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Not Taking Gender Family

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  • Not Taking Gender Family

    And it has NOTHING to do with the boy, who was very nice and well behaved. During last nights interview dcm said they need care 3 days per week from 7:30-7:30. I had already told dcm my hours were 7:30-5:30 so why they came anyway is beyond me.

    I think the mom is used to being treated special and she thought that maybe I would just go along with it. I am absolutely NOT adding 6 hours to my week for any family. That is such a long day.

    Dcm was planning on coming over today to meet the other dckids and then starting on Monday. I feel bad that she is now under a time crunch but I also feel like she was trying to slide something by me, like maybe I'd be afraid to say no.

    I hope they find someone good who is not already burned out by putting in the long hours. The little guy was sweet. He brought a Little Mermaid Polly Pocket in with him.

  • #2
    Originally posted by crazydaycarelady View Post
    And it has NOTHING to do with the boy, who was very nice and well behaved. During last nights interview dcm said they need care 3 days per week from 7:30-7:30. I had already told dcm my hours were 7:30-5:30 so why they came anyway is beyond me.

    I think the mom is used to being treated special and she thought that maybe I would just go along with it. I am absolutely NOT adding 6 hours to my week for any family. That is such a long day.

    Dcm was planning on coming over today to meet the other dckids and then starting on Monday. I feel bad that she is now under a time crunch but I also feel like she was trying to slide something by me, like maybe I'd be afraid to say no.

    I hope they find someone good who is not already burned out by putting in the long hours. The little guy was sweet. He brought a Little Mermaid Polly Pocket in with him.
    7:30-7:30 is way too long of a day.


    • #3
      holy cow that is a super long day. Good for you sticking to your guns. That child would basically be living with you. They would be going home to just go to bed.... So sad...


      • #4
        I am open 6-6 and I have one kiddo who is here all of those hours. It is a very long day and hard one this child. Good for you for not giving in!


        • #5
          Originally posted by ihop View Post
          I am open 6-6 and I have one kiddo who is here all of those hours. It is a very long day and hard one this child. Good for you for not giving in!
          There is no way I would allow this. What parent is working 12 hour days, 5 days a week? Why do you have this child for so long? I would suggest you look into contracted hours and limit each family to 9 or 10 hours a day within your business hours. There is no way I would allow a child here for 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.


          • #6
            I don't blame you a bit! I've passed on several families who needed longer hours. Ten-hour days are long enough, thank you!


            • #7
              I only have one dcb right now. He's 21 months and I have him 3 days a week for 13 hours each day. His mom works 12-hour shifts at the hospital. They are long days but since it's only 3 times a week it's not too bad. I understand why a lot of providers can't do those hours but it works out ok for me. I have my own kids at home but they are teen/adults so that probably makes it easier than if I had little ones. Plus she's a great mom and dcb is a sweetie. We all enjoy having him here.


              • #8
                7:30-7:30??!!! Is she mad?!?!!? Forget that. That is way to long of a day. No thank you.


                • #9
                  Way too long of a day.


                  • #10
                    Yes, some parents work 12 hour shifts, but where is his Dad? Grandma? I find it awful that he needs to spend 12 hours/day in childcare. That is nearly his entire waking hours (he would literally go home, eat and go to bed!)

                    although...I have parents who do that NOW and the kid is in bed at 7.

                    I wouldn't have taken him either.


                    • #11
                      Kelly, this dcm works at a hospital too, 7am-7pm. Dcd would drop off on his way to work at and dcm would pick up on her way home. Even though it is only 3 days per week I still have kids the other 2 days for 10 hours!


                      • #12
                        I once did a friend a favor and had her daughter from 5:30am to 7:00 pm everyday, 5 days a week.

                        It was torture.


                        • #13
                          sounds to me like there is more to the story than mom is letting on. I don't know too many nurses who work 12 hours every single day, acually I don't think they are allowed to. And then throw in the gender issue, I'm acually wondering if the poor kid is just missing his parents and they are filling in the gap with buying him whatever he wants. We all know people like this.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                            sounds to me like there is more to the story than mom is letting on. I don't know too many nurses who work 12 hours every single day, acually I don't think they are allowed to. And then throw in the gender issue, I'm acually wondering if the poor kid is just missing his parents and they are filling in the gap with buying him whatever he wants. We all know people like this.
                            She said 3 days a week
                            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                            • #15
                              I'll take him! Send him my way, I'm open. happyface
                              I see little people.

