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Bathroom Privacy

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  • Bathroom Privacy

    Okay so my son is 2 and we're about to start potty training. As we all know kids learn best from watching other kids, so is it wrong to allow them in the bathroom together? Part of me feels they need privacy and that it's a good rule encourage but I also see the benefits of him learning to potty from the older kids. What do you others do? Do they go to the bathroom privately, or is somewhat of a group affair? I have also thought about boys can go together and girls together but no mixing genders... anybody have input?

  • #2
    I think it's a privacy thing and should only be shown by a parent or a sibling. I make the children line up outside the door to wait their turn for the bathroom. I would assume that some people do a group affair but that's not for my dc.

    Current dcm told me that at their last daycare that the dcp took a child's potty into the middle of her living room and had the kids line up to go in front of each other. I'm sorry but no way in HECK would I do this. It actually borders on a form of abuse in my head but maybe that's just me.


    • #3
      I take the kids individually too. I assist them with their needs,.. help them on and off, help make sure their get the germs off,.. and go on to the next. I would never allow two in at once.


      • #4
        If I have more than one potty training at a time, then they go in together. In that case peer pressure can work wonders, .

        Any other child who is reasonably self sufficient uses the bathroom in private and I will help when necessary.


        • #5
          At my preschool, it's a 'whoever wants to come in affair' at this point. But, it's this way probably because it's only my daughter that wants to be in there when everyone pees and I only have girls that use the potty right now.

          I do encourage the kids (except my daughter) to go back in the playroom if they come in the bathroom. I don't force them to leave or even make a big deal out of it. They're usually too busy playing to care what others are doing in there anyways.

          I don't really see a problem with it unless they are really 'focusing' on each other's private parts. When they do want to be in there, they're usually looking all around or just talking to the person on the potty or to me.


          • #6
            I have mostly toddlers, and a few preschoolers. The toddlers all potty together -- everyone on potties at the same time, for the sake of practicality. But I am a big believer in modesty, and as soon as the kids can use the bathroom independently, they go alone. They're not allowed to take friends, and they need to close the door.

            As a side note, my sons, who are 8 & 10, are not allowed in the bathroom when all the toddlers are doing potty time either. There have never been any issues, but I just feel that if you don't need to be there (ie if you're old enough to not have to be under my direct supervision every second), then you shouldn't be there.


            • #7
              I take kids individually. My diaper changing station is on the opposite end of the room from my bathroom, so kids know when so-and-so has switched to the potty. Plus I make a REALLY big deal of it with newly training kids. The first time a kid pees on the potty here, after washing hands and getting a sticker on their new sticker chart they run around giving everyone high fives. That's how I use influence I think it's important that kids learn that they have the right to privacy early. If a child wants me to leave the room while they're using the potty, I do, and have them call me when they need help.

