for them to have their hands there. Such as giving them some private time in the bathroom. It's natural and if you try to stop it completely that will just make it more enticing. It's like having a no throwing balls rule for inside. If you catch someone throwing a ball inside you remind them that they can do it outside. If you catch the two year old with his hands down his pants remind him that he can do that in the bathroom.
                Celebrate! ::


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kidkair View Post
                  I like the swimsuit and pajama tricks. I also think that the kids should be given some instruction as to when it's appropriate for them to have their hands there. Such as giving them some private time in the bathroom. It's natural and if you try to stop it completely that will just make it more enticing. It's like having a no throwing balls rule for inside. If you catch someone throwing a ball inside you remind them that they can do it outside. If you catch the two year old with his hands down his pants remind him that he can do that in the bathroom.
                  I like that! I'll have to remember it.

