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Taking My First Sick Day...

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  • Taking My First Sick Day...

    Since I was licensed last year. My dcb who had the snot pouring down his face last week and the week before that (has been sent home 4 times in the past 2 weeks) was just sent home again today for the same thing!! Not to mention, my dcbf, dd, myself, and 2 other kids got sick. So I'm taking the day tomorrow to sleep in (dd isn't dropped off from her dads until 9:30+) and am disinfecting EVERYTHING in the day care space. I also sent home a reminder and update on sick policy as well as others. Hopefully they start to understand... KEEP YOU SICK KIDS HOME!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Brooksie View Post
    Since I was licensed last year. My dcb who had the snot pouring down his face last week and the week before that (has been sent home 4 times in the past 2 weeks) was just sent home again today for the same thing!! Not to mention, my dcbf, dd, myself, and 2 other kids got sick. So I'm taking the day tomorrow to sleep in (dd isn't dropped off from her dads until 9:30+) and am disinfecting EVERYTHING in the day care space. I also sent home a reminder and update on sick policy as well as others. Hopefully they start to understand... KEEP YOU SICK KIDS HOME!!!!!!!
    I took last Friday and Monday off. I was sick the whole weekend and I'm still not at 100%. I am going to have to change my sick policy because it says child can not come to care with a fever over 100, throwing up or diarrhea. The past 2 weeks parents have been dropping off saying things like..JOJO is not a 100% but no fever! Call me if you think he/she needs to go home. As snot is running down their face. Right... by the time the meds wear off its after nap and you'll be picking up in an hour. I have been providing care for 13 years and last year was the first time this started happening.


    • #3
      Originally posted by kathiemarie View Post
      I took last Friday and Monday off. I was sick the whole weekend and I'm still not at 100%. I am going to have to change my sick policy because it says child can not come to care with a fever over 100, throwing up or diarrhea. The past 2 weeks parents have been dropping off saying things like..JOJO is not a 100% but no fever! Call me if you think he/she needs to go home. As snot is running down their face. Right... by the time the meds wear off its after nap and you'll be picking up in an hour. I have been providing care for 13 years and last year was the first time this started happening.
      In case you need a little help with your revision, this is my updated policy:

      • Sick Child. Maryland law prohibits me from caring for sick children. Therefore, you may NOT bring your sick child to my Home for care. If you give your Child medication to reduce a fever or mask symptoms of illness and bring the sick Child to my Home without telling me about the medication, you will be violating this Agreement, and I will have the right to terminate it immediately. If your child becomes sick while in my care, I will call you, and you must pick up your child promptly. I will keep your sick Child separated from the other children in my care until you arrive.

      After any illness, your Child must be free of all symptoms (not just fever and vomiting) for at least twenty-four (24) hours before returning to my Home. After a serious illness, your Child will be allowed to return to my Home only with written permission from the Childs’ physician and with permission from me as well. It is your responsibility to find alternate care for your sick Child and to notify me when your sick Child will not be present in my Home on a scheduled Child Care Day. Please inform me of any contagious illness so I may alert the parents of other children exposed to you Child.

      The definition of a sick child for the purpose of this Agreement shall be a child who has a fever (100 degrees F. or above); vomiting; diarrhea; a runny nose with thick, discolored discharge; a rash of unknown cause; severe pain, extreme listlessness or other dramatic personality change indicating the child is not well or any other symptom of acute illness; serious transmissible infection or communicable disease.

      While I try to be understanding about mild cold symptoms, a child MUST be able to recognize that their nose is running and also ‘cover their cough’ if they are to be present for the day. Again, please be sure to have back up care available for when your child is too sick to be present. If someone in my household is sick that will be present, I will notify you as soon as possible; at this time it is your decision whether you will still bring your child even though they may be exposed to the illness. If your child then becomes ill him/herself, they are not exempt from the Sick Policy and still need to be kept home until their symptoms are gone.

      Your Child should be able to participate in the normal activities of the day. When having to care for sick children, it keeps me from providing quality care to the other children in my Child Care Home. Therefore, you will have one (1) hour to pick up your sick child/ren.


      • #4
        Thank you!


        • #5
          I use the 24/48 hour rule.

          Virtually eliminates ALL reoccurring illnesses and has parents taking responsibility before an illness gets out of hand.

          If a parent decides to keep an ill child home, they need to remain home for a FULL 24 hours.

          If I send a kid home from child care due to illness, they remain out for a FULL 48 hours.

          Seriously, it works fantastic!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I use the 24/48 hour rule.

            Virtually eliminates ALL reoccurring illnesses and has parents taking responsibility before an illness gets out of hand.

            If a parent decides to keep an ill child home, they need to remain home for a FULL 24 hours.

            If I send a kid home from child care due to illness, they remain out for a FULL 48 hours.

            Seriously, it works fantastic!
            I like this idea!! Keeps it out of your hands and air! its like they're being rewarded for doing the right thing in the first place by not being excluded longer, but the sick kids is still not exposing other kids. love it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              I use the 24/48 hour rule.

              Virtually eliminates ALL reoccurring illnesses and has parents taking responsibility before an illness gets out of hand.

              If a parent decides to keep an ill child home, they need to remain home for a FULL 24 hours.

              If I send a kid home from child care due to illness, they remain out for a FULL 48 hours.

              Seriously, it works fantastic!
              I agree with Blackcat. I adopted her policy and so far so good. Children still get sick and are absent, sometimes illness does still spread in fact we had Roseola go around and 3 of 7 caught it but no one ever comes to care with excludable symptoms nor do they suddenly develop excludable symptoms "mysteriously" in the afternoon.
              Last edited by nanglgrl; 10-01-2013, 01:55 PM. Reason: Typo


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I use the 24/48 hour rule.

                Virtually eliminates ALL reoccurring illnesses and has parents taking responsibility before an illness gets out of hand.

                If a parent decides to keep an ill child home, they need to remain home for a FULL 24 hours.

                If I send a kid home from child care due to illness, they remain out for a FULL 48 hours.
                Seriously, it works fantastic!
                I can confirm this works. I started doing this over a year ago and haven't had a sick kiddo since


                • #9
                  I was in the exact situation last week. Of course they labeled it as allergies that magically spread to everyone and caused high fever too. So I too had my first sick day. Of course they were the only ones who ignored my messages left about the closure and were upset when they showed up and were denied care because I was closed. I like the ideas mentioned here....methinks a policy update is in order for the winter...

