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9 Month Old Sleeping......

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  • 9 Month Old Sleeping......

    ok I know there have been ALOT of talks on this but really how do you get a 9 month old to take a nap or consistent. Some days he'll sleep 1 1/2 -2 hours then other days it's not even an hour and then he's really really fussy. How do I get him to nap more consitently? I don't care if he naps long it's the fussiness when he wakes up, constantly wanting to be held. I have another baby so it makes it really hard. ideas??

  • #2
    Structure, music and deafness . I would start by making sure you have soothing music for him to listen to. My kids sleep better with a classical lullaby CD on repeat. Same routine every nap as well. Then make sure he is safe in his bed and leave him to nap at the times of your naps. If your nap times are 9:00 to 10:00 in the morning, leave him in his bed for that time and let him cry it out. Then same thing for afternoon naps: If they are 12:00 to 2:00, same routine as the morning as well as the crying it out.

    Good luck! Tired and crabby babies take a lot of energy.


    • #3
      I have a just turned 1dcb who used to do this too. No matter what I tried, he would take short little naps and be very fussy when he woke up! If I hadn't had him since practically birth, I probably would have termed him, that's how bad it was getting!

      I tried the darkened room (well, as dark as you can get it during the daytime with a bunch of windows in the room!), and soft music. But 2 things I've tried made a difference. One is schedule. Stay on schedule - do the same things every day leading up to nap time. Here, we do: 8am arrive, breakfast. Free play. 9am bottle, diaper change, nap. He will usually sleep 1-1 1/2 hours. Noon, lunch, free play, bottle, diaper change, down for nap (at ~1pm). Will usually sleep 2-3 hours. The other thing, which I think is key is: full belly! When he was about the same age as your little guy, I got to watch his cousin for one day. She was just shy of 1. Tiny little thing, smaller than my dcb, even though she was older by a few months. Since I had never met this baby, mom wrote out very detailed feeding instructions. I could not believe how much she ate!!! And she did eat everything mom packed! And she slept so nicely and long for the afternoon nap. Even though my dcb seemed to be getting plenty to eat, I decided to try to feed more and see if he would take it. Not only did he take it, and eat everything I put in front of him, he started napping longer/better! So, try feeding more, even if he seems to be getting enough, he may still be hungry, but after lunch feel sated enough to be done, but not enough to last through the afternoon.

      Good luck! I know how tough it is to deal with a crying baby all day! Yesterday same dcb decided that 1/2 hour was plenty for napping for the day, but cranky all day long! Now we're thinking he may be ready to transition to just one nap a day, since mom told me he only took one nap on saturday and sunday.


      • #4
        Thanks for the tips. I do have the same schedule every day, eating times ect. Only thing is his bottle drinking is never the same. He's like a grazer with the bottle. I would love for him to have the same nap times but when his naps are so different as far as lengths and what not what do you do? For instance he wakes up at about 5:30am, he arrives here at 6:30am, I have been putting him down for nap approx 8:45 -9am no later (usually depends on his fussiness if it's 8:45 or closer to 9) then sometimes he'll sleep for an hour and a half or close or 2 hours then some days he's awake in 45 min. so if he sleeps only 45 min keeping him up until the next nap at 1 is torture, I've tried thinking he'd sleep better but seems like it makes it worse such as today. He took a decent nap this morning then 1:30 I put him down and he only slept for 50 min and he was so fussy for the next almost 2 hours before his mom got here.
        Its makes it really hard. I'm burned out from it after awhile, I probably result to holding him more than I should but when he's fussing during quiet/nap time it wakes everyone else up.
        Oh he doesn't sleep through the night either.
        So how far apart do you generally do naps for this age, say if they went down at 9 and woke up at 10:30, do you put them down again at say 1:00? Or is from 5:30 - 9 am too long to wait for his first nap? It seems it's the second one I have more the issue with. The only reason I do that is because thats his best time of day for me and I enjoy it while I can but if I should put him down earlier I'll try that. So what do you think? thanks


        • #5
          As long as he is up by 11am I will put him back down for pm nap between 1 and 1:30.

          Is there any way that you can lay him down in another room, away from the other nappers? I do what someone else said - he is in there for the duration of naptime. He can spend it sleeping or he can spend it screaming, but either way, as long as he is dry/clean, full belly and safe, there's no reason for him to not be participating in quiet time. I don't go in there either. I used to, when he was younger, to lay him back down and put his binky back in, but it got to the point that he would stay awake just to get me to come in. I stopped going in to do those things, and when he realized I wasn't going to come back in every 5 minutes he started settling down. I know it's hard to listen to him cry, but the more you go in there, or the more you get him up to keep him quiet, the more he will continue to stay awake and cry.

          Does he have a lot of floor time to tire himself out? Do you think it might be a case of not being able to get himself to sleep? Does he go down okay, but just wakes up early and fussy? Is he on solid food? Can you give him more of that if he isn't real keen on the bottle?

          Not to be discouraging, but he may just be a fussy non-sleeper I have one of those too. He's 16mo and it took a long time for me to get him to nap at all, and even then, and even now after having him here 3 days/week for 4 months, he still will only sleep maybe an hour. Sometimes if I leave him to fuss, he'll fall back to sleep, but a lot of the times he doesn't. But then again, he's not too fussy when he gets up.


          • #6
            I would try to make his morning nap earlier, say 8:30. Keep him in his bed for 1.5 hours. He may put himself back to sleep if he wakes. then put him down 12:30 and same thing, but for 2 hours. I have kids who will wake up, cry for a bit then fall back asleep. If I take them out with the first waking they are crabby critters. After a while they adjust, it just varies with the child.

            Good luck, your frustration is evident.


            • #7
              Thanks, I have tried that (not the times but I will) and more so than not he'll wake up and not go back to sleep, such as yesterday. He went down for his afternoon nap, awake after 45 min, I let him cry in there for 45 min. I know another issue that he just started when he wakes up he throws his binky out of the playpen, I retrieved it once for him but not after that, I don't think he'll go to sleep without it but I also will NOT play that game. grrrrr
              I will definetly try the exact nap times. Would you keep the exact same nap times for baby #2? She wakes up about 7 am and is here at 7:40ish. She does sleep all night. Seems she's not ready at 9am, or do you adjust nap times for different kids? thing is if she's on a different nap schedule I dont get any time at ALL the kids naps in the afternoon, I really miss that, I feel like I get nothing done and it's all saved for when all the kids leave. thanks


              • #8
                Sorry I didn't read the other post too. So this is in addition to my last post.

                He does have alot of floor time play, that's pretty much all he has unless he's eating. I don't have a problem putting him down going to sleep he really never cries, only when he wakes up less than an hour of napping. I don't go right in there either, because some times he will fall back a sleep then there are days he doesn't. So yesterday mom said he woke up twice in the middle of the night (she does make sure he has a full belly before bed too), woke up for the day at 5:30 arrived my house 6:30.
                first nap was at 8:45 slept until 10:30 2nd nap was about 1:15ish but slept only like 50 min , I let him cry but he wouldn't fall back asleep. I would be fine with it but he is so fussy and clingly when he wakes up all the time.


                • #9
                  For the binky issue - get one of those "tethers" that clips the binky to clothing (or a bib) - that way he can't throw it out


                  • #10
                    I never give kids binkies here period.
                    if I did give a binky and they threw it out of bed they would never ever get it at nap time again ever ever ever...I know some people will read this and be appalled but I think pacifiers are baby corks. Some of my parents have claimed that the child needs binky to sleep but when it is all said and done they nap way better here than at home. I have a nap schedule I stick to it come h,e,l,l, or high water and after a couple of weeks they are all fantastic nappers. If you want a good napper find a schedule that makes sense to you and stick to it each and every day. The can choose to nap, cry, play whatever but nap time is nap time period.


                    • #11
                      I agree to an extent with binkys but I don't give them their binkys any other time, ONLY nap. That's a great idea about the tether thingy, I forgot about those, haven't had a binky user in a long time, last baby I had was a thumb sucker.
                      So basically if he wakes up say 50 min into his nap i should just let him cry until at least an hour and a half right? I want to make this happen. See at home his parents don't make him cry it out, I know they used to try but she said they get so exhausted, I know how it goes, I was that parent 18 years ago with my first, NOT with my second I learned. But I'm sure he figures I'm going to go in and get him but then I also read about the anxiety phase so if that's what he's going through is that bad to make him cry even if you know everything is ok? ugh, it's hard when it's not your child.


                      • #12
                        I started a 5 month old, totally binkie attached all the time!! I used to go and give it to him about 5 times at least, during each naptime- that got way old!!! Now he has it once, and if it comes out, too bad- he falls asleep screaming. I think the parents must give it back to him as soon as it falls out, I know he still wakes up several times during the night as well, so they probably have to give it back to him each time- IT drives me NUTS!!!


                        • #13
                          Ok so today I am starting to keep the same schedule well he did great this morning down at 8:30 up at 10 down for 2nd nap at 12:30 and he's awake at 1:15 crying, everyone else is still sleeping, barely into nap, so leave him cry for the duration of the 2 hours????? I know for a fact it's not near long enough for him. How long does this usually take? although since today is friday monday will be a whole new day starting over.


                          • #14
                            Give it two weeks starting next Monday.
                            Stay the course.
                            Full to bed for at least an hour and a half in the am and 2 hrs in the pm.
                            TURN UP THE RADIO.
                            The pay off is so good!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Live and Learn View Post
                              Give it two weeks starting next Monday.
                              Stay the course.
                              Full to bed for at least an hour and a half in the am and 2 hrs in the pm.
                              TURN UP THE RADIO.
                              The pay off is so good!!
                              I agree with the 2 weeks, it will take a little bit!! My little guy is getting better than when he first started coming here. WHen he first strted coming here would scream practically all day. The parents told me he was having difficulty sleeping at all!! It's actually colic to him!! They have switched formula alot!! Finally have him on Similac for colic and gas, fussiness. It has helped, not fully, but he will eventually grow out of it, I do hope soon!! He has half of his days here, where he sleeps really good, and the other 1/2 he hardly sleeps at all, just screams!! It does get very old!!!

