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Breakfast Brain Fart....

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  • Breakfast Brain Fart....

    Ok, I am seriously having struggles coming up with meals for breakfast. I of course do the standard waffles, French toast and pancakes but can't seem to get beyond that. What are some good breakfasts that you make? FYI-this would be for a 13 month old. Thanks!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Sunshine75 View Post
    Ok, I am seriously having struggles coming up with meals for breakfast. I of course do the standard waffles, French toast and pancakes but can't seem to get beyond that. What are some good breakfasts that you make? FYI-this would be for a 13 month old. Thanks!
    My new favorite is breakfast cups- it is biscuit dough, egg, ham and cheese layered in a cupcake pan. They turn out looking like little cupcakes but takes like breakfast sandwiches! I make 2 dozen or so on a weekend day and freeze them. They thaw nicely in the fridge or on defrost in the microwave and reheat in about 30 seconds.

    We also do
    baked oatmeal cups
    cinnamon toast (easy and fast in the oven)
    rice cereal (rice cooked w/ cinnamon and raisins, then pour milk over)
    toast w/ pb
    english muffins

    Probably more but that is all I can think of right now!


    • #3
      Cinnamon toast and applesauce
      Muffins and fruit
      Hot cereal, oats or cream of wheat
      Cold cereals
      I see little people.


      • #4
        We can't do yogurt or eggs on the food program

        Rice pudding
        Bread pudding
        I see little people.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Childminder View Post
          We can't do yogurt or eggs on the food program

          Rice pudding
          Bread pudding
 CAN'T do yogurt or eggs? Why on earth not? That's so weird!
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Monday--oatmeal (it varies every week what i put on it)
            Tuesday--scrambled eggs w/cheese, toast
            Thursday--smoothie w/toast/english muffin/bagel or yogurt w/same
            Friday--cold cereal

            Yeah. I'm boring for breakfast. But no one ever complains :P. sometimes I mix it up and do fried eggs instead of scrambled
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #7
              You CAN do them on the food program, yogurt and eggs, you just can't count them on your menus, they aren't required... I think that is what she means... So, I could MAKE them, they would just be something EXTRA.


              • #8
                apple pie oatmeal
                pumpkin pie oatmeal
                blueberry cream oatmeal
                banana bread oatmeal

                If you make them with a flavored soy milk then you will add little or no additional sugar.


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the ideas! Joseyjo-would you mind sharing your recipe? That sounds really good!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                    We can't do yogurt or eggs on the food program

                    Rice pudding
                    Bread pudding
                    Wth? Do theu say why you cant serve two healthy breakfast foods? This surprises me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                      We can't do yogurt or eggs on the food program

                      Rice pudding
                      Bread pudding
                      Really? I thought all food programs followed national guidelines? We can serve eggs as a meat component at any meal.


                      • #12
                        Breakfast for fp says you must have servings of milk, grain, and veg/fruit. You can add a meat or another dairy if you like, but you must serve the other 3 to claim the meal.


                        • #13
                          They would LIKE us to serve a protein 1x a week but not required. At some point in the future it may be but as slow as things move it could be years. Children learn so much better with a lean protein.
                          It:: will wait


                          • #14
                            what they are saying is this.....

                            on the food program we can get partial reimbursement if we follow this guideline. Anything that you serve outside of that, is up to you and you will not get any form of reimbursement for.

                            bk: to meet USDA food program you must serve at least the following

                            grain, fruit and milk

                            As long as you cover those 3 components, then you qualify. If you serve all of those and eggs, or some form of protein, you will not get reimburse for anything you serve in addition.

                            So yes you can serve eggs or sausage for breakfast, you just won't get any $$$$ to help cover the cost of the additional food.


                            • #15
                              Also, if you would like, you can always ask if you can switch your am snack and breakfast.

                              THis is what I do. This way, we have a huge breakfast, then a small snack

