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It's Here!

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  • It's Here!

    Thanksgiving break, that is happyface

    I have one DCB for half the day and one DCG for the whole day. And then once she leaves, I am done for 4 glorious whole days! THEN, it's only 3 weeks after that, and another almost whole week break! Yahoo!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. And a very, very Happy Thanksgiving (for those that celebrate)!

  • #2
    I'm super excited too. I can't remember the last time I had 4 days off in a row!!! (SQUEAL, SQUEAL)


    • #3
      I have a full house until 6, but after that it's 4 days off for me, too!!!!!

      I can't believe I am excited about decorating for Christmas, wrapping gifts, cleaning and doing errands. ::


      • #4
        Yay! happyface

        I can taste the turkey now...
        I have three here, two are leaving early and one will be here all day, but after that, woohoo 4 days!


        • #5
          Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
          Thanksgiving break, that is happyface

          I have one DCB for half the day and one DCG for the whole day. And then once she leaves, I am done for 4 glorious whole days! THEN, it's only 3 weeks after that, and another almost whole week break! Yahoo!

          I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. And a very, very Happy Thanksgiving (for those that celebrate)!
          I have 5 today, but am also counting the days down...15 work days till Christmas break..happyfacehappyfacehappyface


          • #6
            Originally posted by dapb45 View Post
            I have 5 today, but am also counting the days down...15 work days till Christmas break..happyfacehappyfacehappyface
            LOL! :: That was my first thought too...

            Yah for Thanksgiving break because that means Christmas vacation is only a few days a way! happyface


            • #7
              6 more hours, off at 3 today! Wooooohooooooooo!!!!!


              • #8
                I took in an 18 month old for a trial run today until 1pm but after that I am done until 9:30AM Saturday.

                I don't get the 4 day weekend most of you talked about but I haven't had an almost 3 day weekend since I started

                My 5-10PM DCB won't be in because his mom doesn't have class and my overnight kids miraculously are going to be driving to Grandma's so they are leaving early today and not coming tonight.

                I will be cracking open a bottle of wine and starting the cooking early it looks like.

                Happy Holidays


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
                  Thanksgiving break, that is happyface

                  I have one DCB for half the day and one DCG for the whole day. And then once she leaves, I am done for 4 glorious whole days! THEN, it's only 3 weeks after that, and another almost whole week break! Yahoo!

                  I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. And a very, very Happy Thanksgiving (for those that celebrate)!
                  Thank you! I hope your days off are wonderful.

                  I am soooo excited. I am off Thurs. and Fri. and then next week is vacation. I did it that way on purpose to have more days in a row. We are going on our first cruise ever!

                  Actually I booked the cruise because of my one dcp. She asked me if I was getting excited about my upcoming vacation. I said "Oh we never really go anywhere. We just do things around here like museums, beach, etc." Then after she left, I thought well why don't we do a vacation, dang it. So we are! I told her thanks for raising my consciousness.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
                    Thanksgiving break, that is happyface

                    I have one DCB for half the day and one DCG for the whole day. And then once she leaves, I am done for 4 glorious whole days! THEN, it's only 3 weeks after that, and another almost whole week break! Yahoo!

                    I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. And a very, very Happy Thanksgiving (for those that celebrate)!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Stepping View Post
                      As an FCC child care provider, in December I find myself just buying time till Dec. 20....much more laid back and less-structured with the kids decorating christmas trees/making ornaments/even some old Christmas movies like Rudolph and Frosty that I watched when I was a kid (I have all the oldies).....regroup for another year....:: Much of this time will be spent in my pj's...::

                      My own kids love this time cause there is no rush for school, daycare....just our own time to do whatever! happyface


                      • #12
                        happyfacehappyfacehappyfacehappyface Yay!!! After 3:30 I only have one dcb and once he's gone (he's my easiest kid) the celebrations can begin!!

                        Unfortunately I work Friday and Saturday night at my other job, but its kind of like a vacation in itself. Make a ton of money and get to talk to adults!!


                        • #13
                          happyface I only had one scheduled for today, and she called out! It's been such a long time since I've had a vacation, I'll take it!

