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MRSA!! Please Ease My Fears

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  • MRSA!! Please Ease My Fears

    Hi everyone! This is my first post but I have been a long time lurker. I'm currently working on getting certified to be a provider. But am, in the mean time watching a few children in my home. I did an interview today and the daycare child was sucking on my sons pacifier and before I knew it was in his mouth!! A few moments later the mother goes onto explain to me that the little girl has had MRSA. She said it's not a big deal and that she isn't contagious and that she hasn't shown any signs for a while. My son was sucked on his pacifier after it was in this little girls mouth. OMG....please tell me I'm just freaking out. Please!

  • #2
    Welcome back. MRSA not contagious? I need to look that up. At first glance I would say it is very contagious.

    It is usually transmitter as a staph infection through the skin and since it is a bacterium I would consult your doctor. MRSA is not something to take lightly.

    MRSA is a contagious, antibiotic-resistant staph infection that can become dangerous. Find out the causes and symptoms, and when to call your doctor.
    Last edited by Michael; 10-09-2013, 04:51 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by missD View Post
      Hi everyone! This is my first post but I have been a long time lurker. I'm currently working on getting certified to be a provider. But am, in the mean time watching a few children in my home. I did an interview today and the daycare child was sucking on my sons pacifier and before I knew it was in his mouth!! A few moments later the mother goes onto explain to me that the little girl has had MRSA. She said it's not a big deal and that she isn't contagious and that she hasn't shown any signs for a while. My son was sucked on his pacifier after it was in this little girls mouth. OMG....please tell me I'm just freaking out. Please!
      WHERE did the child have MRSA?? It isn't transmitted in spit unless the culd had it in his mouth, which is rare.

      MRSA in a wound can be cured and afterwards that wound will test negative if cured. However, some people are predisposed to get it again, either in the same area or a different area. Some people are carriers.

      Honestly unless it was in his mouth and was an active infection, you and your kiddo should be just fine.


      • #4
        The mother told me it was on her bottom and that she hasn't shown signs of it in a long while now.


        • #5
          Originally posted by missD View Post
          The mother told me it was on her bottom and that she hasn't shown signs of it in a long while now.
          That sounds right. That is an area where MRSA is commonly found. I have read that once a host has it, the person is more susceptible to it. You are probably ok, but I would talk to your doctor just in case.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Michael View Post
            That sounds right. That is an area where MRSA is commonly found. I have read that once a host has it, the person is more susceptible to it. You are probably ok, but I would talk to your doctor just in case.
            this exactly.

            MRSA is quite common and in that particular location very common in children.


            • #7
              Okay So my little man should be just fine? I just worry so much about that sort of thing.Now, if the little girl does start showing signs of the MRSA attacking again, should she be kept at home?


              • #8
                Originally posted by missD View Post
                Okay So my little man should be just fine? I just worry so much about that sort of thing.Now, if the little girl does start showing signs of the MRSA attacking again, should she be kept at home?
                YES. You need to have clear communication with mom and check the child DAILY. Have her show you where it was last time and keep an eye out. If it comes back, the child must go to the dr immediately and have a culture to confirm it is or isn't MRSA and a treatment protocol. I type up a form I send with parents to the md to be SURE all my questions are answered by the dr.
                but yes, your little one will be fine.

