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Soy Milk...???

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  • Soy Milk...???

    Does anyone have any experience with soy milk? I have a DCB that is 18 months and the DCM brings him Vanilla Soy Milk and says he only drinks that, not regular milk, but he can have dairy (cheese, yogurt, etc). His poop is the smelliest poop I've ever smelled. I read up on some of the hormone issues with soy, but I'm not sure what's really real or not. What are your thoughts on soy milk for babies?

  • #2
    Soy milk threads:


    • #3
      My own child drinks soy milk and almond milk-neither gives him smelly stools. The soy milk is "healthier" for him, but because of the recent information about soy, his doctor wants to rotate with almond milk-3 cartons of soy to 1 carton of almond milk. We haven't seen the issues with this that we did with dairy (before the doctor FINALLY agreed that he was allergic to milk).


      • #4
        Both my DS and my DD (8yo) are mildly allergic to something in dairy but my DD seems to be outgrowing it and can have minimal amounts of 2% milk and most other dairy products. My DS can also have minimal amounts of dairy but I really have to limit it. For example he can have a cheese stick but if he eats 2 he'll get diarrhea for sure.

        My own children drank soy and it never gave them smelly stools either. I switched my DS (2yo) to almond milk after his ped. recommended it due to the estrogen hormone thing but I did it because my DS drank a lot of it. It was his preferred drink (regular, not vanilla flavor) even over juice so I decided to change it so that I didn't have to keep track of how much he was drinking.


        • #5
          Thanks. Maybe his stools are extra smell due to something else. He always has a runny nose as well. He is probably teething, but his nose is VERY runny! He poops after every meal, its always runny and smells horrific. He also has terrible gas. Something doesn't seem right in his system. I have celiac disease myself and I eat gluten free, that may be it for him, who knows, but I do feel like something is off in his digestion.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BrooklynM View Post
            Thanks. Maybe his stools are extra smell due to something else. He always has a runny nose as well. He is probably teething, but his nose is VERY runny! He poops after every meal, its always runny and smells horrific. He also has terrible gas. Something doesn't seem right in his system. I have celiac disease myself and I eat gluten free, that may be it for him, who knows, but I do feel like something is off in his digestion.
            Maybe it's the vanilla in the soy milk. Goes in smelling good but comes out COMPLETELY changed! ::

            I would push mom to switch to regular. The vanilla flavoring is nothing but filler and not at all necessary.


            • #7
              It sounds like he definitely has a food allergy of some kind


              • #8
                I have a dck here, who has been drinking almond milk since he was about 8 months old! He drank it when the breast milk ran out for the day. He does have a dairy allergy, but his mom didn't want him to have soy milk because of the hormones in it.


                • #9
                  could definitely be a food intolerance. I'm sure you know the horribleness and smell of gluten poops. I'm gluten, wheat, & casein intolerant myself..amongst other things, but those are the big three for me. I use almond & coconut milk, as soy can affect the thyroid, and I am hypothyroid.

