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Do You Enforce

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  • Do You Enforce

    big kids not playing with toddler/baby toys? i have the room a bit informally divided, and there are a couple toys that the 4 yo gravitates to that are intended for the little kids. sometimes it drives me nuts, sometimes i tolerate it. but I don't know if I should be enforcing that these toys are only for the littler ones (2 and under)
    Last edited by Michael; 10-16-2013, 11:55 AM.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    Yep... I "train" them to behave like all baby/toddler toys are like outlets.... OFF limits unless they are in diapers.

    It really doesn't take them long to understand. Now I will see a toddler toy out and all the kids will be freaking out and pointing like there's a spider in the house....

    "Look, Miss C, look!!! there is a baby toy here!!" ::

    Yeah there are times when the older kids do check out the toddler toys but for the most part, they are pretty good about not touching or playing with them.

    Same goes for their toys...if a toddler tries to touch stuff for older kids, my older kids are on them like white on rice.


    • #3
      The in diapers rule is a good one. Enforceable for awhile, since my son will eventually potty train .

      The smaller kids are free to play with all the toys (largely due to space, and having my own kid), but it is mostly the toys that are geared for babies that bother me. ALL the toys are safe for everyone. Just some are for babies and toddlers. Does that make sense?
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        Also, it's one thing to me if I have a big kid who is playing WITH a baby or toddler with the toys (so long as they aren't being domineering or annoyng). I don't mind and encourage that (interact with the toddler in a positive way? Yes please!). what drives me nuts is the big kids fightng with the toddlers for rights to play with the toddler toys. Big kid getting mad because the toddler came over and is using the toddler toy too. That kind of thing.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          I have two bins of toys that next to the photo label have a clip art picture of a sippy cup. If you use a sippy, you can play with them. If you use a big kid cup (all 2+ here do) then you cannot play with them.


          • #6
            Makes perfect sense to me! It amazes me that the 3 and 4 yo's want to play with the baby toys! I mean the silly little things that balls go around in and stuff like that!


            • #7
              I have a bookcase that holds my baby toys. The Olders know they are off limits. I also have toys just for the Olders (Mr & Mrs Potato Head, knex, puzzles, books that can be torn, etc) that the Littles aren't allowed to play with. But the majority of the toys everyone has to share, Littles & Bigs alike.


              • #8
                No. The big kids 3/4 can big kids can play with the baby/toddler toys. The little kids can to some extent play with the big kid toys. If a toy is an obvious probably for little kids, I keep it up on the table, or temporarily block the area off from the babies.


                • #9
                  I could care less as long as the toys are being used nicely. My school agers were more excited about the play kitchen I got than the littles! As for sharing I don't care what it is (unless they are under 18 months) wait your turn-


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Familycare71 View Post
                    I could care less as long as the toys are being used nicely. My school agers were more excited about the play kitchen I got than the littles! As for sharing I don't care what it is (unless they are under 18 months) wait your turn-

                    Admittedly I don't really have baby toys out as the youngest in care is 2 1/2. But honestly I don't need one more "rule" to enforce.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                      big kids not playing with toddler/baby toys? i hvae the room a bit informally divided, and there are a couple toys that the 4 yo gravitates to that are intended for the little kids. sometimes it drives me nuts, sometimes i tolerate it. but I don't know if I should be enforcing that these toys are only for the littler ones (2 and under)
                      yes I do


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dingledine View Post
                        No. The big kids 3/4 can big kids can play with the baby/toddler toys. The little kids can to some extent play with the big kid toys. If a toy is an obvious probably for little kids, I keep it up on the table, or temporarily block the area off from the babies.
                        This is me too. I don't mind if kids are playing nicely but like someone else said, no fighting babies for their baby toys when you have a whole plethora of toys you can play with that they can't! LOL

