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Question About EIN Mid-Year

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  • Question About EIN Mid-Year

    I'm hoping someone has experience with this kind of thing...

    I just applied and received an EIN number for my daycare (I've been open for almost a year)). Does anyone know if this changes anything for year end reporting? If I just received the EIN in September, do I have to report Jan - Sept money under my social security number and then Oct - Dec under my EIN?

    What about my tax return? Does anyone know if I have to report under my EIN or can I do it under my SS? Is it interchangable or do I have to report under one or the other?

    Thanks for your help!

  • #2
    More threads on EIN


    • #3
      Nope, you can use it for the entire year. When I first got mine I got it in the middle of the year and used it on my tax paperwork for the entire year. It's connected to your SSN anyway and pretty much just a way to avoid giving your SSN to your clients.

