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  • #16
    Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
    Is there any chance they are looking for back up care or care for your maternity leave?

    I agree that while it might come off as underhanded to be looking for new care without telling your current provider, you also have to look at it from their point of view. They could be looking just to see what's out there in case your pregnancy does happen to affect your ability to provide care. I wouldn't tell my current provider that I was looking into alternative care unless or until I had definitely decided to make the change, either.

    I agree. We don't have family around so if I found out my provider was pregnant I would need to find something for when she was taking time off for the new baby. I would also want to have something lined up 'just in case'.

    Also, as a parent, I wouldn't expect a dc provider to be able to have a baby and then a short time later, come back to watching a group of other children. As a provider, I would know differently.

    I would suggest reassuring your current parents of what your intentions are leading up to and after the new one's arrival.


    • #17
      Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
      Is there any chance they are looking for back up care or care for your maternity leave?

      I agree that while it might come off as underhanded to be looking for new care without telling your current provider, you also have to look at it from their point of view. They could be looking just to see what's out there in case your pregnancy does happen to affect your ability to provide care. I wouldn't tell my current provider that I was looking into alternative care unless or until I had definitely decided to make the change, either.
      No, not the case. I already have a plan for the last month leading up to delivery and a month after delivery that they are all aware of. There will be no time off for them or needing to find backup care at the last minute.


      • #18
        Did the DCP ever get back to you with payment? If you have been happy with them as clients I would consider a heart to heart but honestly if they are seeking other options I see it as they could bolt at any minute and are not comfortable with you which is sad. I would draw up a 2 week notice. I would make sure they had paid me what is past due first!


        • #19
          Why are they freaked out about you having a baby? I don't get that part.


          • #20
            Originally posted by momofboys View Post
            Did the DCP ever get back to you with payment? If you have been happy with them as clients I would consider a heart to heart but honestly if they are seeking other options I see it as they could bolt at any minute and are not comfortable with you which is sad. I would draw up a 2 week notice. I would make sure they had paid me what is past due first!
            Yes she finally paid me and I in return responded to her email letting her know I accept this as her 2 weeks notice.

            I have not been happy with them. Their child is very disruptive and stressful. He is 7 but rules the roost. Decides what he wants to do, eat etc. He doesn't get along with any of the other children. Makes loud noises in everyones faces for attention. The mother has the nerve to ask me to take down Halloween and Christmas decorations because the boy is "scared". I think it's just attention personally though. We have temper tantrums at least twice weekly where we throw, yell loudly, threaten to rip my mail, tell me to shut up etc. The mother refuses to punish him at home because he gets time out here and that's punishment enough. She doesn't like when I place him in time out, she likes him to be redirected. Sometimes though redirecting makes the tantrum worse and to be honest I just need a break from him. She thinks if you ignore the tantrum he'll get bored. Ok but your also teaching all the other children the inappropriate way to behave and handle things. I was hoping they would be too embarrassed to finish out the 2 weeks but unfortunately they showed up today

            I think maybe because all of the "attention" this child needs is why they are having issues with me having a baby. But sorry, because you can't control your own kid and refuse to get him evaluated does not mean I shouldn't be allowed to have my own.


            • #21
              How did the DCPs respond/act when they saw you after accepting their 2 week notice?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Great Beginnings View Post
                But sorry, because you can't control your own kid and refuse to get him evaluated does not mean I shouldn't be allowed to have my own.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by DaycareMom View Post
                  How did the DCPs respond/act when they saw you after accepting their 2 week notice?
                  Yes I'm curious to know what you said and if she responded. Also was drop off awkward at all??


                  • #24
                    Ugh, I was hoping that they wouldn't have the guts or be too embarrassed to show up but they did ! Dad dropped off and acted like nothing was wrong. I figured, well maybe mom didn't tell him what was going on. So I decided to check with mom. She played dumb at first and then wrote me this long message that she was just seeing what was out there for when the baby came and she wasn't interested in leaving. bla bla. Well I know who else is advertising in town so I called them both. I charge her $140 a week. The one wanted $180 and the other wanted $225. So basically she see's that she's screwed out of a lot of money now. She wants to stay but honestly I'm upset that my baby is such an issue for her and don't want her around any longer. I will at the very most be nice and give her until after the holidays but I think I would prefer to start the new year off fresh. I'm just too upset and insulted to continue on professionally at this point.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                      If it were me, I might respond with, "DCM, it's me e.j. It appears that you are looking for alternate care. I'd appreciate the chance to speak with you before you make any final decisions. Will you have time to speak with me Monday morning?"

                      Given that it's a holiday weekend, I might even let her assume I was away for the weekend and wait until drop off on Monday to respond to her in person so I could ask her directly about her concerns.
                      This is probably more like what I would say as well.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
                        Is there any chance they are looking for back up care or care for your maternity leave?

                        I agree that while it might come off as underhanded to be looking for new care without telling your current provider, you also have to look at it from their point of view. They could be looking just to see what's out there in case your pregnancy does happen to affect your ability to provide care. I wouldn't tell my current provider that I was looking into alternative care unless or until I had definitely decided to make the change, either.
                        Yep, I agree.

