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Closed For Death - Need A Backbone

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  • Closed For Death - Need A Backbone

    My SO's grandma passed away and we found out this afternoon. She lived a state over and we need to handle the estate this weekend, with a funeral Monday.

    As soon as I found out, I text all dcps to tell them that will be closed monday. They all prefer texts.

    My contract doesn't really cover what happens if I need a personal day,although I have verbally told them that I close with pay.

    I have only been open two months and am feeling very guilty about closing for a day this early on. No one has asked about payment but everyone paid this morning for the next week. If they make a stink about it I plan to credit them a day and revise my contract.

    My so is my back up, and everyone knows they should have their own personal backup as well. Although I'm not sure everyone does.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if I should be feeling guilty, or expecting a backlash from this. Do you close for similar circumstances?

    My backbone is about as strong as Cooked spaghetti and I have a very hard time letting people down.

  • #2
    I'm sorry for your family's loss.

    I don't take personal days with pay because I figure parents have to pay someone else to watch their child that day.

    I took time off when my parents died but didn't charge. I didn't feel one bit guilty taking off and no one made me feel that way. Everyone understood. Those were two cases when if they would have said anything I would have termed and I've never termed anyone in 18 years.

    I'm no help, I know.



    • #3
      Originally posted by ihop View Post
      My SO's grandma passed away and we found out this afternoon. She lived a state over and we need to handle the estate this weekend, with a funeral Monday.

      As soon as I found out, I text all dcps to tell them that will be closed monday. They all prefer texts.

      My contract doesn't really cover what happens if I need a personal day,although I have verbally told them that I close with pay.

      I have only been open two months and am feeling very guilty about closing for a day this early on. No one has asked about payment but everyone paid this morning for the next week. If they make a stink about it I plan to credit them a day and revise my contract.

      My so is my back up, and everyone knows they should have their own personal backup as well. Although I'm not sure everyone does.

      Anyway, I'm wondering if I should be feeling guilty, or expecting a backlash from this. Do you close for similar circumstances?

      My backbone is about as strong as Cooked spaghetti and I have a very hard time letting people down.
      I am sorry for your loss. lovethis

      I would stick to your contract. You stated that you take days off WITH pay.

      If anyone makes a stink about it, I would simply say that you understand it can be an inconvenience but no one plans things like this.

      You require families to have a back up and whether they do or don't is not your concern.

      It's okay to feel bad/guilty but it doesn't mean you have to act on those feelings.

      If you change your policies now or bend, it will more than likely open the door for future negotiations.

      Life happens. People deal. I would hope your families would consider what you and your SO are going through and not add to that.

      Again, :hug:


      • #4
        I'd take the day with pay and not think twice.

        I give myself 5 paid personal days each year. It's very rare I give notice when I take one and I never feel bad. To me this is just part of having a child at a home daycare where there are no backups available.

        If someone complains, I'd term.


        • #5
          :hug: So sorry for your loss.

          Totally get it. I have nothing in my contract about funeral leave. I have holidays and vacations. I closed last week for a funeral and just deducted a day of pay this week since they had already paid. It is in my plan for the new year to add 3 personal days (funeral, emergency, what have you).

          If it is in your contract that you are paid, so be it. They signed. If it was verbal and not written, I guess if they make a stink, I would credit and revise my contract if needed. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty and if they do, you may not want them as clients.


          • #6
            ok fellow spaghetti noodle here..... PLEASE PLEASE listen to BC...and others that are telling you to abide by your contract.

            If there is anything that I have learned from this business is DO NOT, let me repeat DO NOT run it by your emotions and DO NOT give special.

            Lastly, ABIDE by your contract. You wrote it for a reason. they agreed to it, so don't fee bad about it AT ALL....

            I used to let my emotions get in the way and feel bad for the DCP and it only got me walked over even more...

            When you stand behind your polices, parents will respect them as well. AND if they don't then you can show them the door.......


            • #7
              I thought she said it's NOT in her contract and she only verbally told parents? If parents choose not to pay you it would be kinda rude and probably make your relationship with them awkward. I personally don't charge parents for days I close due to sickness or personal time off, only the holidays I have in my contract. I did close early one day from being sick and no one even questioned me about refunding their money and I would have been willing to deduct 1/2 a day or something reasonable. No one had to pay for additional care so not a biggy IMO. When I close and someone is expected to find alternate care I don't charge but that's just me. Unless someone asks I wouldn't feel bad, it's what they agreed upon verbally with you. BUT I suggest you put that in writing and have parents sign it because they could very well not pay you and you have no recourse if you had to go to court.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I am sorry for your loss. lovethis

                I would stick to your contract. You stated that you take days off WITH pay.

                If anyone makes a stink about it, I would simply say that you understand it can be an inconvenience but no one plans things like this.

                You require families to have a back up and whether they do or don't is not your concern.

                It's okay to feel bad/guilty but it doesn't mean you have to act on those feelings.

                If you change your policies now or bend, it will more than likely open the door for future negotiations.

                Life happens. People deal. I would hope your families would consider what you and your SO are going through and not add to that.

                Again, :hug:
                This. If you wiggle on your policy now you will create a huge headache in the future. They signed. Stick to your policy. And like BC said, no one plans a family death. Whether you've been in business for 2 months, 2 years, or 20 years... Don't feel bad about that. You have enough emotional stress on your plate right now... Sorry for your loss :hug:


                • #9
                  I'm very sorry about your loss. I would hope no one would complain or worry about a day's pay in circumstances such as this. It's not like you're going shopping. I do think you made it confusing when your contract states one thing(never mentioned paid days off) but verbally you told them you take days off with pay. Definitely make that change as soon as you can to be covered in your contract so there are no questions asked next time. I like the other poster's idea to include 3 personal paid days a year.
                  I worked years before I gave myself a paid holiday. I think my next step might be 3 personal days.
                  Above all else, take care of yourself and try not to worry about what all your dcps are thinking. You don't need that extra stress.

