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AARGH!!! SIX Cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth!

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  • AARGH!!! SIX Cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth!

    So, the title says it all - SIX kids (four dck's and my two youngest) have or have had Hand, Foot and Mouth in the past two weeks. UGH. They have all been miserable! I've excluded for fevers only - even though they are still contagious for a while after that. There's just nothing I can do (except clean, which is almost a moot point now).

    Now I have to call the only two families who haven't gotten it. I hate this part! One family only comes 1-2 days/week and wasn't here with the two who originally had it (the other four have gotten sick over the weekend) and one family has been on vacation and returns tomorrow. EEK! Any advice?

    Thank goodness I'm closed for vacation on Thursday and Friday! I think these kids all need a break from each other!

  • #2
    DD had it this summer when I didn't have any kids. I'm so glad it was just her because she was a bear! I really don't have any advice for you other than make sure you call the 2 families that haven't gotten it yet, which it sounds like you are planning on doing. Are the parents sending any Maloxx(not sure how to spell it) to squirt in their mouth before eating or Tylenol for pain? Maloxx and Tylenol worked well for us. Hang in there!


    • #3
      omg, I live in absolute fear of HFM! We've never had it but from what I hear you can get it repeatedly and stay contagious for weeks. Ugh...I'm glad to hear that another provider excludes only for the fever, because that's what i was thinking of doing if we ever get it here (Assuming that most of the group shows up with it, that is)
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        We've got it too So far not too bad, no one's too miserable. We ahd it 2 years ago, but once it ran its course we were done.


        • #5
          UPDATE: Called the family that is here 1-2 days/week - both of their kids ended up getting sick with it over the weekend! So, up to 8 cases now! That's just insane!!! Texted the mom that is on vacation so she can decide if she wants to bring him tomorrow and Wed (closed Th. and Fri for my own vacation - yahoo!) - haven't heard any decision about that yet. Oh well, at least everyone has had it now! I'm planning to do a whole bunch of cleaning/disinfecting tonight - not really worth it since everyone already has it, but it will make me feel better!

          MomofSix - Sorry you're having to deal with this too! It's not pleasant, that's for sure!

          Kitkat - Thanks for the support! Nobody has had the mouth sores too badly, so no Maalox. Their poor hands and feet look terrible though! I've been doling out Tylenol/Ibuprofen for that and it seems to help.

          At least today is almost done!


          • #6
            omg Lots of hugs the one time i had it everyone got it and we just couldn't get raid of it until we took a week vacation for everyone then wham all done it drove me bonkers!


            • #7
     poor thing.
              I am glad you get a long weekend to recover!
              Throw all your windows and doors open to air out the germs!!!

