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Asking For More

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  • Asking For More

    How do your dcks request more food?

    I have one who hollers out, "Um, can i have some more food please?" and something about it grates on my nerves. The two's "more? more?" doesn't bother me. My 6 yo's "more please!" doesn't bother me...but something about the particular way this child asks makes me want to run and hide.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    Mine must say, "May I have some more (insert specific item here) please?" or I pretend not to hear them . I was getting tired of, "I want more of EVERYTHING!" (4y.o.) "More dis" (2 y.o.) and I insist on manners. There isn't anything rude about what your DCK is saying per se, but it would annoy me too. I tell my DCK's all the time "rudeness gets you nowhere" and they now know I am stickler for table manners!


    • #3
      Mo, More please, I want more, that's what I hear. I do make them say "can I please have more" after they ask in a different way, if they can talk. I also teach them the sign for more, sometimes it's used, sometimes not. My kids are all 2 and under with the exception of the one 3 year old.

      There is always (well almost) that one kid that no matter how they ask for something, it's annoying....


      • #4
        Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
        How do your dcks request more food?

        I have one who hollers out, "Um, can i have some more food please?" and something about it grates on my nerves. The two's "more? more?" doesn't bother me. My 6 yo's "more please!" doesn't bother me...but something about the particular way this child asks makes me want to run and hide.
        The older children (anyone capable of saying the words) say Ms. ____ or Mr. ___, then they wait for an answer. Then they say "may I have some more ____ (whatever they want or everything). If they say anything else we correct them and have them ask right before we get it for them. To be excused it it the same but "may I be excused please"

        The younger children (usually 2.5 and below, depending on vocabulary) say my name (or hubbies) and then when we answer "more please" (we have them sign and say the words) then we walk them through what do they want more of, helping them with the names of the foods. To be excused they say "done please" and sign it too.


        • #5
          2y's or new kids - "More, please"
          everyone else (3-5y) - "Can I have more food please"?

          To be excused - 2y or new kids "All Done" and everyone else "Can I be excused"?


          • #6
            May I please have more lunch?


            • #7
              Hm, none of these are that different. Maybe it's the tone he uses rather than the words. His asking to be excused drives me nuts too, just grates on my nerves, and no one else's bothers me even though they say the same words.

              You know what? I think he doesn't phrase it as a question. He doesn't rise up at the end, he just...says it. So it turns from a request/question, into more of a demand. No wonder it makes me want to say no...I don't like taking demands from small people. Or anyone, actually.

              Thank you for the answers! I got what i needed...I hadn't put my finger on the tone of it before. to fix it?
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                We talk about using a 'nice voice' often - when you want something, you must use nice words AND a nice voice. I'd just have him do it again until he get's the tone right.
                (Although I'd probably also say NO to his demand too )


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                  Hm, none of these are that different. Maybe it's the tone he uses rather than the words. His asking to be excused drives me nuts too, just grates on my nerves, and no one else's bothers me even though they say the same words.

                  You know what? I think he doesn't phrase it as a question. He doesn't rise up at the end, he just...says it. So it turns from a request/question, into more of a demand. No wonder it makes me want to say no...I don't like taking demands from small people. Or anyone, actually.

                  Thank you for the answers! I got what i needed...I hadn't put my finger on the tone of it before. to fix it?
                  If you figure it out, let me know, please. I have the same dcb who uses the same phrase but it sounds more like a demand then a request. He just gets confused when try to have him ask in a nice voice.

