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What Are Your Plans For Thanksgiving?

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  • What Are Your Plans For Thanksgiving?

    What are your customs or traditions?
    Where are you going?
    Are your in laws and outlaws coming? ::

    We are just going to go skiing in the mountains for a few days.
    I ordered a full turkey meal and full ham meal for 12 from a local restaurant and we are going to have the traditional meal with our local family and then take off to Big Bear. ( I know I should cook but I want to enjoy my family)
    I am making the pies!

    Tell me about your plans.

  • #2
    We're heading to my Dad's in Southern Vermont. I just need to bring an appetizer! We'll have the traditional turkey feast. I always like to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, but with traveling time, I'm not sure if I'll get that in. I usually get excited about it each year thinking my kids (ages 6 and 9) will be into the parade too, but I've been mistaken. Other than that, eat, drink and be merry!

    I love Thanksgiving!


    • #3
      Originally posted by VTMom View Post
      We're heading to my Dad's in Southern Vermont. I just need to bring an appetizer! We'll have the traditional turkey feast. I always like to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, but with traveling time, I'm not sure if I'll get that in. I usually get excited about it each year thinking my kids (ages 6 and 9) will be into the parade too, but I've been mistaken. Other than that, eat, drink and be merry!

      I love Thanksgiving!
      I actually have never really got into the Macy's parade either
      It seems more like a bunch of stage shows instead of a parade, maybe I haven't watched enough of it to give it a chance though


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michelle View Post
        I actually have never really got into the Macy's parade either
        It seems more like a bunch of stage shows instead of a parade, maybe I haven't watched enough of it to give it a chance though
        And that's exactly what it is! I think my Mom was always into it so I grew up with it! Perhaps my kids should feel fortunate they're breaking the cycle!::


        • #5
          We're staying home. I hate to go anywhere for the holidays.

          My eldest dd and I cook a big meal - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and a jello salad. My youngest dd makes a big green salad. My mom makes cranberry sauce and her bf brings the pies. Youngest dd's inlaws bring the rolls and soda. A former daycare family brings a green bean casserole and a cake.

          We also set out big trays of cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, pickles (bread & butter and dill), olives, and other snackies.

          Right now, we have a total of 18 people (15 adults/3 kids) coming. Eldest dd's sil and her dd may come.


          • #6
            Just me and my mom eating Tgiving dinner at my house.

            We're having turkey, rolls, squash, taters, green beans, cranberry sauce, and wine :-)

            No family close enough to share with. If my neighbor is home she'll be joining us.


            • #7
              My mother-in-love is going to visit her mom in Florida, and we aren't going there this year. My dh wants to go to a restaurant that day, and as I don't really want to fix a huge meal for just our family of 5 and my dad, I think we may just do that.

              Now, how to figure out how to invite my dad without including my sister and her kids (who I would end up having to buy dinner for also - she would never volunteer her money!)


              • #8
                VEGETATE. Nada. Zip. Nothing. Oh, and eat whatever my mom is cooking.


                • #9
                  We wanted to head to my Aunts for Thanksgiving so we wouldn't have to cook! ::

                  But that got squashed because my father in law informed us that he and his wife and step-daughters will be coming to our house for Thanksgiving. Told. Not asked.

                  Guess I'm hosting


                  • #10
                    Going to my in-laws. I have known them since I was born and I love them so it's actually fun to go there. Plus, we celebrate all of our Birthdays that are around this time of year.


                    • #11
                      Just 5 of us. I love to cook a big dinner.

                      We are having turkey (a 20 pounder), mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted potatoes, yam casserole, corn, peas, glazed baby carrots, roasted fall vegetable medley with pecans, stuffing, home baked rolls.

                      We will start with huge shrimp cocktails.

                      For dessert...pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, a huge selection of cookies, sweet treats, savory treats etc.

                      I'll start cooking several days ahead.


                      • #12
                        Well, we are going to my husband's family for Thanksgiving. I am not looking forward to it. I HATE Thanksgiving because it is the most boring holiday I ever have all of my life.

                        I love to spend time with my only family and we can have fun like our own. I am sure my husband will be tired of me that I will be complaining again for Thanksgiving day. That is me. :-)


                        • #13
                          We are having a HUGE party this Saturday for the grandkids adoption so not in a hurry to entertain Thursday. Dh only gets the one day off so now wanting to drive for the day either 3 hours to our sons and back...

                          But today we were invited to his sister guess we will be going. I was hoping for a nice quiet dinner that was an excellent meal instead it will be noisy and not such great food. BUT nice to spend time with family so I guess I will make a dessert and we will go.
                          It:: will wait


                          • #14
                            We will be going to my ex-husband's, wife's parent's house. Did you get that? Ha! So, it will be me and my husband, my 2 kids, my ex, his wife, their 2 kids, her parents, her sisters, my mom and step dad.

                            Everyone brings something and I always watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. YAY!


                            • #15
                              Watching the parade with my daughter in the morning. My husband has to work during the day, so we will be doing a late meal with my parents.

