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18 Month Old Hearing Delayed/ No Naps/ Bad Behavior....Advice??!

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  • 18 Month Old Hearing Delayed/ No Naps/ Bad Behavior....Advice??!

    I have a 18 month DCG that has been here since June. I truly love this girl, and she holds a very special space in my heart. HOWEVER, about a month ago she stopped napping, she was taking 2 naps at 2 hours each and then over night she stopped napping. It has been almost 4 weeks of no naps. She will lay down for about 15-20 minutes and then she will wake up and start talking and then eventually crying. We have moved her to only one nap now, and it's not helping at all. She is keeping the others awake, and it is driving me bonkers.

    She also is not following basic directions that I would expect an 18 month old to follow. (Sit in chair, stay in playroom, don't touch the baby's paci.) She is completely non-verbal, I have taught her some signs ( I am fluent), but she still isn't improving on the behavior front. She is becoming more whiny/needy and less playful/happy every day.

    A couple of weeks ago, DCM asked me if she was talking at my house and I said no, and then she informed me that she had some hearing loss and is supposed to be wearing aids, that she is not wearing. That explained A LOT about why she ignores me when I tell her "no", or "Susie, turn around and come back" BUT it doesn't solve the problem. I am not equipped to deal with this, nor am I pleased that this wasn't discussed at the interview.

    Any advice on how to handle this? I am thinking about just given them 2 weeks notice, but I want to maybe give them a chance to have her wear her aids and then see how it goes? Thoughts? Advice?

  • #2
    Originally posted by MCC View Post
    I have a 18 month DCG that has been here since June. I truly love this girl, and she holds a very special space in my heart. HOWEVER, about a month ago she stopped napping, she was taking 2 naps at 2 hours each and then over night she stopped napping. It has been almost 4 weeks of no naps. She will lay down for about 15-20 minutes and then she will wake up and start talking and then eventually crying. We have moved her to only one nap now, and it's not helping at all. She is keeping the others awake, and it is driving me bonkers.

    She also is not following basic directions that I would expect an 18 month old to follow. (Sit in chair, stay in playroom, don't touch the baby's paci.) She is completely non-verbal, I have taught her some signs ( I am fluent), but she still isn't improving on the behavior front. She is becoming more whiny/needy and less playful/happy every day.

    A couple of weeks ago, DCM asked me if she was talking at my house and I said no, and then she informed me that she had some hearing loss and is supposed to be wearing aids, that she is not wearing. That explained A LOT about why she ignores me when I tell her "no", or "Susie, turn around and come back" BUT it doesn't solve the problem. I am not equipped to deal with this, nor am I pleased that this wasn't discussed at the interview.

    Any advice on how to handle this? I am thinking about just given them 2 weeks notice, but I want to maybe give them a chance to have her wear her aids and then see how it goes? Thoughts? Advice?
    Flat out ask for the child to arrive WITH her hearing aides. If they bring her without them, refuse care for that day.

    As for the nap thing... if it gets so bad that you can't accommodate her not napping, then term based on the fact that she has outgrown your program.


    • #3
      oh my goodness. that is so not cool. i have only been doing daycare for six years and have had several parents not tell me of special needs. one was a very severe mental delay and I was really upset when the parents brought him and never said a word. That was the only interview I ever did where a child was not present and I will never do that again!

      I would schedule a meeting and be frank with what you are seeing, the importance of them sharing her needs with you, and what you expect to see in the future in order to continue care.

      it seems pretty obvious that letting your provider know your child wears hearing aids at home would be an important thing to discuss. i have no idea what parents are thinking....either trying to sneak a special needs kid into mainstream care or just laziness or perhaps denial. i am sorry both you and this girl have been struggling due to the parents poor choices.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        oh my goodness. that is so not cool. i have only been doing daycare for six years and have had several parents not tell me of special needs. one was a very severe mental delay and I was really upset when the parents brought him and never said a word. That was the only interview I ever did where a child was not present and I will never do that again!

        I would schedule a meeting and be frank with what you are seeing, the importance of them sharing her needs with you, and what you expect to see in the future in order to continue care.

        it seems pretty obvious that letting your provider know your child wears hearing aids at home would be an important thing to discuss. i have no idea what parents are thinking....either trying to sneak a special needs kid into mainstream care or just laziness or perhaps denial. i am sorry both you and this girl have been struggling due to the parents poor choices.
        I am under the impression that she is not wearing them at home either. They say she wont keep them in. I have no experience with this, so I'm not sure how to encourage a child to keep hearing aids in.

        I spoke to mom at pick up and she said that her delay just isn't that serious. I thought a Dr. wouldn't prescribe hearing aids if it wasn't that serious, right? or Am I completely wrong?


        • #5
          Oh no
          Even if it isn't 'that severe' of hearing loss, it is clearly impacting her day at your house, and she needs to wear them all.the.time. Might even help her napping.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MCC View Post
            I am under the impression that she is not wearing them at home either. They say she wont keep them in. I have no experience with this, so I'm not sure how to encourage a child to keep hearing aids in.

            I spoke to mom at pick up and she said that her delay just isn't that serious. I thought a Dr. wouldn't prescribe hearing aids if it wasn't that serious, right? or Am I completely wrong?
            it really doesnt matter what mom thinks. at this point, her child's behavior is disruptive and you are ready to term if you don't see improvement. i think a meeting is in order still.

            but don't feel bad if you have to term! do what you feel is best.

