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How Do You Handle Rolling Over/Tummy Sleeping

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  • How Do You Handle Rolling Over/Tummy Sleeping

    So, the last 2 I had could really roll from back to front until 5 1/2 or 6 months. This little man is 17 weeks.

    Here's how naptime is going this morning:

    Lay him down for nap, stayed on back, slept 20 minutes. Woke up, rolled over, screamed (he can't get back). Rolled him back, gave pacifier, walked out...rolled over, screamed. Repeat, repeat, at 5-6 minute intervals.

    Since the others were older when they did this, they could then find their own pacifier, settle in comfortably with their tushies in the air, and go to sleep. He can't get his pacifier.

    He's currently screaming his head off while I type this. I am sure he's back on his stomach. He slept 20 minutes. PM nap will most likely be a repeat (oh, and he has his check up this afternoon, so nap time will be cut short anyway).

    At 6 months, I'd let him CIO if I had to. At 4, I'm not so comfortable.

    This one is one challenge after another! I love the little guy (he's my good friend's child and I was there at the birth), but he has spirit..

  • #2
    Personally, I don't do pacifiers. And this is the main reason. I much prefer helping them to learn to self soothe rather than haveing to search the PnP for that little piece of plastic in the middle of naptime.
    But, that is my personal preference...


    • #3
      Originally posted by KSDC View Post
      Personally, I don't do pacifiers. And this is the main reason. I much prefer helping them to learn to self soothe rather than haveing to search the PnP for that little piece of plastic in the middle of naptime.
      But, that is my personal preference...
      I'm with you there (now). When my own were little and slept on their tummies, they could find their own pacifiers by 4 or 5 weeks of age. Sprinkle 3 or 4 in the bed...and they'd find them.

      This baby has been a major "high need" baby from day one. A formula change helped enormously, but he's still intense. If I ditch the pacifier, it will be CIO for sure.


      • #4
        Wow that's tough. Normally I would say not to worry about a baby rolling over onto his tummy and sleeping and at 4 months, wow, you've got a champ on your hands for such a little guy. It must be difficult for you to go through your day with a probably fussy baby because he isn't napping well and I'm sure this baby alone takes a lot of your time.

        The only thing that I can think of is using one of those baby sleep bolsters. They're those things that have bumbers on each side of a small blanket and you put the baby down on it with a bumper under each armpit which keeps the baby from being able to roll over. I know that they aren't recommended for safe sleep practices because they say not to have anything in the crib with a sleeping infant but if the baby is flipping himself over and making your day difficult it may be a good alternative to just letting the baby cry. Of course I suggest talking it over with mom first and making sure that whatever you try is okay with her.

        If you are worried mainly about a baby that young being on their tummy due to SIDS well many pediatricians say not to worry to much about it if the baby is flipping itself over onto its tummy. A baby that strong is probably going to be okay on their tummy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by KSDC View Post
          Personally, I don't do pacifiers. And this is the main reason. I much prefer helping them to learn to self soothe rather than haveing to search the PnP for that little piece of plastic in the middle of naptime.
          But, that is my personal preference...
          I don't like pacifiers, either, but I have changed my opinion on them since seeing recent evidence that they reduce the likelihood of a SIDS death. I now try to give them even to infants that don't like them at naptime.


          • #6
            Just talked to mom. He's dead tired and I laid him in bed on his back. Flip..scream!

            She'll talk to the doc this afternoon, but I think we're going to have to let him just figure it out. I can't keep flipping him back, and he can't flip him self.

            I am not really that worried about him tummy sleeping. Our regs say if he can get himself into the position, then it's ok. The problem is he has never, ever slept on his he's pissed to be stuck.

            My other ones, once they could roll, actually preferred their tummies. Leave it to Mr. B to be testy about it.


            • #7
              Ok, I laid him on his back at 11:45, he immediately flipped. I let him fuss for a few minutes, and then gave him his pacifier (left him on his tummy...that's what he chose).

              He fell asleep, woke up, yelled. I replaced Bink one more time, and he's been out since. It's 12:36. I'm feeling like I should check to make sure he's breathing, but terrified of waking him.


              • #8
                ok...last one..update

                He slept 2 1/2 hours on his tummy, woke up once for pacifier help, and I did peek in on him a few times. happyface

                I guess he's just going to be a tummy sleeper. He rolls over to his stomach the minute I put him on the floor or in the bed. I sure hope he learns to roll back quick!

